Anyone else /comfy/ from the leaks?

Anyone else /comfy/ from the leaks?

Other urls found in this thread:


Real CIA use GNU/Linux

What's that...?

where can i get those

Looking for a lightly used Motorola razer.

CIA codes to activate firmware backdoors
Don't fall for it!

Here you go Windows plebs.

regards CIA

A corporate entity using pirated software is a crime under the DMCA.
Who wants to start filing complaints naming as the offending company?

those were/are already on windows' website.

awwww YESSS

Aren't those single use, or am i just stupid?

You're just stupid.

That image doesn't answer my question. That's only during initial install.

> Fixing a friends borked win7 machine today
> Was thinking of going 8.1 with classic shell thats been memed here lately
> Come to Sup Forums this morning
> See CIA windows 8.1 license key

chuckles - this is going to be one comfy install

>no visual studio license

report back user, i don't want to try this just to get raided by the cia


Your smart phone is now an infiltration device in to nearby wireless networks.

Monitoring not only where you are, but what networks you have access to.

oic. thanks.

Enjoy your honeypot.
{´ ◡ `}


You still need to activate Windows after setup. The keys just let you do the install

linux is safe :^)

>What is being ironic

This guy got it

>No Windows 8.1 Industry Pro
Fucking cheap cia niggers

What binary analysis tool does CIA use?

IDA Pro? Hopper?

>current year
>not gnu plus linux

I'd like to interject


I can buy an NSA pin from eBay too, user.

>even slowlaris isn't safe
good thing I'm migrating to IRIX :^)

They also cracked Airport Extreme, which had no known hacks in the wild before.


Somebody pls explain what do these activation keys have to do with CIA niggers?

Are you just waking up, Frazier?

>just installed win10 with a CIA key
I am become botnet

IDA without a doubt

OK, then how did you kill Dr. Nash?

It's interesting how such "a beautiful mind" and his wife die in a car accident?


We're like 4.x now.

> Notepad++

NSA got BTFOd by CIA niggers