Lol we won...

Lol we won. With everything leaked so far today about android phones any of you guys thinking of making the switch to iPhones?



Apple is for faggots, iOS is garbage

Already have one :^)

Yeah a one inch bepis ya little turbobabby

i'm getting a SE on payment plan because I'm a poor manlet

are the crystal gems

I literally do not give a single fuck. I will continue to use androids until the day I die.

iOS and macs are backdoored and exploited too.

What's your point? All OSes are.

>Despite iPhone's minority share (14.5%) of the global smart phone market in 2016, a specialized unit in the CIA's Mobile Development Branch produces malware to infest, control and exfiltrate data fromiPhones and other Apple products running iOS, such as iPads. CIA's arsenal includesnumerous local and remote "zero days"developed by CIA or obtained from GCHQ, NSA, FBI or purchased from cyber arms contractors such as Baitshop. The disproportionate focus on iOS may be explained by the popularity of the iPhone among social, political, diplomatic and business elites.

Yep, Android sure is fucked.


>CIA can backdoor every OS and Hardware
>"ahaha those android fucker, lets buy iPhones"

No, I don't want an idiot-proof children's toy.

apple """" public media consultant"""" pls go

>using the smiley with a carat nose

We always save the day

Did you not see the exploits going all the way back to iOS 4

And if you think we can't

Dude, come on. This isn't elementary school. Use your big boy words you pleb.

iOS was also compromised. Nowhere is safe.

>thinking of making the switch to iPhones
why? We know they have a team dedicated to both android AND iOS. And because of the brand, apple products are popular with rich, famous, celebrities. They have an obvious reason to dedicate resources to it over android, despite the fact most phones are android, more valuable targets use apple.


Already switched after using Nexus line for years/ Before you autoreply with shill read below.

Google is fucking delusional if they think I'm going to pay dollar for dollar the same amount for unsecured shit that is only supported for 2 years AKA the pixel. Only recently have they started taking security more seriously with monthly patches but this still doesn't fix the inherent sec flaws of Android

While iOS is fucking shit in every way in terms of actual functionality at least its supported for a long time and does not have to worry about OS and hardware fragmentation for development. Apple is still a cancer as a company.

That's exactly why Apple feels the pressure to have a semi proper OS.
Don't you think it's better to trust someone that has a tighter grip on dev standards and only has to secure a few physical pieces of hardware running on only a few OS versions?
I'm not saying that iOS is perfect and doesn't have flaws. I just think it's better in terms of sec choice because of the general reasons mentioned above

>Don't you think it's better to trust someone that has a tighter grip on dev standards and only has to secure a few physical pieces of hardware running on only a few OS versions?
and they still can't do it as evidence above and the fact the team dedicated to iOS exploits still exists and is operating today.

Every smart device is able to be broken into unless you developed it yourself with fully audited code, and even then it wont stop them from developing their own attacks using methods you never even thought about testing for during your development.

Nokia N-Gage here I come

I would but 4inches it just too fucking small and i ain't paying 500 dollars for a 6s.

>and they still can't do it as evidence above and the fact the team dedicated to iOS exploits still exists and is operating today.
well, we don't live in a binary world where OSes are either perfect or not. It just generally seems that iOS has a smaller attack surface compared to Android.
>Every smart device is able to be broken into unless you developed it yourself with fully audited code,
Absolutely agree. We're just talking about minimizing attack surface here since we can't develop and audit our own OS. Even if we were able to get audited FOSS out to phones we would still have to deal with proprietary blobs like baseband that are not going to be freed anytime soon.

you're an idiot if you think iphones are more secure than an android device to a 3 letter agency

you're an idiot if you think there's anything that can protect your privacy from them if they REALLY wanted to nail you. if their gaze drifts your way you've already fucked up and there's nothing you can do to protect yourself.

take a breath. realize that these revelations are really only relevant to non-americans (FBI and DOJ would crawl so far up the CIA's ass if they even got a whiff of CIA breaking the law as far as operating on American soil) and sit down and realize that as long as you aren't a full blown jihadi or similar extremist, 3 letter agencies dont give a fuck about you.

android may have nsa hacks by intrusion but apple has them by manufacturer

I have a idol 4s Windows 10, I like it alot better then my iPhone 6

You're FAR better off just not doing anything stupidly illegal and not give a fuck about what phone you have.

Jerking off that iOS is better because it has a SLIGHTLY smaller attack surface is RETARDED when they have by FAR the most substantial amount of effort being exerted to break into it.

Far more time and money will be spent breaking into iOS than android simply because more higher value targets will have iOS.

Sure it might have less exploits in number, but that doesn't mean shit if the iOS exploits are developed quickly, easily, and work.

Android is actually MORE difficult simply because there are such a large variety of hardware choices out there that making sure you have a working backdoor into ALL of them would be extremely difficult, much more difficult than breaking iOS which uses set hardware and a homogeneous operating system (compared to the fractured state of android)

All they have to do to bypass the FBI is invoke FISA and they get the warrant from a secret court.

They are already spying on you right now. They are watching you masterbate via live stream at a cyber command center and the generals and intelligence officers are all laughing at your penis.

>You're FAR better off just not doing anything stupidly illegal

dont piss in the governments yard

dont get involved with cheese pizza

dont traffic arms/be a terrorist

dont kill people

everything else is fair game.

U guys are fucking gay


except the court won't grant it because its illegal for the CIA to operate on American soil. There are no loopholes around it, the law is clear. If a foreign element enters domestic soil, CIA is immediately hands off. Ears and eyes not off, but hands off most definitely.

the FBI has plenty of fingers in the CIA's offices that they can't really get away with going outside of their jurisdiction without the FBI raising a huge stink over it.

CIA officers aren't even allowed to carry weapons in America. Yes even with a license to carry. There's a shit ton of unambiguous law that would make the CIA hurt a lot if it put its hand in the cookie jar, with funding on the line.

Huh iOS is compromised too you idiot
Probably its even worse since its based on an outdated bsd kernel version

Also don't traffic large amounts of drugs that will compete with government dealings.

They have cornered the market on coke and heroin.

mfw she drinks the bepis in one sip

>poisoning your own people
They may never be brought to justice for it but i hope they know they are traitors for doing it.

consumers don't win anything

this too, but to a lesser extent.

nobody but the DEA (lol) gives a fuck if you're trafficking shit like weed, acid, shrooms, amphetamines, etc.

Are number one

The problem with this is. It eventually turns into.

Don't run for office you will have dirt on you
Don't piss off someone who is high up
Don't look up gay porn and be in a marriage as they already used porn searches against muslims leaders in the middle east
Don't speak out against the CIA or their protected friends
Don't mess with their money

>Android is actually MORE difficult simply because there are such a large variety of hardware choices out there that making sure you have a working backdoor into ALL of them would be extremely difficult, much more difficult than breaking iOS
But isn't that relying on security by obscurity? If adversaries can get into the itoy fairly easy because of the focus on it then what makes you think Android is more secure when it is made by companies with less going into the development and support of the OS as well as application standards being much lower? If the F BEE EYE had to formally ask before buying an exploit (because it's the least powerful of the big boy club) then iOS must be doing at least something right.

that's all wonderful advice that I completely agree with except that I really only care about security from a general technical aspect. I was wondering if anyone that is an expert in the subject took time to quantify the attack surface of iOS and compare it to Android. Ofcourse this is a big challenge since you're dealing with a lot of factors and two proprietary systems

This is the slippery slope that anyone that has ever gave a shit about privacy understands well.

It's not what they're doing now but what they are capable of doing once a technology with the potential to be abused is established as the norm.

>mfw I use windows 10 on my phone and desktop

there is nothing that can ever protect you from a 3 letter agency short of storing data in write only memory and even then they can extract that with a side channel attack.

dont even worry about it.

as for the comparisons of attack surface, you're barking up the wrong tree posting on Sup Forums. go to a deepweb bbs and ask if you want an informed answer.

>Don't piss off someone who is high up
>Don't mess with their money
these have always been a things that you DO NOT DO

>there is nothing that can ever protect you
You're correct obviously. I would have to be borderline retarded to not understand that at this point. I'm ignorant but not that stupid about the subject. You're right though about this being the wrong place. Thanks for the input


>FBI and DOJ would crawl so far up the CIA's ass if they even got a whiff of CIA breaking the law as far as operating on American soil)

you honestly have to be insanely naive to think that the CIA doesn't spy on American citizens. If anything, there's probably coordination between the CIA/FBI/NSA on sharing this tech, meaning that even if the CIA isn't the one doing the snooping, you can be assured the FBI/NSA is.

The intelligence agencies may vie for political power by asserting their domains, but if you think one of them would put an end to unlawful spying because its the right thing to do, you haven't been paying attention.

also happens on ios
don't be delusional

My last name is Berlin, but my dad was raised Catholic.

Just because someone has a Jewish surname, doesn't mean they're Jewish.

See Also this is completely incorrect. How do we know for sure that Apple hasn't been pressured into holding open security holes for the US government? The answer is we don't. Apple's mobile hardware and software is totally closed source, so no one has any idea what it's actually doing. At least with open source software you can review that code yourself, and you're not forced to take someone else's word. FOSS is the only thing preventing a world where you are forced to choose between constant surveillance and not using any electronics, but for some reason NEETs with overpriced iToys come here and shit up the board. I own a Mac and OS X is spyware. I disabled the management engine using ME Cleaner and flashed Coreboot on it. It runs Debian now. There's no way in hell I'm going back to closed source Big Brother shitware after learning about all the creepy stuff it does. You guys can be a part of the botnet if you want. Stay cucked, just don't shit up the board with your inane faggot toys.

Also, owning a smartphone at all if fucking stupid. They are personal tracking devices that log your location everywhere you go, and all you need is for the cellular modem to have an active connection to cell towers. Everyone who cares about their privacy should carry a dumbphone with a removable battery, and they should pull the battery when they're not using the device.


no but they all draw from the same funding and if the FBI managed to prove that the CIA was breaking the law by illegally operating on US soil you can bet your ass they wouldn't even hesitate because it would result in more money getting thrown the FBI's way and less towards the CIA.

the two keep each other in check and the NSA just kinda does nothing but supplement their surveillance efforts when applicable.

tfw shuttle master race

I don't see any exploits for Sailfish.

>Apple is so bad that even my security or privacy won't pay for the cons

So no. This doesn't make Android look bad, it makes iPhone look even worse.

The only winner here is Symbian. When are the next flagships on Symbian rolling out?

People will talk about this today, but not care about it tomorrow. Like every other thing in the world. That's the world we live in.


>CIA malware targets iPhone, Android, smart TVs
fuck off, shill

Hey Sup Forumsuys
SE or 7?




I don't have Apollo on my cm version. Does that mean I'm safe?

Not a single exploit for Windows Phone

>no keyboard

so stupid question

assuming this is a legislative issue and not something a citizen can walk in the front door of TLA office to have addressed.

and assuming that every time the issue is addressed by legislators it goes nowhere because the only thing worse than publicly eroding privacy is being publicly shamed for "letting the terrorists win"

what is an appropriate course of action for a citizen?

I waive my governments efforts to protect me from terrorism in exchange for privacy? This sounds good to me but it's the same logic I hate anti-vac for because individual actions compromise the public good.

This is why they kill Nokia.


>On Sunday, March 20, in a meeting at FBI headquarters, company officials demonstrated their technology on another iPhone. Convinced it would work, the FBI greenlighted applying it to Farook’s phone, sources said.

>This past weekend -- just days ago -- the attempt was made, and "the FBI has now successfully retrieved the data stored on" the phone, according to the Justice Department.

>Forensic examiners are now attempting to exploit potential evidence from the phone. It’s unclear if anything of investigative value has been found yet.

Remember, faggots?

>or purchased from cyber arms contractors such as Baitshop
how can you even do this legally? can any joe schmo start writing hacks and start selling them to foreign governments?


if your selling to the enemy you're a traitor
if you sell to us your a patriot, thank you for your service son

i guess it's like if you're making fighter jets you sell them to your government and it's up to your government if they want to export them, and you're not directly involved yourself in making deals with foreign governments. maybe it's different in different countries but that's how i'm guessing it works

>Everyone who cares about their privacy should carry a dumbphone with a removable battery, and they should pull the battery when they're not using the device.

This. The problem is never going to be with how secure the smartphone itself is or getting the 'right' one. The problem will always be having a smartphone. It doesn't matter what kind of phone you have; as long as it is on a cellular network all that traffic is passing through someone else. The sheer fact alone that most people in the United States 'rent' their phones from cellular providers should convince you that people don't own their phones. As soon as you trust any phone with your personal information the game is over: your information is in the hands of whoever wants access.

Privacy on your phone wouldn't be an issue if we as a society hadn't decided that it was the place where the most important and pertinent information should be stored. That was the move that we need to backslide from. Accept a phone for the utility that it is and nothing more. Trust no one.

Don't be so naive. Of course they're using all this information against their enemies. Or against anyone who's in their way.

I would extend this outside of phone and into "communication".

ISP, phone carrier, whatever.

The last time stuff was legally protected (in the US) seems to have been paper mail.

But I'm past the point of thinking my not trusting is going to fix stuff. My question here stands

this is a legislative issue that has a lot of secret money and hush hush national security around it. what are viable strategies for disenfranchised citizens.

>Everyone who cares about their privacy should carry a dumbphone with a removable battery, and they should pull the battery when they're not using the device.
the irony because dumbphones can also be spied on

The government always has been, always is, and always will be one step ahead of you, citizen.

I switched 1 year ago when Android phones started at the same price as iPhones except they have worse build quality, uglier looks, worse hardware, ugly Android manufacturer skins, tons of bloatware installed from factory and also only guarantees support for 2 years. Even though they say that, most phones don't even get a lot of updates and just get stuck with the version they shipped with.

With an iPhone I may be locked into Apple's ecosystem (don't own a Mac or anything else, just a Windows computer) but at least I have a phone that is supported for 4-5 years and has amazingly optimized hardware.

I admit the new Android phones have improved in many ways but they're still significantly overpriced. Especially Google Pixel. Fuck them for asking that kind of price for it when it lacks so many features even Samsung Galaxy S7 has.


Never again. Literally the same chinktrash chinese companies shit out for $100, but with a $800 logo to sucker gullible morons.

You need to pass the penis inspection, mr. Düsseldorf.

The name Cohen is passed down on the fathers side. Every Cohen is literally a descendant of some important jewish rabbi. He is 100% Jewish.

I find the names of yuropoors to be hit or miss on 100% jew identification. Now in the USA it's 100% spot on always. Many of them shortened or changed their name when they came over which is annoying.

And yet Judaism is passed down on the mother's side.
It doesn't matter if your dad is a rabbi, if you marry a Catholic woman in the old country, your children will not be Jewish unless your wife converts or your children do.

Things are more relaxed now for most Jews, but patraliniage does not count for Judaism, do the names don't matter.

>implying believing in kike on a pike isn't the same as being a jew

>America is more free than China

Biggest lie in history? Or is that still 'Americans are on average at a healthy weight'?

Makes me really glad I made the switch last month to the iPhone SE after almost nine years of lagdroid.

iphone has 10 maybe 14% of the market and it has 14 zero day exploits

android has 80-86% of the market and has 26 exploits..

ios is x7 time worse literally

Why waste time trying to exploit something nobody uses?

>unironically running a corporate OS
>not preserving your Freedoms™ with Linux Mobile

come at me NASA

this desu senpai
it's rather comfy (most of the time)

iPhones were zerodayed to shit as well dude

>>America is more free than China
>Biggest lie in history? Or is that still 'Americans are on average at a healthy weight'?
Communist China is likely further right than California at this point.

>Not running a custom ROM with copious amounts of encryption.
You're all doing it wrong.