>falling for the early adopter jew
Falling for the early adopter jew
Are you retarded? I'm legit concerned about your mental health.
You're a bit obsessed by this product.
Why do I keep seeing this shitty video spammed? Are you tsundere for the switch?
Switch was DOA when it has only like 3 launch games
Itas 9 lunch tits and oly 2 exclsv
yep we get it, you hate nintendo. now fuck off back to Sup Forums.
Did you have a stroke?
You are a child
Every normal consumer hates nintendo. I don't get ameritards and their obsession with this shit company.
no iz no srok, ik
Video highlights techonological faults, "adult".
We're approaching xbox 360 failure levels. I'd say this is worse. Probably 80% failure rate not.
Nintendo better recall this shit and promptly declare bankruptcy.
whish levl isssit do? 360 or eity????????
Lunch tits? Sign me up!
Incredibly drunk or incredibly high. My guess is the first. user dont fucking kill your liver.
Pretty sure he means launch titles
im not on anythng, jus broed
Why y'all hating at OP? He's just laughing at idiot GAYmers who buy this shit up.
dis. vido GAYEmz r bad
The Jewpanese selling overpriced electronics? Wow, I've never seen that before!
muh childhood meme, even if it's a failed burger tv parenting
Holy shit what a mess what happened to Nintendo?
>Early adoption
Its meant to be the full fucking release.
Greed and incompetence.
recall inbound
>>falling for the early adopter jew
Warranties exist for a reason.
A lot of those issues look like they can be fixed by firmware update, probably in a couple of days.
A fucking kid worked out how to get the strap thing off (easily) if you put the wrong one on or the wrong way around, whatever it is.
DOA units are DOA, and that's exactly why we have warranties.
And I'm not even considering buying a Switch.
I havent had any of these issues
Guide for returds:
Have you faulty Switch? follow these simple steps:
1) Get replacement
2) Pull that finger out of your butt
3) Play gaymu and shut the fuck up.
Holy shit the fanboy mentality for the Switch's issues is worse than AMD and Nvidia arguments.
Its a bit scary, especially defending the dead pixel policy on a 720p screen like what the fuck, a moto g4 has better QC than a product 3x its price.
Sad really.
I'l wait for Gen 2 with 1080p with gorilla glass and pascal
Get fucked man children.
Open your wallet and spread your ass.
Zelda, 1-2 Switch and what else?
>$300 for a zelda machine
>I'l wait for Gen 2 with 1080p with gorilla glass and pascal
It's a toy from N. Forget it.