Enjoy your budget chip for 14 year olds who think LEDs in cases besides power and drive access are cool

Enjoy your budget chip for 14 year olds who think LEDs in cases besides power and drive access are cool.

Nice bait

Thanks, I will enjoy getting vastly superior performance in anything but video games since I'm an adult and don't base my purchases of computer hardware on video game benchmarks

im vegetarian at least amd comes with bread and potatoes

>he's serious

And corn syrup water to give you more beetus. Fatass.

vegetarians are mentally ill, and that is fact

Probably the most accurate way I've seen this image template used

Enjoy your 0.15 shekels for your post.

the joke is that they both cause colon cancer

thanks for correcting the record shlomo, i'll make sure to get the 7700k instead of the ryzen equivalent just because muh vdya gaymes fps lives matter.

>taking care of and processing grass
>to feed it to a cow
>then taking care of and processing cow
>to eat youself
youre literally wasting energy, you could eat the grass yourself in the first place

you're either legitimately retarded or baiting.

>x rules y drools
I've been wasting my life on an image board full of 12 year olds

You might as well just drink gasoline then as it's more efficient than using it to drive to a store and buy food. It's wasting less energy, after all.

This bait has been in use for at least 7 years. Why does it still work?

You just advanced our civilization.


>while pizza powered vehicles like bicycle exist
just why?

If you drink the gas, you'll stop wasting energy and annoying Sup Forums.

>ALWAYS regret it later
>FX 8350 has aged far better than the i5 2500K in gayming
top wew

both of those look good and I wouldn't regret either

>>FX 8350 has aged far better than the i5 2500K in gayming
Just in time to be thrown away.

wtf I want both

>14 year olds who think LEDs in cases besides power and drive access are cool

thats intel tier as fuck

>literally the same performance as the phenom2 in gaming scenarios
>not even worth comparing with any intel chip post 2010

brother. i still use a phenom

>blindly trusting and repeating everything some paid shill says
Overclocking was what made i5 2500k so great. When both OC'ed the i5 completely wiped the floor with it and still does.

>vastly superior performance in anything but video games

Except not

Report, sage and hide.