Clementine Music Player

Version 1.3:
Major features:
* support
* Seafile support (server >= 4.4.1)
* Add Ampache compatibility (through Subsonic service)
* Add new analyzer "Rainbow Dash"
>* Answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything
* Add "Psychedelic Colour" mode to all analyzers

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Rainbow Dash"

fucking dropped

>Add new analyzer "Rainbow Dash"
>Add "Psychedelic Colour" mode to all analyzer

Clementine is ugly.

Removed features:
* Remove Ubuntu One support.
>* Remove Discogs support.
* Remove GrooveShark support.
* Remove Radio GFM support.

Wait, what!

Clementine is functional but so god damn ugly

Into the trash can it all goes...

they removed all the shit that's dead.

comfiest player

Just as ugly as any default qt5 application. What are you all talking about?

>those flat icons etc
they must have changed something since I used it last
I just use itunes now

I'm talking about that hideous blue sidebar that's in everything but the KDE version.

why does the sidebar look like shit? I tried all options for it and it seems that icons are not scaled properly. wtf?

Are there any themes for it?

Clementine is great, but it has some annoying as fuck bugs, like when you resume an album midway after closing the program, it'll play the song you're on, skip back to the start of the album, then play in sequential order, skipping the song you started with.

Also skipping lots of songs is really laggy on windows, fine on linux though.

Why are you using it on mac when there's better mac audio players?

Just use spotify.

I use Clementine for transcoding FLAC to Opus because I'm brainlet.

that's not a mac.

>didn't catch the menu bar

I-It fooled me at first glance ...

Ugly as fuck

Lol sorry i just launched it in gnome on laptop. I confirm that this is utter garbage 0/10 wouldn't use outside kde again.
I'd recommend lollypop for gnome 3 users instead.
t. -user

>posts ugly screenshot
Good job mr baitfish.png

I "fixed" it by changing the icon set. For some reason, many Qt-based apps have issues with GNOME icon sets. Some work, some don't.

Lollypop is fucking garbage. No one should use it.

How does it support vk despite the fact that it closed down the music API? Is it some kind of black magic?

That's the default Breeze stuff.

Still looks inconsistent af.
They use vk official mobile app api keys i believe. This keys publicly available at and vkontakte just don't care about their usage in third-party apps.

I think i'll stick to foobar.
Thanks but no thanks OP.

Winner for ugliest music player ITT

There's actually no support here. Outdated changelog maybe?

Don't bash for Windows, my HDD is deep fried rn

but is it on looneks

Пpoвepь в нacтpoйкaх, зaхoдит ли в aккayнт, и игpaeтcя ли мyзыкa. Oни чacтo зaбивaют хyй нa ин-aпп чeйнджлoги, нa caйт выкaтили – и тo хopoшo, мoгли и пpocтo пopтянкoй из кoммитoв oгpaничитьcя.

Ужe cдeлaл, нихyя нe измeнилocь. Cнoшy и нa вpeмя вoзвpaщaюcь в yютнeнький cпoтифaй.

Is this how it looks in Linux?
My only gripe with is that the icons are ugly and the sidebar looks like shit, but your screenshot looks pretty alright here.

I could wipe my ass with your opinions and it would only get dirtier.

>* support
Russian botnet
stop shilling this shit

What isn't a Botnet these days?
This is not a rhetorical question, I just want a good Winamp replacement.

You should catch the horrible font rendering.