Ban C

C apologists are NSA shills plain and simple. Rust makes it harder to produce vulnerable programs as it actually implements safety precautions like Bounds checking, dangling pointer prevention, data race prevention, lifetimes etc. This is against the interest of the NSA and so they are shilling C so that people continue to produce exploit prone, unsafe and vulnerable programs.

Ignore the NSA/C shills. Programming in C should be banned and outlawed.
Say no to security exploits, say no to the NSA. Your data and your privacy is worth preserving.

Other urls found in this thread:

or just do C++ and enjoy a not meme language.

That's the most retarded example I've ever seen used.

Unsigned integer underflow can happen in many languages
Nonetheless, still a much better example than OP's image.

Who cares about C/C++. If you don't know assembly you aren't a real programmer.

Id love to use something else. But no suitable replacement exists.

Rust is pure distilled shit.

>ban c
>ban Windows
>ban macos/osx/fuckoff
>ban linux
>ban just about every kernel
>ban every embedded device
>ban a shit ton of languages like java and some interpreted ones as well
goos job you just broke half the world and set us back 30 years in technological innovation

What am I looking at here?

C's retardation

I too like it when my compiler tries to split a single line into multiple lines. I'm sure you think that the C version is not intuitive, but if you use your brain for a second you'll realize that the fucked up autosplit bullshit that Rust is trying to do on the bottom will make it easier for logic errors to creep into the code.

Sup Forums, everyone

OR we could just make it illegal to be a white male developer. All of the current problems in tech result from decades of white supremacy and patriarchy in computer science.

Wow, A+ explanation. You should go into teaching.

Do you have any idea what you are talking about, C toddler?

No. You should uncuck yourself and your family with extreme alt right sieg heil red pilled anti nigger aryan god verse :D

>variable changes mid fucking function
That's great. I like that. It gives me the warm and fuzzies the same way that using gotos to jump in and out of for loops does.

>trying to decrement something after you already displayed its value
Uh, can someone tell me how this is C's fault?

1. Completely outlaw C programming, seize all C books and burn, delete and shred them.
2. Rewrite everything into Rust
3. Kill C(ommunism)

--x decrements before it's used.
--x is like
x = x -1;

whereas x-- is like
x = x -1

I didn't know that, explains why they're both 14 and not both 15. Still, it seems to me the problem could be solved by not trying to do this at the same time.

Or how about solve this undefined behavior by actually defining the sequence like every sane language

>C people
Oh wait, they are mentally ill.

It really doesn't seem like a big deal.

It's a long story kid, sit down for a sec.

In the beginning, people had switches that were wired up to work like calculators. Then Steve decided it was a good idea to try and divide by zero, and the whole thing burned down. That's when we invented null - aka "fuck steve".

So a few decades later and people forgot why we had null, and why they were seeing "fuck you and fuck steve" on the screen everyday. So they looked it up and said "wow couldn't you guys have just refused to let a division by zero through", and that's when we had exceptions.

Few years later, the pajeets start coming in and none of them wrote a goddamn thing to explain their 99% hardware dependent code. By this point people were businessmen more than developers (thanks Bill and Steve) and they decided to throw an exception for every little thing that pajeet wasn't supposed to do.

Fast forward to today, people expect computers to not allow them to be pajeets. It very much defeats a lot of the hippie pioneering computing spirit of the early days, but BOY is it more productive.

Yet despite all these safeguards, something always lets pajeets be pajeets, and it's very much the same thing that lets people break things and find brilliance where none existed.

That said, OP probably shits in the street regardless of ethnicity.

In accordance federal law Rust's Evangelion Unit-0[failed to parse manifest at `/Users/stopshillingrust/Projects/rust/hello/Cargo.toml`] has been deployed to enforce the porting of Linux and FreeBSD to rust. failure to comply will end with death

>Undefined behavior is not a big deal

I don't know what that means. What's so hard about doing this in discrete steps? Would that not work?

>Some lonely autist actually wrote this pasta

That'd work. However in every language that I know it's actually well defined behavior and people use unary operators like that time to time.

If you got a hole in your direveway you are not going to fix it by avoiding it, you fix it by filling up the hole

shit I think I missed 2AM at /jp/

i got your dangling pointer right here OP.

NSA pls go

I'm just poking fun at OP because he's a hipster faggot who hangs out on and posts shitty articles about how you should ditch mysql for your next startup and use some retarded shit written in ruby on dicks on rails running on a ti-83 with a cassette recorder as the storage medium.

c works nigger. "mah security" is entirely doable if your not a tard and know what the fuck you're doing.

>c works nigger. "mah security" is entirely doable if your not a tard and know what the fuck you're doing.

Judging from the longstanding track record of vulnerabilities in major projects written in C by people with more experience than the average Sup Forums shitposter, the only real conclusion to draw from this is that C programmers are tards or programming in C makes people retarded.

Hipsters cling to retro stuff. Like C


C people are mentally ill

Is that a balls?


dat simplicity

yeah, simply undefined

lets hear about that great project you're writing in go thats gonna revolutionize how people think about toilet reading on their iphone

>Get BTFO in his own claim
>Changes the topic
>Says I use Go
wew lad 3/3

>takes the bait
>> "BTFO"

Install PostgreSQL

>I was pretending to be retarded
C people are autistic af


Ebin argument, NSA. By your logic people that use C are hipster faggots that cannot use B

It seems more like a personal preference thing.

>cannot use B
>Sup Forums?

>I prefer to pretend broken function calls do not exist
How low do you have to fall for defending this?

>C apologists are NSA shills
oh boy he's reaching

I guess I just don't understand how it's broken.

It's undefined in C# as well.

plain and simple

care to post a screenshot? Java has this properly defined.

It's not a better example for OP, because his task is to shill Rust, not discourage use of C, and GRUB can't be written in Rust.

Enlighten us filthy heathens with your woke AF brogrammer wisdom? Tell us what languages we should be using, maybe suggestions on editors as well. Tabs or spaces? suggested indentation style?

Well, if you can make Rust actually readable by human beans, I will use Rust. Until then, I will continue developing my applications in Python, Lisp, and C.

>I write shitty code, therefor C is shit
The order of evaluation is left intentionally undefined so compilers can make optimizations. You're altering a piece of memory while using it somewhere else and expecting it to be isolated. That makes you retarded, and shows how little you understand of memory, pointers, and C. It also shows why Rust will never replace C, because Rust supporters don't understand C.

>roads are bad because walking into the street is undefined
Yeah, sometimes you'll be fine, and sometimes you'll be hit by a car. That doesn't make roads bad, it just makes you a fucking idiot for not understanding why you should stay in the fucking crosswalk.

To be honest it seems to me like the c++ version is broken.
>--n detected
>pass variable = n-1 to both arguments for
>--n detected
>pass variable n to first argument in , n-1 to second argument of

In fact, if you think about it, it could be that writeln (because it is a std library function based on - this is imporant - STREAMS) is a function that makes multiple (recursive possibly) calls based on the number of arguments, so one writeln call with multiple arguments is actually treated multiple calls, hence why printf is considered one call (due to its implementation) and writeln multiple.

The key here is that C++ introduced the concept of streams, which is probably what caused all this. It's an issue of implementation, not the language itself being deficient.
I'd test this or look at the compiler code but im old and it's late.

I know for a fact that compared to the relative simple implementation of C, C++ had a lot of relatively advanced (for the time) concepts, and you definitely notice it in the way they tried to structure everything (OOP eh lads? wink wink) as opposed to "make code do this".

>GRUB can't be written in Rust.


c# is where it's at senpai

>I write shitty code
Classic NSA defense anthem. Creating bugs doesn't turn people into a shit programmer. Rust is very strict in areas that C does not. It's helping to prevent but but of course this hurts NSA drones

He's shitposting

>want to use Rust
>Rust SJW devs say I have to cut off my dick first

yeah no

Pic related, it's idiomatic rust code from that programming language speed competition site.
If this counts as idiomatic rust code, I'm going to stay away from it.

>idiomatic code should look like C
wow NSA is getting desperate

Show me an example of macro in C

It's amazing how perl is tucked away as a "please avoid all the mistakes of perl" while special characters and abbreviations of all sorts of shit are still acceptable.
I'm not trying to propose a solution but look at this shit. Look at it. There's no such thing as "programmer legible", only "C legible" or "java legible" or "ruby on dicks legible".

you're smart op. too bad no one will believe you. It's been quite a lot of work suppressing newer and better languages, keeping up the status quo. Nice try kiddo, but you aren't going to stop us. oh, by the way, you may want to keep an eye on your Risperdal, pharmacists are clumsy sometimes.

show the C equivalent, i'm betting it's not much better

He's not going to

It's because rust environment is too heavy to feasibly use Rust program as a bootloader.

>Programming in C should be banned and outlawed.
No programming language should be banned or outlawed, even if every program it produces is insecure. The practice of programming should have little to no regulations.

Fucking retard I bet you also think bootloaders == grub
if python can do it...

Linux is written in C
Linux includes code written by the NSA


I agree and I am not being ironical despite the image.
To ban it there would have to be some sort of committee that would come with boatload of unintended consequences. Best thing about computing in general is that there is hardly any restrictions of who can do what and how. I'd argue it's the reason why the field thrives among seemingly stagnant economy.

>this thread

>doesn't understand that --n decrements n before any other part of the line is processed
>blames own stupidity on C
>Whaa why won't it do what I mean
You're like those whining feminists that join CS only to give up the first time there's a lab that's more complicated than printf() with no variables.

n was called before --n

Do you actually understand what a call is or are you just here to shitpost
Be honest, we already have an ANCAP ball posting tard here. There's no shame to it.

Top quality argument, user

Grub is a bootloader, as it clearly advertises itself to be.

Also your link has barely any code (which means it's not shown to properly support all of Rust functionality), nor any instructions how to run it.

It is run from bootloader, not a replacement for a bootloader.

Grub is one of many bootloaders, idiot

3 stages:

>why am I so bad at writing C code?
>maybe I'm the wrong gender after all, I think I might be a girl
>hi guys have you heard about Rust?

Did I claim that it is the only one anywhere?


Typical NSA tailored response:
>You are making bugs and this means you are bad at programming XD

Actually, now that I look closely.


If that means what I think it means then you little code snippet only proves my point further that rust environment is too heavy to use it without OS.

C programmers are digital bug chasers

You can't expect anyone to believe you're honestly against C bugs when your every thread is an obvious Rust shillfest.

as I said before
Rust is helping to prevent bugs but of course this hurts NSA drones

Rust isn't helping to do anything. Rust is not being used. Rust documentation is a mess, to develop in Rust you have to become a part of a community, and and Rust community is something no sane person would want to be a part of. You're shilling for Rust, very clearly; there are plenty other languages that can work as C replacement and don't suffer from Rust's shortcomings.

>I read left to right so the compiler reads left to right
Typical brainlet mentality.

Have you started on hormones yet?

>"Fuck of death" redirects here. For the Slaughter song, see F.O.D. (Fuck of Death).

Top autism,

>I wrote the function top to bottom so the compiler reads it top to bottom
>le brainlet mentality :DDDDDD

>Then I found out that a feature absolutely critical for writing network servers is plain missing from Rust.
>Contemplate this bug report: Is there some API like "select/poll/epoll_wait"? and get a load of this answer:
>We do not currently have an epoll/select abstraction. The current answer is "spawn a task per socket".
>Upon further investigation I found that there are no proposals to actually fix this problem in the core language. The comments acknowledge that there are a welter of half-solutions in third-party crates but describe no consensus about which to adopt.