I don't see how they can possibly recover. I think this was their last shot.
My take is they'll just slowly wither until one of the big most relevant players like Samsung or Qualcomm decides to buy them out.
I don't see how they can possibly recover. I think this was their last shot.
My take is they'll just slowly wither until one of the big most relevant players like Samsung or Qualcomm decides to buy them out.
They'll be kept afloat by their retarded fans who sacrifice their cash for "competition"
You mean consoles?
what are you talking about, They just won.
the gaming performance is exactly what we should expect with an increase in IPC and a decrease in clock speed.
>5 frames less than Intel in games
pretty much this
and they are all above 100 frames as well
"bad for gaymen" mirite
>the gaming performance is exactly what we should expect
You can't be serious
Taking 6 years to barely catch up with your competitor is not exactly winning, user.
fallout 4 is literally the worst one in the pcgamer review
todd howard cant code for shit
Who fucking cares. They deserve to be gassed along with all their cryzen shitposters.
thats fallout 4 only
the average of every game they reviewed is right above you ryzen is beating almost every intel chip
Despite problems ryzen is a good competition an probably will yield good mobile and server chips.
They aren't top gaming but good all around and trade blows with Intel extreme.
If I was getting CPUs for office certainly I would get ryzen for better performance and lower prices like bottom.
The base is it's not a top gamer CPU but it's reasonable well.
Amdfags are literally more obnoxious than nintendrones and that's not an easy feat.
OK let's try Ashes, literally an AMD sponsored game
Being that I'm not going to be in the cpu market for several years at least I can keep myself away from the pitfalls that brings. I've been reading and watching all these reviews I can find and it's not very convincing atm. I'm watching this youtube.com
Not to mention these developing issues that might get corrected soon. Gotta follow these reviews for weeks to get the full picture.
I don't know why people just can't keep their mind open. I'm pretty tired of people treating AMD/Intel/Nvidia like sports teams or something.
Wrong, that is not the average gaming, those are CPU tests
Here is the average gaming.
Ryzen is truly horrible for gaming.
That's literally a 25% increase you dumb cunt.
52% IPC increase with a 10-20% decrease in clock speed, that lines up
>only 7 frames away from the 7700k
>bad for gaming
wow its fucking nothing isn't it
>112 vs 105
Lol Sup Forumstards burned their brain. Ryzen just destroyed Broadwell-E market.
So you expected really bad gaming performance?
>105 frames per second vs 112 frames per second
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"""""""horrible for gaming"""""""""""""
this is the kind of exaggerating intel shills will make
nevermind the fact that the AMD chips are cheaper and more future proof
A $340 Intel chip is beating a $500 Ryzen chip
I would say that is truly horrible.
Who is going to buy 6950x now? tsk tsk
you mean a $370 intel chip is a 5 frame difference from a $300 ryzen chip
What are you smoking.
Post proof of those prices.
Clearly you are blind
7700k is $340
The closest Ryzen competitor to it is the 1800X and it costs $500
Samefag you don't have to reply to me twice on your phone and desktop, once is enough
>muh gaymes
fallout 4, a game that benefits greatly from faster ram, still preforms above what the engine chan handle when the bios has hamstrung the ram...
you call 110+fps shit, I call it great
Post proof.
>110 FPS
I call you mentally retarded.
I call paying $160 more for a CPU that performs worse, very very shit.
The proof was that tinge you felt in your butthole when I called you out for being a samefagging jewboy.
It still looks like a very compelling offer for workstations, pretty much matching the 6900k at half the price.
But for gaming it's pretty disappointing considering the 7700k exists.
I really hope this isn't their last shot. I prefer intel but I'd rather not be jewed indefinitely by lack of competition.
post proof.
a $1800 intel chip has 14 more fps than a $300 ryzen chip
jesus christ why would anyone buy intel?
yea, was called that too when i bought the 4 core I have, turns out that was the right call as dual cores at the time no longer even boot some games.
again, performs worse how?
I have had all 4 cores max out and stutter because the cpu just can't take it anymore, I have had games lock up because a background app decided to kick in.
I don't play game on a sterile freshly booted system
You're only replying to me on one device right now :^)
Hence why I'm building a 1800x + GTX 1070 system for video editing and motion graphics / VFX work.
if the performance delta really is all down to the bad firmware then yes they can recover. if not then things look very grim.
Nice inspect element m8
Didn't modify it a bit.
Nice shit for brains.
There he goes again
At least they made a comeback and forced jewtel to lower some of their prices.
The R7 1700 has a lot of potential. The 1700x and 1800x aren't for gaymen (pic proofs this) and are for workstation use, with the 1700x compareable to the i7 6850, and the 1800x to the i7 6900
down syndrome much
The R7 1700 is quite bad for gaming too, the only difference is the price.
See It's actually the worst at gaming of all of them.
>"Ryzen is truly horrible for gaming."
>Top 10 scores are within 10 fps of each other
Looks like AMDs leap was pretty spot on.
Dont even bother calling suicide watch for the Intel shills. They're already dead. Serial silicon innovation is dead.
Capcha: meado champ
AMD says that a lot of the games are using less than optimal code paths and they're working with the game devs to address the problems with the unusual results. If the results for the various other applications are to be believed then ryzen should be pretty close to the i7 8 cores at least if not better so there's something else going on here.
For the i5 which shits all over all the ryzen cpus for $100 less.
Yes they can, if people stop sucking intel's dick
>$500 Ryzen chip beat by $340 Intel chip
>muh gaems
Anyone know how AMD Ryzen fares in single thread workloads?
>$1000 Intel chip beaten by $500 AMD chip.
This goes both ways cunt.
I don't even know what that means though. At a higher level for game programming you definitely aren't writing code to favor some certain CPU. Unless it is the case that engines like Unreal, Unity, Cry, Source, etc are somehow Intel biased under the hood its not going to bring the collective performance of games along with it.
This isn't a typical result though based on the benchmark's I've seen. Generally the 7700k out-performs the 1800x and 6900k by a sizeable amount in gaming. As a gaming sku the 1800x isn't very compelling.
~10% below 7700K, around the same as the 6900K,
It might suck for 15 year old faggots wanting to play CSGO at 170 FPS. Instead, they'll only be able to get 150 FPS. Boo hoo.
However, when it comes to compiling Gentoo, the smart computing enthusiast knows which CPU is king.
why would somebody be compiling the linux kernel multiple times a day every day.
$1743 Intel Chip beat by $340 Intel Chip
>81.65 seconds
Is this with or without support for all hardware?
As someone who's main machines consist of i3s/i5s, core2quads, and Prescott CPUs, that's pretty fucking impressive.
The $340 intel chip is literally the #1 fastest chip there, the choice is obvious
You don't need to shill at me, I already got my Ryzen senpai.
>However, when it comes to compiling Gentoo, the smart computing enthusiast knows which CPU is king.
I can't even tell if this is satirical
>I already got my Ryzen senpai
Sorry for your loss
You must not be a programmer. It's not about compiling the linux kernel. It's about compilation speed in general. Ryzen is one hell of a programmer's workstation CPU.
If AMD improves the AVX pipeline to be dual-issue like KabyLake processors and they increase the PCIe channels and add quad-channel memory for Zen+, they'll be fine.
As it stands, they're still quite competitive.
Post proofs.
Eventhough I have been shilling hard against Ryzen, I still want AMD to do well. I hope for you user that AMD's FineWine (tm) comes through for you.
>He doesn't store his files on a jump drive and recompile every morning.
Lmao what a pleb.
Apparently there's something special about the way AMD implemented SMT
from Tom's Hardware
>We come away from today's coverage with a number of questions that couldn't be answered in time for the launch. For instance, we discovered Ryzen's tendency to perform better in games with SMT disabled. Could this be a scheduling issue that might be fixed later? AMD did respond to our concerns, reminding us that Ryzen's implementation is unique, meaning most game engines don't use if efficiently yet. Importantly, the company told us that it doesn’t believe the SMT hiccup occurs at the operating system level, so a software fix could fix performance issues in many titles. At least one game developer (Oxide) stepped forward to back those claims. However, you run the risk that other devs don't spend time updating existing titles.
It looks like it's compiling the Kernel with the default configuration. It's not compiling everything, but it is compiling the default modules.
I am a programmer. None of the stuff I do takes long enough to compile that I would worry about getting a special CPU for it.
It's also beating a 1600 dollar ship
he is quite a lot serious..
notice the average now notice the mins..
1800x is 13% behind 6900k
1700x is 5% behind 6850/6800
1700 is 6% behind 6800
as for the rest well the results speaks for themselfs..
overall its doing FINE regardless of the shills overhyping it to infinity and beyond because even if it had double the perf of a 7700k in their eyes it would have been "ok"
oh now the closest became the 1800x? and not the 1700x that is 60 more or the 1700 that is 20 less?
no its the 1800x that costs more than 140
Why is everyone so fucking stupid. In most benchmarks they are comparing the processors at stock speeds. Of course a 4+ GHz Intel CPU is better than 3.4GHz AMD. Show me overclocked benchmarks and then we can talk about if amd is a failure
That's not bad gaming performance, besides I play at 1440p, no noticeable difference between the companies there.
On the other hand, AMD provides a lot of other value to me, as a systems engineer, this thing will be a monster VM host while also being able to game
well at least it already broke the 6900k all core record
also jewztwopesos did a quite good video about it youtube.com
sadly doesnt seem we will see a fix from microsoft any time soon
The "omg amd killed" shills are also skipping over the fact that these intel CPUs are also barely faster than their 3-4 year old cpus.
whoops spaghet
AMD confirmed Ryzen supports IOMMU in case you're curious about that.
The compilation argument is dumb. It takes minutes to compile even the largest projects I've worked on (~1mil lines of code, AAA game).
>Intel shills going to psyops trying to act like this is negative
the new AMD cpus are 100% competitive with Intel chips now and the 1800x has an untapped market completely to itself, the discrepancy in the speeds being benched can also be completely different in the upcoming weeks as things are patched and are not really that big to begin with
any video featuring both jayztwoshekels and nerdgasm is by definition not good
normally i agree but he goes a lot deep on the problems ryzen currently has
You'd have to be stupid to think it's competitive
>overall its doing FINE
The 1800x is the only one that even comes close in performance to the 7700k, and it costs $160 more. That's the problem.
>software development
>video rendering
It's easily competitive in the HEDT segment with Intel's $1k CPUs. Not everything is about vidya gamen.
Also that performance/watt is gonna spell trouble for Intel once the server chips drop.
Yeah my body is ready
Qualcomm is 10x the size of AMD.
Samsung is 100x the size of AMD.
AMD truly is irrelevant.
Play the bingo looking at this thread.
Top kek
What bugs me the most is they haven't released the 6C and 4C CPUs, which is the mainstream things.
Also I don't understand. Do AMD imply that their 4C 8T CPUs aren't even near Intels counterpart if they have to make a 8C and 16T compete against it?
AMD is just desperately throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.
>processor is super competitive i nthe msot profitable sectors