What went wrong? Why is it dead?

What went wrong? Why is it dead?

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no apps because no marketshare because no apps. WP10 has UWP apps, but its still shit.

lack of support, both hardware and software

no developers

It's certainly not shit, just has a low userbase. It's not a technical deficit of the OS that there isn't enough 3rd party support

Honestly its pretty shit SOMETIMES. Pajeet cant push a bug free update to save his life.

It had no CIA backdoor.

Microsoft was too busy focusing on their enterprise and consumer desktop and server businesses to even care

At least Nokias phones were top-tier, amirite

(proud owner of indestructible nokia w8 phone, dropped 100's of times, no case, no screen breakage, no loss of usage, no repair bills at all.)

Sad victim of aggressive Apple marketing.

tiles in general

Windows, it's doomed to be dead

>What went wrong? Why is it dead?

Best answer, no apps

I always felt Windows Phone was a nice middle ground between IOS and Android

More diverse than IOS and you could have it on several phones with different shapes and sizes

More stable than Android

But it needed a nice app store to get off the ground, and when you can get a Youtube app for example on IOS and Android and you can't get a Youtube app on windows phone then it's just gonna fail.

Also they should have been better with the updates

I carried a Windows phone for my job and it was awesome never had any problems but there were several apps I wish I had on it.

>tfw they could have just kept this
Fuck WP10

its dead because like all other user said, not enough third party dev support.

i personally liked wp10 especially since i tried the lower end lumia 550, its bretty good in terms of OS and functionality except the specs.

A minor downside i face os webm support but that doesn't fuck my overall functionality.

This said my a long time android user. Fucking iOS doesn't even come close in terms of UI design and friendly.

I've owned 2 in the past, and I have to say, They had potential. The UI was sleek, very easy to use, and had a lot of features(It was buggy but still looked great), but for me, the reason Windows Phone is dead is because of lack of apps. If it had all the popular apps like snapchat, the platform could be very popular.

Not as smooth, pretty, and bug-free as IOS to attract the casual user

Not as flexible as the swiss army knife that Android is to attract the techies

In the end it tried to be the jack of all trades but master of none

>spies on you
>no apps
>shit build quality

I sometimes look at past WP screenshots and think that thing looked beautiful. And I miss the smooth UI but Android isn't all that bad now that phones have more RAM than most computers.

the app store was filled with shit to get the numbers up

>What went wrong? Why is it dead?
Bad os
People haved a data leak of 10gb because constant panel updates without permission
No apps because like who want program java apps in .exe you must have mental problems haha
The marketing idea was cool
But they expected do it fast and with not a lot of pajeet
If they hired a lot of pajeet and chink it would be better
Now is dead
Long life to Android haha

been using it for 2 years

Windows Phone will be replaced with full Windows 10 on ARM it'll become the GOAT phone platform.

it was dying, then pokemon go came out and put two in the back of it's head

Boring, blocky designs 2bh.

I wouldn't mind using a Win10 phone if I could have the OS on a phone I like, not on a phone Microsoft is pushing.

So if I like an HTC or Samsung phone I'd like to have the OS on that, not on a blocky Microsoft phone. They shouldn't decide for me which phone model I want/like.

This used to be possible some years ago, when phone manufacturers produced Windows versions of their phones.

Sadly, that might be over, since Microsoft now wants to be a hardware company too.

Even tho they don't really have any single product that is a mass success. All of them are niche.


How the hell am I supposed to know what all those icons are for???


the media backed iphones 10000% and successfully made Microsoft uncool. Additionally the faggot generations grew up with apple interfaces which is why they somehow grew up with technology, yet have no idea how any of it works. Also MS arrived too late.

No apps. Makes it fantastic for productivity though. No Snapchat, poor instagram support, pathetic Facebook and messenger. Almost completely cut off from social normiebook media.

I thought that either the next Redstone update or the one after that would make windows phone and the windows OS the same thing?

Also, I don't think Windows Phone will completely die.

There are rumors of that Surface Phone after all.

Anything below w10 was utter shit and lacked basic functionality that competition introduced years before and w10 is a buggy piece of shit that randomly crashes and shuts off the phone.

I own a 1020 and a 930, and had I not gotten them for free I'd probably be defending them due to buyers remorse. Top tier build quality, got to give them that.

i wonder why microsoft itself doesn't make a ton of apps for it, they certainly have the money and the manpower to do so

The new Microsoft CEO was the one who doesn't care about mobile.

Makes me miss Bill Gates in his prime as CEO. At least he showed more ambition.

maybe at least develop an android emulation layer with lowered privileges so that they can leech off android apps? doesn't sound so hard


>backdoors : the OS
>has no CIA backdoor

i am laffin

The only reason is LITERALLY WRONG SMILE.
NO TO ";-)"
YES TO ";^)"


talking about that:
What happened to all their porting projects?
Why are always the only good things being canceld?

perpetual circle of:
low marketshare -> no devs -> no apps

Microsoft being Microsoft.
The phone has almost no support from M$, they've abandoned it.
It still has some updates but they're not frequent and good compared to when it was "Nokia Lumia".

Although it is still a good phone, has a really nice OS and good hardware, but has almost no apps and the
majority of them are bad or outdated because devs don't want to waste their time with it.
The first party MS apps are ok(Groove Music is the only one that shows how good apps can be)
if you're not a person that uses alot of apps then it is for you.

Using 640 and the lack of apps doesn't bother me - I wanted a cheap fast and easy to use smartphone and got it.

What's wrong with tiles

• Android happened
• People hate Microsoft

>had nice open windows ce based OS
>pajeet took over project
>tried to make it a walled garden like the iphone
>developers were disgusted because their efforts were all wasted
>phone manufacturers were disgusted because they were not allowed to load custom sit onto it
>android already had much more support and is actually open sauce so obviously all ROM developers switched to it

Microsoft can't commit to anything.
The OS itself is actually pretty good, stable, lightweight.
It'll pain me when I jump ship and be forced to give up live tiles.
Microsoft should have tried harder to lure devs, shove their porting tools down their throats..
"Killing" Nokia was their greatest mistake

They went with the most retarded strategy i've ever seen in my life: giving phones on 90% discounts in USA, only.

Instead they should have done the xiaomi thing, sell their cheap phones in India, China, Eastern Europe, Africa and grow organically.

I don't even want to mention their changing of programming environment, where you had winForms, WPF, winrt, UWP, no one even dares to learn one thing when they could change next week to something else