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lol omg...

>implying that AMD stock wasn't just to pump and dump

Panic selling is a good way to ensure it keeps dropping, shill.

so? if you sell now you don't care how far it drops

mgtow spotted

oy vey, some jews blown out by another bunch of jews

all is getting good in the world

Yes, all the people making money from the stock market wait until just after a major product launch to dump their shares.

>5 day
Love it when Sup Forumsedditor children pretend to know stock


You don't understand how stock pricing works. Everytime you sell a share, the price drops.
Besides, if the company pays dividends there is little reason to pump and dump the stock unless you think it's overvalued—in which case you sell progressively (in order to not cause a panic) until it reaches a price you deem fair.

7% drop in one day is bad

Nvidia dropped by 9.3% in a day a week ago (the largest drop in their entire history). Are they finished and bankrupt too?

It's fucking nothing

sure. but this only matters if you own a lot of shares

Sup Forums toddler rekt


That's a bad sign for any company

Yes. Jewtel is going in for the kill.

No, it really isn't. Nvidia's stock is crashing due to it having bubbled up to an insane level over the past six months. Over $120 at its peak when it's realistically worth about $60. Now we're seeing the bubble pop and heavy falls, largely based on the fact that analysts said it was time to sell up last week (which people did, which sent prices tumbling down).

Ultimately, despite the fact that it's going to be a huge drop before all's said and done, it's just a return to normality after a period of insanity. Nvidia will be fine. So will AMD, who were under $2 a year ago and didn't suddenly blink out of existence.

just fuck off to Sup Forums you clueless piece of shit

I never said AMD was bankrupt, you are confusing me with someone else.

I said 7% loss in one day is bad, I don't know how you could deny that.

week ago amd got 8% gain in one day
so everything is as 7 days ago

Since November 8th, Election Day, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and consumer confidence is at a 15 year high. Jobs!

>Trump will take the bubble pop that Obama delayed for years

I'm aware that this happened, but I have a stupid question that's probably more /biz/ but whatever.

Is this really how it works?
>buy 30 Nvidia shares at $30/share in late 2015 for $900
>analysts say it peaked
>sell 30 Nvidia shares at $120/share in early 2017 for $3600
> subtract broker/trading fees

So, basically, how bad are the broker/trading fees to make this not as good as it sounds, or are they not all that bad and the main issue putting money in the right stock (obviously also an issue anyway).

Sorry for being an investment babby.

>how bad are the broker/trading fees to make this not as good as it sounds
Pretty fucking bad, but in some countries there's things like Robinhood that literally have no fees
Stock profits are taxed as well, so you get shafted there too
> the main issue putting money in the right stock
This is harder than you think
Check /biz/, and mainly Investopedia, /biz/ is full of people scamming themselves

>when it's realistically worth about $60
Who are you to decide that? If people are willing to pay $120 for it, then it's worth as much

>I don't know what a bubble and overvalued means

I don't have any self managed investments (probably a good thing), though I do gather that I'm allowed to self-direct my TFSA (canada tax free account).

Hindsight is 20-20, obviously we can look at AMD and Nvidia and see when good times to buy and sell over the past year have been. But hypothetically if you did get in/out at the right times, would that be how it works? What order of magnitude are the fees in NA? You get something like questrade saying it's $10 max per trade, but I'm suspicious that's not the whole story. After I properly learn this stuff I plan on opening a test account with them, but even then I feel like they're going to omit a bunch of fees you would incur in reality.

Still, how can you decide it's worth $60 and not $10 or $200?

There is no connection between the stock and real world value except how much it sells for and the dividends

Wait for vega

>I don't know how stocks work
You gotta sell it when everyone's buying and buy them when everybody else is selling.

>I don't know how posts work

>I don't know how stocks work
You gotta selling it when everyone's buying buy and buy and everybody else is selling.

>I don't know how posts work

>post yfw AMD finally goes bankrupt

Holy shit, AMD shills are incompetent!

People aren't willing to pay $120 though. That's why it's crashing. There's no need for me to justify my valuation, as you'll see it soon enough reflected in real prices, since this slide isn't going to stop any time soon. Even the most optimistic analyst predictions currently have it settling at $75-85 in the mid-term. I predict lower. We'll see. The one thing they all agree on is that you need to get out right the fuck now (which started the crash in the first place).

Market cap.

Have we reached a new era of shitposting or is this chinkmoot's doing?

>post your face when the jews at Intel finally get their monopoly

We're hitting shitposting levels that shouldn't even be possible!

I dont not know how AMD works

There's Samsung, Qualcomm, Apple...

At $2 AMD's market cap was about 2 billion. That's less than what Facebook, Google or Microsoft pay for some one shot startups. AMD's patents and IP were worth more than that.

AMD's current market valuation is 8% of Intel's. AMD is definitely worth that.


Is "I don't know how X works" a new meme?

>I don't know how memes work

It took me too long to realize this isn't about bitcoin

We're posting lewd 3.1's again?

it dropped because their chips released

all of the non tech people are going to sell because they don't care if it was good or bad, they're selling cuz the hype train died 2 days ago
it'll stay high since the chips aren't a disaster and are going to kill all broadwell-E & 2011 socket shit as well as do decent for gaymen

>post yfw intel starts charging $1k for i3 because there is no competition.

Or did they laugh you out of their board?