You ARE using a Core 2 Duo..r-right user?
You ARE using a Core 2 Duo..r-right user?
No, using a X2 4600+
yes, still more than enough for me
What is that?
ofc, still using an E7200
Nah mate. I'm using a 6th gen core i5.
Amiga 1200.
why not 4 at the same time?
Core 2 Quad
Q9550 stronk
>using dual core in 2017
is a mobile core2duo really enough anons? I'm not sure if I should get a cheap ass x200 for a shitposting machine
Comfy shitposting machine coming thru.
Nah man fx 8350. Waiting on my 1800x at the moment
My man
L G A 7 7 5
This thing is about 8 years old. Being poorfag is suffering.
No, I'm using a Core i7 6700HQ, with a maximum clock speed of 3.5 GHz. Why would I let an obsolete dual core CPU in my laptop?
I got myself a used T420 for $150 in near perfect condition.
Which brings the question: why in the fuck do some people keep running such obsolete hardware? If you can't afford to spend 150 bucks on a decent shitposting machine, just quit shitposting and go sort out your life first.
11 year old Macbook Pro. I think it's a T7400.
That's right. It's better.
Intel is finished and bankrupt.
>Energy consumption intensifies
That's actually decent hardware today still. Damn how much did that cost 8 years ago?
4790K / 4870HQ Haslels still going strong.
My surface also has an Intel Core i7-4650U dual core, but:
>current year
>2 cores
in 2008 I got a 1mb pentium dualcore e2200 for
A few weeks ago I used a Core 2 QUAD.
X5460 here, which is essentially a Q9560 with a higher clock speed.
lol no fuck off mate
I did until last year when I got a second hand i5-2400 with mobo and some RAM for cheap.
That E8500 could run a lot of games with a subtile overclock. Ran a bit hot because of that, though.
I'm not a complete fucking poorfag. Why the fuck would I be using a nearly decade old arch?
I was, but now i have an i7 4790
...4? No, first of all that's only two listings. Second of all it's one for each core.
I used to have an atom N270 in a netbook. Same clock speed, single core. That shit could barely run YouTube back in 2009.
get ryzen, FX a shit
Got two other nettops with atom 230 and 330 respectively. It's ok, just finding DDR2 LAPTOP ram is hard
Anyone else Core II EXTREME here?
% sysctl machdep.cpu.brand_string
machdep.cpu.brand_string: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8335 @ 2.66GHz
Alright, I'll get an x220 then
Don't even know what it is.
Why would you run Ubuntu on a Mac?
because OS X runs like shit
Its more than enough for most tasks and upgrading for the sake of it its retarded.
t. i5 3470 gaymen
Yes, on my based T60
Actually yeah..
How are you enjoying your dog-slow internet experience?
How are you enjoying trying to justify wasting your money on needless upgrades?
There's basicaly nothing you can do casually on an i5 you can't on a Core 2. Spent $40 on pic related
kek, not him but sandybridge laptop + phenom desktop here.
Worth it.
Yes, it's true. If all you use your PC for is shitposting and masturbating to chinese cartoons, an upgrade hasn't been required for 10 years now (maybe an SSD). Congratulations on saving money and not buying upgrades when you don't need it.
i5 2500k
I love my core2, got it at a thrift store just wish I could install more than 4gb ram :(
i would only buy a powerpc mac
Mah nigga
Ssd and a cheap video card have really kept my core Two going strong
Have fucking sleep hibernate issues under win10 pro but thats the only probs
A GT 730 or 750 ti seems like a good match for it.
>core 2 duo
Rich people don't get rich by wasting money on needless things.
Core 2 Duo master race reporting in.
my dude
get on my level
I'm pretty sure my Z3735F netbook is more powerful than that.
>core 2 duo
>rich people
5+ years old quad core mobile llano cpu here
except for the lack of ISA extensions, I love it
welp, with only 512KB cache everything is more powerful than that
Yep didn't think there would be too many of us
Only for shitposting. C2Ds struggle with today browsing, they lack of hw acceleration
I threw out a netbook with that CPU. It was great for the first few years I used it. Then CPU requirements started to go up, and it was pretty much useless after that.
No, I'm using Sandy Bridge-EP.
They perfectly play h264 1080p videos with proper graphics driver.
I used a Q6600 up until 2014
Hands down the best value CPU ever released
I enjoy this.
My very high end (in its day) Core 2 Duo laptop is unusable because of its pixelated screen. If I could I'd just upgrade the screen to a modern one and keep using it but the jewndustry made it impossible.
lmao surprised amdfags still alive after ryzen
Core 2 Duo's, except for the E8x and fast Penryn models, are obsolete. Trying to load YouTube on an E6300 practically crashes whatever browser I use.
I can load Youtube fine on a comparable Intel Atom CPU. Maybe bad drivers?
I have an x200s and an x230, do yourself a favor and get at least an x220. Mobile core 2 duos are slow as fuck. It can handle Sup Forums just fine (and 720p youtube) though so if you want a shitposting only machine go ahead.
sup shitbox bro
Nah, C2Ds are fine.
I'm not, but my grandparents are running my old gaming pc which has an e8400 oc'd to 4GHz
they only use it fore emails lel
>There's basicaly nothing you can do casually on an i5 you can't on a Core 2.
Watch 1080p content
2Quad actually.
You are clearly doing something seriously wrong, as others have shown it's entirely possible to do so.
It depends on the quality. I can watch 1080p YouTube videos just fine but I can forget about watching full quality Blu-ray remuxes. It's the only reason I built a new computer.
If you're still using a Core2duo you very likely don't have the disk space for that shit anyway.
Fuck me you're right, I was having choppy playback with this but I think the monitor was the issue.
Ubuntu ain't much better mate.
>ayy noobuntu
You'll go back to macOS.
Either you decide to go on a real distro or you'll be back.
Pretty sure 7TB is enough disk space for some remuxes
>core 2 duo
Why not use a core 2 quad so u can be a quadcopter