"hey bro, can i borrow your rout-"

>"hey bro, can i borrow your rout-"

>Turn router upside down
>It runs away


>make sure you read the manual

Quality post.

what kind of weirdo needs to borrow a router

Better print it on your bare skin to make sure it works.

I remember doing it in the early 2000s

it came from router space


I thought it was a stylish conference table and chairs for a sith lord high counsel.

quality posts

This thread is very reddit

>cybran experimental communication device



I'm too tired to creatively call you a faggot but just know that your are one for thinking that

> they trust this meme company
they are literally box makes
ALL they do is buy OEMs.


fuck off ASUS. you are just box makers. fuck off with your ad thread.

The toppest of keks were had.

Pack it up, gentlemen. We're done here.

fucking replicators


Roots developed well as far as i can see

i'm so glad i was here for this

It's all yours

"You mean my demonic network altar? Sure, just sign this parchment with your blood."


>when the factory comes out just right

>"hey bro, can i borrow your rout-"

Sup Forums, my sides can't take anymore of this.

>can I borro-

You motherfucker

>barrow my router
no bitch, Im using it.


what kind of pleb doesnt need a router for a couple days


wew so original



why doesn't your router have stealth capabilities. Don't you want to be more hidden when playing online games?

Good one

That's a sexy router my dude.

good ones

Has anyone seen my sides? I found a pair but they're not mine.

This post is very 9gag.


That router looks like a mortal kombat arena


K you got me user

Anyway inj answer to OP. Fuck off. Who the fuck "Borrows" a router, let alone Actaully lend a fucking router to someone

farted !?

>turn router upside down
>it slowly walks across the battlefield, decimation massive armies

hello friend!

I noticed in a recent Sup Forums post of yours that you forgot how to use English a little bit, so I am sure you will not be upset if I just help you out a little bit.

The word 'decimation' is a noun, and does not belong in the place you used it in this sentence:

">it slowly walks across the battlefield, decimation massive armies"

I would use a present progressive form of the word 'decimation', adjusting the last part to be 'decimating massive armies'.

Just wanting to be helpful; no need to thank me.

What? The gif? no She said pic related to him after Asking people on twitter that she say it to zuckerberg. If you're not asking about that then I haven't a fucking clue what you mean.

Get rekt faggot.

I've never seen so much samefag on a single thread.

are you retarded?

>arguing about the word "decimate"
>Google backs up my use of it

No, it's you that's retarded.

you're using the word incorrectly
you should've used decimate or decimated not decimation

decimation could be used as

the decimation team destroyed the large building

the router slowly walks across the battlefield, and decimated massive armies

please seek help

"The Monkey Lord in the image is decimating armies." How is that wrong?

what you just typed is correct what you wrote on >it slowly walks across the battlefield, decimation massive armies
is incorrect

>getting butt hurt over auto correct

Kek, have you been arguing with a keyboard the entire time?

>ARM routers

Those are fucking awesome routers. I use one at work.

no a I've been arguing with a retard who gets out smarted by auto correct

Fucking faggots the pair of you.

i think there is 3 of use friend

I joined in half way through :^) :o)

Call me a shill if you want, but I have a client that got one of these and the range on it is ridiculous. We ended up returning the standard hotspots I had planned for the space.

how is the signal strength at the edge of its range?

>not having a spare router

yeah, Sup Forums is fucking retarded, they just want to justify their shitty 1-3 antenna router, they don't even understand the tech behind this router

Rekt him
