>All the men are using Macbooks and all the women are using Thinkpads
What do you think the reason for this is?
>All the men are using Macbooks and all the women are using Thinkpads
What do you think the reason for this is?
I don't know, but it's been a whole 7 minutes since someone made a thread hinting at gender politics on Sup Forums and I was starting to get antsy.
I wouldn't consider those men
im assuming they each individually purchased what they preferred based on their taste/needs
looks like they're all doing work of some sort, instead of wondering why the other chose the specific machine to work on
makes you think
>Woman using Microsoft Excel
>She's using the trackpad
>Woman has iPhone sitting next to it
>UID Barcode on right thinkpad
>looks like a college campus
Well it looks like those think pads are borrowed user from the school faculty
women at back on right has a macbook
The women are shit at their job and miss performance related bonuses and therefore can't afford expensive status symbols.
One has to give them credit atleast for not sucking dick for laptops however.
the reason is freedom
The woman on the right looks like she's borrowing the laptop from the library they're in. I'm not sure what else that white sticker would be.
They're all lawyers, for context.
I wouldn't consider those woman.
The women make less and can't afford Macbooks.
holy shit
I only see all women in this image.
The guys are obviously queers
Just goes to show that women are the superior sex. But wait why does one of the guys have an ASUS laptop?
More specifically, this picture was posted a lot with the whole 'ACLU trying to get people past trumps travel ban' thing, implication being that they're ACLU lawers.
I want the woman on the left to use my face as a footrest while she fingers her TrackPoint™ pointer.
>t. Sup Forums NEET
>never had a job
>never seen an asset tag on a computer
in my experience lawyers use nothing but thinkpads or macbook pros
never understood why people bring laptops to lectures, literally useless
you can record the entire lecture and watch/listen to it later while you shitpost on Sup Forums
Calling numale men. Pls KYS.
So you can get work done rather than trying to decipher Pajeet or Chang droning over Powerpoint slides.
Women are smarter and less impulsive than men.
It's the truth though. How many NEET women there are compared to men? The reason is women are much less impulsive and overall smarter, especially compared with nu-males (I.e. NEETs).
Actual IQ distribution between sexes shows that males have a wider distribution, they have more extreme outliers. So more very dumb guys, but also more geniuses.
I think I read somewhere it has to do with genes for intelligence being located in the x chromosome. As females have two of those, the chances of extreme results are smaller than with males where it depends on just one of the chromosomes.
>Taking the b8
Why you won't learn?
A picture to illustrate it
The "men" are beta numale cucks and the "women" are traps.
>genes for intelligence
You are on extreme of side of the spectrum, on lower part of it to be exact.
>caring about roastie sluts
The woman on the far end of the table is clearly using a Macbook though.
they're all faggots
men are gay and more feminine, thus they buy the shiny dumb shit
women are lesbians and more masculine, thus they buy the regular dumb shit
>knowledge of a certain subject = IQ
You weren't the brightest boy in class were you?
Holy shit, frustrated virgin spotted.
Jewish anti-white pro-homosexual brainwashing through their total dominance of all forms of media
Both parties are as bad as eachother.
Stop posting Asian women. They literally look like monkeys.
>t. aging white roastie
east asian women are god-tier
dear god
If you use a Thinkpad, you're not white. Apple is the aryan choice.
The asset tags from both the companies that I've worked for that had Thinkpads have put the asset tags on the lid, or on the bottom of the computer. Why the fuck would you put it below the screen, unless there's something that you need to read written on it? The reason it would make sense to put it there for a borrowed computer (like what my college's library did) was because it had its own login for the library wifi - which was put bottom right so that when you clicked on the icon, the user name and password would be right there.
But I guess you've never had a job, or been to a library?
The men aren't men.
The women aren't women.
Could just be whatever their IT Dept provisions. I kind of doubt those are their personal machines
both want to attract the opposite sex?
would you, Sup Forums?
Women are dumber than men.
What a fucking stupid question stop baiting you fucking idiot literally 2 women out of 3 in the pic using laptops are using thinkpads and you say all the women are using thinkpads? why don't you just go kill yourself
>US boys BTFO by norway girls
it's [citation needed] you dumb cunt.
Stylistic choice fag
Keep your sexism on Sup Forums, it's not allowed here.
>less impulsive
>women gets her period
>proceeds to act like a bitch to her assistant
>after it passes she decides to do something TO MAKE HERSELF FEEL BETTER
>calls in her assistant
>"i know its been a tough week for us, want to get lunch, its on me?"
Fuck that, women are shit tier at any management position.
I use an HP, but my company owns it.
if you knew where that tag came from, it's not a choice, you retarded twat.
kys you dumb cunt. this isn't your safe space. women suffer from a mild form of mental retardation.
Women follow trends and they want to get into nerdy shit like they want to get into everything. They fall into memes because they want faggots like you around thinking "oh god what a qt she's using the same laptop as me she must be like a genius or something I hope she notices me"
Men stop caring about what a bunch of 12 year olds think about apple sucking dick and use their laptops for work because they can't be assed to spend time talking about how they use "professional tools" with different keyboards and a fucking pointing stick that has 1 inaccurate and uncomfortable function against the 20 or so the trackpad has to offer. They want something practical that just works.
Your sexism shows your an insecure white male, embrace feminism you misogynistic pig.
>I don't allow it in here
Who cares about you
Trolling is against the rules you pig bigoted white male.
The men are devs, the women are BAs. Pretty much the same setup in my office.
Then why are you here
To stop nazi bigots like you from harassing more women.
>>>/plebbit/ >>>/tumblr/ and stay there you retard.
Go back to you angry racist evil nazi.
men are faggots.
but women like being harassed..
Women have lower IQ and their brain differences mean they can't handle abstract concepts well. I'd explain it to you but you're too stupid to get that.
anyway, go back to kitchen and make some sandwiches.
Women are dominating the middle management workforce. Women are using Thinkpads. Coincidence?
really made me think
Wasn't even a good cover on my part. You're alright user
Explain it to me? I know that there is a structural difference in the brain but not what you're suggesting.
>Women are smarter
Yet all the engineers throughout history have been men.
These people are attorneys.
Female Attorneys = Get shit done. Don't care about tech or fashion trends.
Male Attorneys = Prima Donnas, have to have a Mac because you have to have a Mac if you're a richfag lawyer.
The white sticker on the woman on the right's laptop indicates it may be a company issued laptop.
Middle management is gonna be without a job thanks to AI and automation in 10 years
> without a job
Nope. They'll use the instruments to improve their efficiency.
I work in IT in a University. Was told the reason you see researchers using macs is because back in the day the only programs used to draw a circle were made for macs.
This picture made me a feminist.
me on the left
they like to handle black bulky things
Lol white people
>The women are shit at their job and miss performance related bonuses and therefore can't afford expensive status symbols.
kek, true
also true but missing the point
numales + business women sporting their lenovo shit their company bought them.
No, middle management will become the working class as the only thing left to do is manage the machines.
nu-males are the new women. Idiots ruled their emotion who received a poor education.
Actual women have started to act more masculine than the past and had good educations.
Gender is not a matter of opinion.
To take notes with, you absolute pancake.
$0.02 has been deposited into your Apple account
What does "Lynn IQ Adjusted" mean? It can't mean the same as actual, normal IQ, if it did, then according to the chart the US would have an average IQ of like 83.
When a woman is on her period, she only reaches normal male-level impulsiveness. The rest of the time, they're significantly less impulsive than males.
No they don't, that's a lie created by the to justify abusing women.
Considering their use of the kitchen meme, I suspect they're at least 38% bullshitting.
Because until fairly recently, women were largely denied the upbringing that prepared them for those sorts of occupation.
>How many NEET women there are compared to men?
almost none because as a woman you can flash your vagina and get any low tier job in 4 seconds flat?
>it's "this" thread once again
>humanity has been perfectly fine with male working, female making meals staying home and shit.
>women want to do male shit while not doing what they are genetically good at
>mediocre performance at doing male shit because males are objectively superior at tasks requiring high cognition
>comes home, make the husband cook dinner