How many bi men just stay in the closet and take meat off the menu because HIV exists? I can't be the only one

How many bi men just stay in the closet and take meat off the menu because HIV exists? I can't be the only one.

>inb4 safe sex

No shit, but I'm not trusting my life to a piece of latex, faggot.

If you run the numbers it's literally not worth it to pin a femboi down because of the risks. Sure they're easier than women, but they're also more dangerous.

On the bright side, there might be a vaccine soon.

Wrong board you literal faggot.


Kill yourself, you fucking queer.

Delete isn't working.

is this the official Sup Forums programmming socks thread

gay people are a legitimate cancer and you need to commit suicide because no one on this planet likes you except for virtue-signaling liberals, and even they are just using you for morality points, they don't really like you

in fact most people would be happy if you died faggot

wtf he just missed his board

betcha wouldn't say this on facebook wouldya?

are you saying you've never looked at a cock thought about sucking it? not even a little bit? I think maybe you're afraid of accepting homosexuality because secretly you want to take a perfect sized cock in your ass. Doesn't affect you if you don't. Either way, suckin some cock is pretty good.

>using latex condoms
>using condoms at all

>faggots must die
you'd better get a noose too then, user

Go drink some bleach, you subhuman shit stains.

>not trusting your life to a piece of LaTeX

die in hell useless faggot

>being gay
Why would anyone do this

OP here. I have used this board for years as a resource on how to code. I am shocked at the homophobia here. Sup Forums needs to leave and go back 2 reddit.

Sup Forums is a website of peace, not hate.

he's right

Sup Forums is a board of love, not some shitty anonymous imageboard playground where edgy kids come to shitpost

What board were you trying to hit?
I've accidentally posted Sup Forums on /r/ before, lol.

>Sup Forums is a website of peace

I made a thread there and it's going okay. People are hating on me for being bi. Sup Forums hates on me for being not straight. Everywhere I go, there is hate.

yeah that sucks. sorry to hear you go through that everywhere you go

have you tried not being gay?

It's not a choice, and I'm not gay.

>has pics of gay skinny ugly faggots in his PC
>not gay

>guy who likes guys
>not gay because he also like girls

well my mom and sister are both bi and claim it's different from being gay, but idk, just always seemed like being gay with looser restrictions on what you're attracted to

>my mom and sister are both bi
You must have a really stable family.

>people are hating on me for being bi
>bi is the b in lgbt

what the fuck

yeah it can't even really be called a family, just a loose association of blood-relatives

mom and sister are both bisexual wiccans, dad is crazy super-Christian conspiracy theorist

I don't talk to any of them

No thanks, i'm not gay.

That's a cute boy, user.

Why does this faggot look like either really feminine or pre-pubescent? Why are faggots all pedophiles like Milo?

Biologically, they are your family.

family in the sense of a family unit, implying closeness and familial intimacy. Not family in the sense that they are blood relatives.

I'm not surprised, /lgbt/ hates traps but Sup Forums loves them a lot.

Either post feet or delete this thread right now.

You call me a shitstain because I don't care what other people do with their sexuality.

Even if they actually end up curing HIV, there will always be new and unknown sexual diseases to smite the deviants.


why do you care?

You can get tested first. It's common in the gay community to get tested frequently. You need to trust someone first.

And you pol/Intel tards need to learn to be polite. You're nigger faggots than the OP and the OP is an actual homosexual.

I do. Every day. Anybody who publicly supports homosexuals deserves to die.

We don't have the technology. We can't fix you.

Muh moral fabric. Your mother enjoys getting her pussy stretched by niggers. And your dad secretly sucks off his boss at work.


>not being gay
being gay is the ultimate redpill

I'm surprised this thread is still up

Why do you hate user