Girls can't progra-

>girls can't progra-

Tired of losing yet, Sup Forums?

I've never heard of her or her family. Who is she, some nobody?

>I've never heard of her or her family.
probably the way most people want it

> flip
Cant fool me pinoy. Its a girl (male).

I just reported her to her nations government for being a drug dealer. Can't have her setting a precedence for more of these things.

Fake news paid for by George Soros.

>Cherry Picked instance of girl coder

>it's another clickbait article about a girl HTML/JavaScript """""programmer""""" who starts some shitty meme company to encourage other girls to learn """""programming""""" episode

It can hoard money, so not a bad idea. Thought i doubt she own the company.

Why does American Media hate men and white people so much.

>likely funded by a 3rd company
>it's all just a tax scam

>meet the 13 year old with motivated parents who built a company in her name to make clickbait articles in a temporary boost in sales.

>she is a coder

You know when girls finally do outperform boys in coding, all Sup Forums will be going on about is mens rights. I think actually making an attempt to demoralize one gender is the only way to definitively say one gender is better than the other at something. Meanwhile these motivated women in tech are going to get a degree and then do nothing with it because the real world doesn't constantly reinforce good working habits or self esteem, you'll have 75% of women with tech degrees go into other fields or not have a job at all, and feminists will cry hostile work environments.

>Inside Japan’s Magical Park Where Deers Bow to Humans For Food

Quality news site you have there. shit for brains.

What are you sperging on about now, shit smear?

>"Using the website Code Academy, Sieh was able to learn HTML and JavaScript through online classes. Furthermore, her mother hired a tutor to help her enhance her knowledge even more."

We actually don't need more of this.

You missed Javascript.

Coder seems like an appropriate description of someone who learned how to copy paste Javascript from stack overflow. If Karly kan kode, then surely this loli can.

And you know what, I reckon she's better then Karly.

I was doing website designs when I was 13 too. I just wasn't charging anyone for it.

>girl coder
>not some tumblr meme funded by some leftists propagandists

>Everything I dislike is a political conspiracy!

this is literally the only thing these traitorous russiaboo scumbags have left in their arsenal of garbage

99% of Sup Forums cant hack javascript its too hard and they stick with php

>her "company" is literally called "Girls Will Code"
top kek this is such bullshit

>I completely trust news that align with my beliefs

When are we going to stop pretending like there is a treasure cove of 12 year old programmers running around making the next Snapchat? Can we please seriously stop?

Why are you quoting yourself?

Shit posting

Outliers exist in all groups.

>"""""""""""""""girl""""""""""""""" from the Philippines

Why are you shitposting?


nobody says is a big company, probably just make a webpage and/or a facebook page about his "company" anouncing his services, could be more like a freelance

but she dreams in code?

>tfw I can only dream in hexadecimal

>tfw can only dream in meme

post tits bby

Is this like the black kid in England that built his own computer?


I see that she has started a company, but what I don't see is a product.


because american females crave raw black dick

t. Tyrone Ginsberg the hesidic homeboy

>tfw don't dream so I can never be a prodigy

>Scratch jr.
I used to work for a school district and literal 7 year olds were using this. It's cancer and nothing like programming.




Sup Forums BTFO




whats her company?!1

i knew how to make websites with HTML when iwas 12 too ... did i start a company by making my first website?! what did she even accomplish

kids are all stupid .. 13 year olds fucking suck at running companies no matter what gender they are. You ever met 13 year olds that are good at doing business?! They dont exist for a reason.

Shitty clickbait tbqh famalam.

Im a girl btw and it pisses me off that non white girls always get it all handed to them!


wewlad, that's a man baby!

Mfw i get a BSOD whole dreaming

Sup Forums, get the fuck out you goddamn muslim niggers.


10 bucks says she'll still end up becoming a nurse or a house maid, like 90% of her kind.

have you seen the website though

So diverse that they all use Macbooks and only hire white women and token asians.

fucking bourgeoisie