>doesn't game
>still uses windows
Doesn't game
>only browses web
>uses a device bigger than a phone/tablet
>Sup Forums
>doesn't game
>is not chauvinistic autistic manchildren territory
Yeah, I kind of stopped playing games, really. Or rather, AAA titles are crap, and the indie stuff that I do play runs on linux natively or under wine.
So I'm thinking of switching to dual-boot once Ubuntu 17.04 releases.
>he wants things to just work without all the bullshit linux gives you
>this makes him a manchild
I guess you either don't work, or work in some fag job that doesn't require software for men that's unfortunately only available on windows.
Some people are just don't want to be a smelly sys.admins, you know.
>doesn't program
>still uses Unix
Pretty much everything that connects to a fiscal printer, and Microsoft SQL.
Anything that's big boy's engineering too.
Yeah, because there a ton of professional applications on looooonix.
I use it on my laptop, but come one guys.
How do you expect me to run ZBrush? Wine? Lol.
>once Ubuntu 17.04 releases.
Get Arch for the real Linux experience
>using a phone/tablet for anything you could do at your computer
linuxfags absolutely BTFO.
What do you say now, looonixtards?
Ever heard of dual booting? And games still work fine on Windows 7. You have the option of not running an OS riddled with telemetry.
>uses a cell phone
>uses android
>uses google
>cares about "telemetry" boogeyman
>freetards in a nutshell
>Telemetry boogeyman
You might have heard of the PRISM project and Edward Snowden. Boogeyman, sure. Also, what are custom ROMs?
>He gaymes
>install arch
>change font
>x can't start
Fuck this. I love arch but seriously it breaks too much. I guess that is a real linux expierience. Ubuntu is less likely to break.
Also install gentoo, or funtoo, for a better linux expierience than arch.
>the OS he uses sucks at something
>n-nobody who's cool does that anyways111
That's how you sound
Now that Windows 10 is a rolling release just like Arch, you have the "Linux breaks lol" feeling on Windows too.
It's great I guess.
This is such a shitty bait:
I've used init/gnu/linux2.x.x for years, then launchd/outdatedBsdTools/OS10 for almost a decade, now only systemd/gnu/linux4x.x again.
There is nothing wrong with windows: telemetry can be disabled, updates can be postponed, wm can be configured, it has something with ubuntu/x11 (never tried it)
From a technical point of view it's not worse than the other popular desktop OS, it's major flaw is its proprietary nature, which is the reason I avoid it.
when i compare, all the hussles & tweaking in the 90-ties, needed to get some kernel 1.3 / 2.o.35 GNU/Linux up & running, on some Pentium1/24 MB ram or on classicAmiga_12oo 68o40/PowerPC_G2 hybridSymetricMultiprocessing; nowDays allmost every localised desktop distros (Mint, simplyMepis, AntiX, ubuntu,...) which i put in multiBoot, during gnuFeministic & cyberFeministic advocacy & activism, to new folk, who look for help inSide & outSide of a hackLab, i can say: -GNU/Linux is easier & less time consuming to install (halfAnHour per distro, compared to a day to patch, protect (fireWall), driverSolve & userLand (apps) equip any winblou$) -GNU/Linux is easier to use -- all the techical details are hidden from common desktop user, & left to root/admin realm...to the point that some desktop distros have their terminal/shell dissabled.. :) (control panels & centers reigns... :) ) -GNU/Linux saves time in general -- my estimate is 80 % after full switch (support) -you are on the legal side -- no cracking -one can recycle way old hw -- Pent2 / 64-256 MB ram with AntiX (exception to above is maybe hw egsotics like Debian GNU/Linux on new dual or Quad c0re Power6 AmigaOne x1ooo or x5ooo/4o 2.4 GHz :) & other non x86 hw like ARM/rasperyPi or the like. ) ...recently, we had an interesting phenomenon with g33ks in hackLab: experienced Slackware, Debian, Gentoo, arch,... powerUsers figured that, staying on a bleedeng rollingRelease tweakingTheLast edge "as-per-se" has no point any more, & that leaving developers, betaTesters, maintainers & packagers job is better to outSource to the people that do that things the best, so they switching to versionin "newbie" distros... :) ...actualy now than ever, it is more a question of psichologycal, sociologycal...maybe culture acceptance; than technical excelence.
Using google doesn't put the files on my hard drive at risk. Using Windows does.
>use Chrome OS because Sup Forums told me Windows was bad
>they still call me a faggot for using the "wrong" operating system
>use MacOS because Sup Forums told me Windows was bad
>they still call me a faggot for using the "wrong" operating system
>use [linux distribution someone doesn't like] because Sup Forums told me Windows was bad
>they still call me a faggot for using the "wrong" operating system
>over 18
>still plays gaymes
>"""builds""" gayming """rigs"""
>Is a developer
>uses loonix
Visual studio still going strong, will anything ever match it's power?
>>Visual studio
>he still makes programs for Winshit
>mfw making money writing programs instead of being a NEETshit and working for free
Winshit programmers are the lowest of the low. Average salary of .Net/C# programmer is even lower than Javashit programmer. I bet you're a smelly pajeet too.
The average is low because of all the poos. it will go up if Trump ever manages to stop H1Bs.
Have you ever worked on a moderately sized project with C++? I guess not as you would know how cumbersome it would be without VS
>"I never worked at a project bigger than a django website": the post
>he doesn't want to use the plethora of great software available for windows
>being this stupid
Even pajeet can have a job and be productive, what are you doing user?
>considers himself technologically literate
>still posts and participates in low hanging fruit OS war threads in which the tired regurgitation hasn't meaningfully changed in nearly two decades
>is a simpering child that has to be handheld by his operating system and wikis to get work done instead of simply using what he likes and making it work the way he wants to
>still thinks he's actually any better or more "productive" than gamertards when 95% of his computer use is likely web browsing and media consumption
>windows telemetry can be disabled
>I know this because I can read closed source code
Sorry if I expect my coworkers to be able to view the documents I create without formatting issues. That kinda disqualifies loonix and the various open/libre office clones which don't even agree with each other, never mind the proprietary industry standard which actually manages consistency.
>I think I'm smart because I assume all proprietary code is inherently and maliciously compromised but I'm too retarded to set up a firewall
>I think I'm smart but I don't know what Enterprise is
>I think I'm smart but I still unironically believe that the above is still severely compromised despite many government institutions and large corporations handling sensitive information on Windows systems that have purchased rights to view and audit the code continuing to use it with minimal scandal or complaint
I have no choice. My supervisor won't allow any other operating system.
I can't change the OS of my computer because my wife's boyfriend can't use linux and the retard likes using my computer when he's here..
does he let you watch him fuck her or do you have to jerk outside the door
They let me post in Sup Forums and Sup Forums from my cuck shack when he's here.
>he still wastes his days away on a server os
>uses mac
>complains that gaymes aren't available on his platform
>doesn't game
>doesn't use Windows 10 with bash
>doesn't want access to the most functional software
>wants to be restricted by linux, macOS, or BSD