How did the "Mac users are homosexuals" meme start?

How did the "Mac users are homosexuals" meme start?

I don't get it. It's a modern UNIX with a UX that is actually polished by professional designers. Since when did quality software engineering equate with male homosexuality?

Other urls found in this thread:

>close button doesn't close

macs are heavily marketed to 20-something white people who are progressive liberals and usually liberal arts college students

this single demographic has more self-described homosexuals than any other group of people on the planet


>muh baby duck syndrome inhibits me from knowing what command+Q means

>I need to press two buttons to close a program when I should only have to click a close button


>macs are heavily marketed to 20-something white people who are progressive liberals and usually liberal arts college students

Macs aren't a new thing that only existed during the current generation of 20 year olds.

macs used to be marketed to creative professionals, but they completely ignored that market for 20 years, and since they found out selling fashion accessories is more lucrative, they just sell laptops to college students.

The CEO is Gay

>I need to drag a mouse around and click a window control to do something I can do with a slight left hand rotation because I'm afraid of change

>doesnt remember in the mid 90's how they were all the schools had so that the younger generation would grow up to buy their products
>doesnt remember the hipster commercials where the cool young college guy was a mac and the nerdy uncool old office guy was a PC
>isnt aware most colleges tell their students to only buy macs or that all startups use them
no they arent a new thing but they were strongly exposed to the current 20's from the time they were kids to college age

>remember the hipster commercials
I swear that was after 2010 you fucking college student

>tries to appeal to being a dipshit '90s kid to push an equally dipshit idea of some malevolent marketing conspiracy despite not knowing dick about why it actually was that way; a holdover from Apple II dominance in schools since the early '80s
>cites two other "points" that were from the 2000s and 2010s

My school in the 90's had about 300 of some cheapass Dell half-towers around the school, and mostly Dell monitors
And I've never been told I need a Mac for school, but then again I didn't spend 6 years in college to write phone apps

The I'm a mac commercials ran in 2006 you idiot.

You lose track of time when your preferred computer advances twice as quickly as macs

Degenerates are more obsessed with getting attention.

you actually have to drag the cursor over to the button before you click it

so technically there's more work involved in doing it the babby duck way

If Apple released a $500 laptop, Sup Forums would go crazy and stop hating them. Sup Forums doesn't just hate Apple, it hates most of the laptops that directly compete with Macbooks as well (except for the XPS 13&15 for some reason... shills?), because Sup Forums is full of poorfags and sour grapes.

For your average consumer who is too dumb to use Linux, MacOS really is better than Windows. It doesn't have forced updates, forced restarts, forced advertising, etc etc... The NSA can still see everything you're doing on MacOS, but at least normies can enjoy it more than using Windows.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Kill yourself

>"i'm too stupid to understand that the window is not the application"
>the post

"gay" is bad
mac is bad
ergo, mac users r gay

it's not hard to figure out, OP

Schools in my area were all Macintosh. Not long after, it was all PC, except every classroom had one of those godawful iMacs for some reason.

>Homosexuals predominantly buy and enjoy mac
Homos started it

San Francisco, gay city full of Mac user.
iPhone start social networks for gays.

>macs used to be marketed to creative professionals
If by that you mean STEM professionals.

Because people who are focused on the aesthetics of an OS are all gay.

Can't cut and paste

>what is Cmd+Q

learn how to use a mac before complaining :^)

the term has been used way before he became CEO tho.

Kind of sad the company is way more successful marketing towards the social media gen now, then scientific/computing professionals. It's understandable, though.
don't watch too long

It is sad, I wish they'd cater to professionals again.

Fun fact: my cousin contributed to the Human Genome Project using a Powerbook G4 he purchased after seeing that ad.

When I was in middle school there was this effeminate guy that wore abercrombie and fitch that was the biggest apple fanboy ever.

>pre installed spyware
>only supposed to run on apple hardware (yeah yeah, muh hackintosh)
>infantile design

Of course they have been around for quite some time but Apple's CURRENT marketing strategy is what makes is an even bigger piece of crap than it was 15 or 20 years ago.

They don't need to since professionals ALL use MacOS. It's essentially a given at this point.

I'd be very surprised if that was true, anymore, considering all the bullshit they've been pulling with hardware and Mac OS.



Nope. The Mac's niche was in 2D content creation from almost the beginning. "STEM professionals" (fuck off you circlejerking undergrad) use whatever gets the job done for their given area, the closest you could get is maybe a SysV, particularly HP-UX or maybe IRIX.

No one in the 90s was still using SysV on their workstations. HP-UX fucking sucked on the desktop. SGI was there, but had nothing mobile.

except you're wrong

people start out using windows, get creative and then fall for the "macs are for media creation" meme. so they become art students with macbooks. once they actually get a job they switch back to windows. no TV network or hollywood studio actually uses macs to cut and edit their media. you just don't get the workstation performance that you would get from a custom built windows or linux PC (linux is being used as a render farm OS quite frequently)

Your argument fell apart when you implied actual businesses use whiteboxes for workstations.

>polished by professional designers
>quality software engineering
>software engineering

>No one in the 90s was still using SysV on their workstations
The '90s was the fucking golden age of desktop SysV, dude.

>HP-UX fucking sucked on the desktop. SGI was there, but had nothing mobile.
Neither of these mattered for scientific/technical computing.

back in highschool there was a mac fanboy. walked round with his iphone 1 n his 80gb classic n some macbook with his lil apple earphones n shit. he was gay. he wanted my cock but i never gave it to hungry liltte whore.

they use custom computers built by companies that specialize in building workstations.

If you mean systems tracing their lineage back to SysV, then sure.

Those things absolutely did matter back then. Why do you think the Sun Ultra 3 tried to exist? People wanted it.

>If you mean systems tracing their lineage back to SysV, then sure.
Have you ever even used one of these systems? They are straight SysV derivatives full to the brim with AT&T code.

>Those things absolutely did matter back then.
What mattered was good performance, documentation, support and a good development environment. They were fine as workstations and mobility was a fucking non-issue outside of extremely niche cases for which solutions typically existed (and sold nothing) anyway. People bought into those platforms for speed above all else, and a shitty laptop delivered none of that.

>Why do you think the Sun Ultra 3 tried to exist? People wanted it.
What do you mean "tried"? It did exist, it was just a rebadged version of an already existing Tadpole product and few people bought either of them because they were pointless, slower than molasses wastes of money outside of very specialized use cases. You were better off just accessing a real system remotely, and that's exactly what they did.

In your imagination.

Maybe because the Finders icon is a man licking another mans face!?

Look how gay you are, it's right in your face but you don't see it anymore, you fag


Fuck no, im from a third world south east asian country and since the 90s mac is aimed towards the fucking hipsters.

During the early 90s and i was in my kiddo 10s and using from DOS turtle graphics to windows 95, my brother just can't stop complaining about his microsoft being a jew shill and he gave me a full printed lawsuit copy of the apple vs ms court readings. He goes all drolling for the transparent G4 series apple then suddenly went classy on the G5 series, i do agree the G5 series is pretty good looking with the aluminum/zinc cases, but mac users can't stop boasting their hardware whenever a person is using a non-apple computer for either leisure or school work or work.

Years later his designer ass still cant make much money and have to do multiple jobs to cover his litterally autistic offsprings.

From then onwards i realize mac users are confirmed gay or sick in the head somehow.

Im not sure if i feel pity or sorrow, maybe both.

Why the quotation marks? Are you gay or what?

do you really think anyone wants to read that entire gay malaysian blog

>How did the "Mac users are homosexuals" meme start?
1 - It's not a meme just a mere observation of life.
2 - The widely observed real life stereotype that mac users are gay began when apple introduced their first fagbook around 2005. It was basically an overpriced thin IBM thinkpad that had serious thermal throttling, software, an hardware bursting into flames issues. Most of the population accepted them to be complete and useless fucking dogshit and a huge waste of your hard earned money but a large quantity of homosexuals found them pretty, most likely because they matched the silver vibrators they kept stowed away in their purses while they walked like fucking fags in malls while normal human beings vomited in utter horror at seeing the massive degeneracy.

All doubt was subsequently removed once a homosexual was put in charge of Apple confirming what most already knew.






>every other O.S must function exactly like wangblows
>t. pajeet

For all I care, you're both fucking toddlers for giving a rats ass what other people use.

Why did you bother to reply gay post ? Unless you're gay.

>Most of the population accepted them to be complete and useless fucking dogshit
>MacBooks highest selling laptops of all time

You just ruined your whole post user

Why do you bother trying to speak English?

Because the brits fuck our women ? lol.
You might wanna try some thai tranny, its good for you this time of the year.

So you don't mind being associated with homosexuals?

You honestly don't mind that your family, friends, co-workers, boss, mailman, little girl down the street now think that you are a arse bandit, fruit, peter puffer, batty boy, doughnut puncher, frenchman, chocolate starfish invader, butt viking, knob jockey, limp wristed, mary, fudge packer, flower, bone smuggler, ect. ?

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake with your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a trip-code when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your trip-code when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a trip-code when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Really? Then why do they hold less than 5% market share?

You know what else holds less than 5% market share? I'll give you a hint: they need to be gassed, twice.

>the last two year's worth of OS X versions

Do you even read what you post?

butt-blasted mactoddler detected


Alright Sup Forums, I'm gonna go ahead and rest. Can't wait to join you tomorrow for another round of mactoddler bashing with hard facts.

Maybe someday they'll learn they or their fruity fashion accessories aren't fucking welcome here.

How was the flight to Japan?


the thinkshit shilling in that pic is 10/10 triggering
there is no less stressful job I could imagine for a laptop than a lifetime of being bolted to the wall in a zero-gravity environment and seeing occasional, careful use at best for instrument control or data entry, shit's a fucking garage queen
yet fanboys and shills who know fuck all about technology but using it as a fashion/lifestyle accessory for web browsing blow it up like they're taking it into a warzone, it's such a disgustingly retarded appeal to Reddit-tier pop science I don't even

worse than shitheads who bring up supercomputers when talking about desktop platforms

>Really? Then why do they hold less than 5% market share?
Because there are a lot of other competing laptops out there you fucking retard. It's not really hard to put 2 and 2 together.

>macs are heavily marketed to 20-something white people who are progressive liberals and usually liberal arts college students

>most powerful man in the world uses a macbook
rly makes u think...

It was 'hipster' for a while. I suppose that music video featuring macbooks may have started the fag meme.

you are retarded. well done.

>most evil man in the world uses a macbook

really fires your neurons...

>not gay
Is this what faggots really believe?

You're closing a window, you idiot.

MAC user=faggot

To be fair he acts like a suburban14 year old girl so it still works.