and stay there, kid.
Can't wait to burn my house down with EVGA HouseFireX™ cooling.
What's the point of these kinds of threads? It looks like stealth-marketing really.
/mkg/ keep to themselves in one thread
/csg/ keep to themselves in one thread
/bst/ keep to themselves in one thread
/dpt/ keep to themselves in one thread
Sup Forumsiggers create 15 shitty GPU threads per hour
It's pretty sad yeah. Remember to use sage next time though.
>Sup Forumsiggers
>Sup Forumsiggers
>not Sup Forumsirgins
use sage next time.
How about Sup Forumsermin.
wheres the rgb?
I'm sorry, pls no bully
Your post is exemplary of why people hate Sup Forums.
Call me when they release a max 15cm card that has the same performance.
I hate these fucking retarded cards that make vesa local bus cards look tiny.
are these cards going to spontaneously combust like my 1080 ftw did?
I thought the era of internet culture died after 2014.
>all the amdfag in this thread
don't buy nvidia
i liked evga's k|ngp|n cards, since they always had crazy power delivery and overclocked well. but then again i don't have money to spend 600+ dollars on a gpu and i hardly play games, so no thanks.
>wait fags
>oh shit we ran out of space for the "FTW3"
>just add another LED in there somewhere
I have the 1070 Superclocked 2 shit is nice.
That card looks aesthetic as fuck. Mirrin.
it looks a lot better than the other ftw cards tbqh
they all look the same to me, what is relevant to you?