Sup g

Sup g
Did you know that there is a new chan browser in the App Store? It's called The Chan

Other urls found in this thread:


t. itoddler

Wrong board

The app is still in development so if you want to request some features just post them in this tread on sosach.
Developer understands english.

P.S. Can't post web links because of spam filter


Also you do realize you're in violation of global rule 11, right?



Your link is invalid

Sup Forums is exempt from that rule since otherwise they'd have to remove the entire board because it's nothing but shills


Your life is invalid, RMA yourself.

Why are you so mad?

Mad? Nah I'm just disappointed appletards can't muster enough brain power to understand they or their fruity fashion accessories don't belong on Sup Forums.

You'd think they would get the hint after 6 million threads denouncing appletards and their fashion accessories.

Sup Forums is a very gay and tolerant board. All of Sup Forums is gay.

webm support?

>this whole thread
wow i bet there's some quality discussion taking place itt

Is this bait?
Also i bet it won't support the last good iOS version anyway.

>search app store
>no results

Whatever you say boris


Search thechan

fucking retard, can't even name your gay app right

They probably took it down because of how excessively gay it was.

>no NSFW boards
>made by russian
top kek

