Flatpack and appimage exist now. Linux has the software to compete with Windows by offering simple 1 click programmer installers (except for chmod needed for appimage), but no one in the Linux community has enough political power to actually force the main distros to actually accept these as a solution and require their use. Desktop Linux has a power vacuum that cannot be overcome, there will never be a year of desktop Linux because you're too busy trying to convince people systemd or unity is better on technical merits, instead of agreeing on much more important policy merits.
Flatpack and appimage exist now...
i too enjoy running random things i find on the internet
Repositories have been poisoned before as well. Third parties need to publish once and forget about packaging ever again. End users need that disk of turbotax to work from the store. I personally like downloading the latest version of Blender instead of waiting days or weeks for some repository maintainer to repack it.
>make two lines of text
>and that's all
God, I DO HATE modern web-design
>1 click programmer installer
Really? flatpak requires you to install with a terminal command, it's not 1 click at all. On top of that, it doesn't put an application shortcut in your programs folder without installing an additional plugin. 1 click my ass. This has a long way to go before users will use it.
Good one my dude.
>that one thing the linux mint team was working on
someone post the 17 competiting standards pic.
>take a look at flatpacks site, sounds like something that could do something
>lol guise its one click stuff and APPS
>srsly guys totes easy, future is now
>see pic related
Ok, so now to run one of the 17! useless normalfag-tier apps, I gotta remember some arcane command like
flatpak run org.telegram.TelegramDesktopDevel
And that is, mind you, after installing each app with unfuckable longwinded commands. Good fucking luck
>Third parties need to publish once and forget about packaging ever again.
That's how it is now. They can put up source code and a disto maintainer worries about pulling it, building it, and putting it in a package that plays nice with that distro.
Flatpack is solving a problem that, as far as I can see, doesn't really exist.
That relies on some extra guy doing work for all of eternity, that not even necessarily paid to do it. It's a shit plan.
Well so does Flatpak. The distro maintainers have to do the work to maintain the Flatpak packaging system, and the application devs either have to package their software, or the distro maintainers have to package it like happens now, only they package it in flatpak instead of in .deb or .rpm or whatnot.
So yeah, if there is to be software in repositories, the work always has to be done, somewhere, by someone. You can shuffle around who does the work, but you can't make it go away with a new package format.
>multiple competing implementations and standards
yep that's linux alright
>not drag and drop
>doesn't integrate well into the system
Desktop linux is a 2000s meme
>implying anyone gives a shit about Linux on the desktop
the only Linux desktop OS that sort-of matters is fucking Chrome OS
DESU FlatPak just looks like a shell script that wgets an archive, untars it, makes the setup script executable then runs it
Kinda useless
It's perfect for windows refugees.
nope, it's already integrated in GNOME3, and it's getting integrated in KDE soon.
they're also sandboxed.
i just run .deb files