/wdg/ - Web Development General

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>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md (embed)

>Useful tools
pastebin.com/q5nB1Npt/ (embed)
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
pastebin.com/4YeJAUbT/ (embed)

>How to get started
pastebin.com/pDT82mQS (embed)
pastebin.com/AL6j7GEE (embed)

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

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My work uses Google Docs for timesheets.

Like you have to copy and paste a formula for each cell and change 4 numbers every single time.

Why they haven't made a webpage to do this? Who knows.

http server written in haskell

Sounds fun

who here (((raw javascript)))?

redpill me brutally on wasm

Should I use drupal, joomla, or django for a CMS for a website I'm making that is just going to have articles I write and a comment section.
I only know HTML/CSS/vanilla javscript and I figure it would be better and quicker to just grind the rest of the way by making something.

I'm learning webdev while working part time. Ideally how many hours should I be trying to do a day? I'm currently doing four hours of freecodecamp.

Any other resources that I should be spending time on?

Do you think that people should be required to leave their name/email address in commented out code that they've written so that people who have to maintain or work on it later can ask them questions about it? I think this would be a cool practice.

I'm learning how to write HTML 5 and CSS.

My girlfriend is a graphics designer and does a bunch of EDM's which are making emails look pretty.

I looked at the code for it and it was fucking ridiculous. They need to fix it.

So I spent the last half year with React/Redux/webpack/ES6 and stuff and got the project lead on a large scale SPA with that technology stack
Super excited

that's what version control is for

Yes, like when a client wants you to add a button and you have no idea what font to use or how they made the button.

Yes, people still use image buttons.

I wonder if I should switch JS patterns to void this binding mess.

learn how to read code

I'm trying to make a card game using a flask backend and a pretty bare frontend.
I plan on having multiple users playing the game together and running the actual game on the backend. My question is what sort of framework/library should I be using to communicate between the server and clients. So the server picks a card to deal to the client and then it'll display client side as well as for other clients.

Should I be using jquery and socketio? Pretty new to web dev.

Obviously Wordpress.

while(true) {
>wake up
>go to coding job
>get off coding job
>have 3 hours to work on projects
>go to bed

Apache or Nginx

All 3 of 'em are pretty solid.
I'd pick Django but that's just preference.

nginx if you have lots of traffic
Apache if you don't care about configuration

Hey guys, what do you use to build blogs? I was thinking about Jeckyll

WordPress if you want to be hired by a company that does just that

I don't. I'm more interested in working in finance.

I'd rather not use wordpress since it does most of the work by itself and I'm still new so I'd rather learn to do that stuff so I can get an actual job.
Thanks, wasn't sure if there was much of a difference between them

>not using for(;;)

thx for the advice.

what IS webassembly? can I code a webpage in C++ somehow, and just convert it to a webassembly with the click of a button?

Meaning you dont have to learn javascript.. html, and 50 other things?

I just kind of googled it and it seems kind of like I still need to know some html unfortunately.

Is the web assembly just for like coding apps into the web page, but I still need html to design and format it nicely?

Does this shit work? I like that. A lot. Thanks, man.

I can see this is the roleplay as a dev thread.
I shall take my leave

b-but I am a dev.

pic related

Decided to go with jquery + flask-socketio.

>be php dev
>always want to do work with the front end devs

This is suffering. How can I convince the boss that I can, and should, do both? They use Titanium, I use Cordova. Close enough, right?

I constantly get their error messages while bug fixing backend and Javascript bugs are so much easier to fix.

Do what any reasonable person does and learn whatever front end frameworks they are doing and then tell your boss you can work alongside both back end and the front end guys.

Make sure though when you have additional responsibilities and skills that you actually get paid for it.

His boss would probably say fuck yourself, I'm paying you to do back end coding, desu.

OP, I'm a front end dev and we have people in my department that think they are designer/devs. They can't be devoted enough to design (nor are they actually good at it) to actually work effectively with the designers and PM's and this also causes their dev work to lack. It hurts design, front end, and back end teams.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with learning what you can and helping out where you can. Just don't try to be the full stack guy in a situation where it doesn't make sense, and don't impose yourself on other people's territory where they have been working for years already. It just causes problems in my experience.

I don't use either, but aren't Titanium and Cordova like native generators vs webviews? Not really similar it seems

should I just quit programming, it takes me longer than a couple days just to write a numbers guessing game?

Never quit!
Remember to get good at something you have suck at first. Then next time suck slightly less.

You shouldnt quit, but you need to do is learn more before getting ahead of yourself.

A numbers guessing game would be very easy to do for someone that has studied at least the very fundamentals of their language.

Anyone know a good place to get free data-(sets).

I need stuff like FREE IMAGES, basic descriptions of countries, their leaders etc. Generally short and succinct.

Where and how do I get this?

Yeah nothing like getting a fuck ton of pajeets filling up your inbox when they fuck up trying to copy/paste your code to whatever project has been outsourced to them.

About 2 months ago I posted that I was going to practice 8 hours a day so I could get a job ASAP. Well after 43 days of at least 8 hours a day I got a job as a full stack dev.

General question here.

I'm coming from a non-Web Dev programming background (EEE degree, mostly C/C++ experience with a single SQL tutorial under my belt) and may be getting into a MEAN Web Dev project (with pretty minimal experience) via a friend of a friend.

Basically what are the main differences/constraints I have to be aware of moving from C/C++ to Web Dev/MEAN?

Congratulations, user. May I ask what resources you used to learn, what your portfolio is looking like?

Beginner here

I have started my first personal project, a flashcards web app. At this stage, I don't have the skills to build the whole thing (no back end knowledge yet, very limited JS/JQ) but my intention is to work on it as I learn and apply the skills I learn as I go along. I know what I want the app to do, its just a question of planning how to do it when I don't have the coding chops yet.

So my question is about planning an app. Should I write out a detailed plan of exactly I want the app to do at this stage, even if I don't have the ability to build it? Just advice for how to go about structuring a project in general really

With anything to do with programming, a good plan to implement a relatively complex program is quite essential but in your circumstance, a small outline on what you are trying to do and brainstorming how you intend to implement it should be adequate. Web development is quite WSYWIG which makes it easy to develop for, and fixing problems aren't so trivial.

In the industry, people typically use UML diagrams (class, sequence, state, activity, etc) to outline what their programs tend to do, how the inner workings of the program communicate, etc.

just wanna say, typescript is awesome

it is, yeah
what are you making?

Feed me some cool JS exercise resource faam. I don't want no spoonfeeding

Is Weex still meme tier now that Apache got their dirty hands on it?

There's a project on GitHub with 233k lines of CoffeeScript code
I bet they must be loving that decision now

A frontend for a couple of our rest servers. Those are written in scala, so switching to typescript is very easy. Also, doing things in a more typesafe manner on the frontend side feels great.

it has not worked out on our project. We've only used it for polyfills

I think I remember you, but a lot of people ask "how long to learn this" and everyone says a few months at 8 hours a day.

Good job though.

I know C# and a bit of C++, and I plan on learning web development. Will these languages be of any use to me in the web dev world?

C# will be, check out .NET core


yes you can do back end with C# and .NET . Also you will have no problems with JavaScript, the languages are pretty similar JS is easier actually.

Any reccomended books/online guides for Node.js?

I got a new job and need to read up on Node.js (I have never done web before) and OAuth2.

so what's a good book for .NET and web dev? hal plox

dunno, i used to use the microsoft documentation. but specifically to web i have no clue.

If you know JavaScript there isn't much to know about node
a) Make sure you know how CommonJS modules work (you know, all those pesky require(...) and module.exports = {...} expressions)
b) Take a look at some often-used module (eg fs) to see how the core library handles asynchronous operations (it still uses callbacks)
c) Learn how npm and module dependencies work (it's not particularly hard)

Never done Javascript before. Done async exactly once and cried from it, but that was several years ago so hopefully I'm a better programmer.

So if I need to learn Node, I should just start with normal JS?

>Every field is either a text or integer


C# 6.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference

Glorious reviews of this book everywhere, got a copy myself and I can't praise it enough.

Sample a pdf copy online before purchasing a physical copy ofc.


>C# 6.0 in a Nutshell

Thanks! do you know if there's a major difference between this edition and the pocket reference edition? Because one sells at $50 and the other one at $10, both second-hand.

hue... look at the author :
Bob something with his therapist. Assembly guys are indeed crazy.

In this database.

They literally have a text for zipcode and text datatype for a boolean.

You know.. my coworkers have been in this business for 15 - 20 years, each of them. Combined they probably have 100 years experience.. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if I saw what you're seeing. Some people just don't care to git gud

don't go down the M$ route please. For the good of humanity

what are you talking about...html? sql? what the fuck are you talking about

>text for zipcode
what's wrong with that

Anyone know what "metrics" mean in this context?

probably programming graphs, charts, etc based on metrics of something. There are lots of cool libs for that kind of stuff

I guess pull data from the api and use it to draw some charts

alright thanks, my dick got harder than it already is then

IIRC zip codes in the US are exclusively numeric
The rest of the civilized world uses postal codes instead, and they can be alphanumeric

>IIRC zip codes in the US are exclusively numeric
so what? if you aren't doing mathematical operations on zipcodes why would you want them to be numbers?

You guys ready for angular 4?

Yes, I've always dreamed of writing a Hello World app that needs 125,000 node dependencies just to be compiled and generates a 8mb JS bundle

lmao does it really?

Im trying to start making a small web app with Django/MongoDB. Is this a bad idea? I never understood why a database needed its own turning complete language.

Do it. The only way to understand why Mongo can be good/bad is using it. (Or at least that was it for me)

you already lost

please tell me this a joke. 2.0 just came out............i dont even care for googling about this. I'm so frameworked out. I just wanna do real programming.

It's just a new versioning for angular 2, calm down lmao. Nothing's seriously altered

They're switching to semantic versioning and their API is about as stable as a drunk hobo on shaky ground, so expect Angular 24 by the end of 2017

Anyone have any experience in making iOS apps in Swift? Just got a job for that because this company needs Swift developers, without any prior experience with Swift/Xcode. I know php/ecmascript/memeframeworks and a bit of laravel.

Starting to get the hang of Xcode and I've used and studied Swift for a measly week prior to being hired, still feel like I'm totally worthless at doing this. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. :(

I went through the HMTL/CSS and Javascript courses on codecademy, then I just started working on a portfolio and using w3school and google a lot. After I got the front end on my first website done I learned Python to use the backend. Then I just made another website and started applying for jobs.

embodying the /wdg/ dream, good job !
did you host your sites and show them during interviews ?

If you want to learn then don't use CMS, duh. It's not hard to create something like this.

what technologies do you actually use in the job and do you work on front or backend or both

how do I do this in react? everytime a post is added or updated, I want the white page background to flash this.state.bgcolor and fade back to white after like .5 seconds. I think you can do this with css animations but I'm not sure

this code currently just sets the background-color to whatever this.state.bgcolor is set to

this is pretty much what I need to
body {
background-color: white;
animation-name: change;
animation-duration: .5s;

@keyframes change {
0% {background-color:`rgba(${this.state.bgcolor[0]}, ${this.state.bgcolor[1]}, ${this.state.bgcolor[2]}, .3)`
100% {background-color:white;}

anyone got any tips for me?

I'm about to finish the freecodecamp front end certificate, is it worth putting on my resume/linkedin? Or should I just take the projects I've done, polish them, and put them up on github?

I just really want to get hired as soon as possible. I'm tired of being a miserable wagecuck/poorfag.

honestly if you wanna get hired fuck certificates right off no company gaf bout that shit just start building some decent moderately complex shit to show to employers and you can talk in depth about during interview you'll get hired if you can do this even if you're r9k-tier

I've gotten pretty good with the basic HTML/CSS/(vanilla)Javascript stuff, plus jQuery and Bootstrap. Also I plan on jumping into Node.js soon.

I've been studying in my free time while getting my Associates in Comp Sci. My goal is to finish my personal page and fill my portfolio with projects by the time I finish my degree in may. That way I can spend the summer looking for jobs. But I'm extremely nervous I'm not good enough and won't land one.

Just had my first real job interview for a PHP dev position

showed off a personal project on my computer but some of the functionality fucked up because I wasn't online, looked like a real asshole

Everything else went alright though and they sent me a coding challenge, so maybe I get another interview

Next time no demonstration unless they give me wifi first, fuck my asshole


body {
background: white;

body.animate {
transition: background .5s;
background: white !important;

set body background colour
add animate class
remove .5s later

haven't tested