So what's the point of this piece of shit poo/chink product if it's only good for Workstations and not gayming?

So what's the point of this piece of shit poo/chink product if it's only good for Workstations and not gayming?

AMD sucks balls, I'd rather give my money to the joos at Intel.

>muh gayming
grow up

kek, good bait OP

Now post your computers

I have a Mac for real work.

Calm down nigger.

>it's only good for Workstations and not gayming?
Sup Forums is that way child >>>>

>Implying you or anyone else on this board have ever or will ever use cinebench or adobe premier.

Look at all the butthurt AyyyyMD apologists.

No one buys fucking 6 core or even 8 core CPUs.

>using windows 10
Grow up or go back to

Nope. Not him, but petroleum reservoir simulation you damn right I will.

Six weeks ago on Sup Forums
>buying an i7 is a waste of money, you don't need more than four cores except for specific applications and workloads.
Sup Forums after ryzen
>Lol! Corelets btfo! If you get a quadcore you are a cuck! It is 2017!

Intel user here. You guys are really getting annoying for everyone now AMD suck bla bla bla we get it stop making 20 post on it. You're pissing off both sides now.

Calm down goy


b-but I literally use premier for my job which is primarily working from home...

that said im not even upgrading. my Fx8350/gtx1060 combo still is lighting quick for everything I need it for. The only game I play much of is Planetside 2 and it does fine with that.

>good for workstations
>no ECC support & no GPU passthrough


>implying any of Sup Forums besides the shills earn shekels at home doing work on their computers
Inb4 you edit your Lets Plays for the $5 of youtube monetization you get a year.

I love how thanks to AMD damage control. 1080 is now referred as a *low resolution* by a bunch of media outlets.

For single monitor setups for Steam gamers:
~1% run a 4k Monitor
~2% run a 1440 Monitor
~43% run a 1080 Monitor
~ 27% run 768 (I assuming this is practically all laptops)

1080 is standard resolution unless you are completely delusional

Take one for the RedTeam+!
Join our family at /r/amd! ;^)

>he thinks video editing is the only thing that benefits from multicore performance
>what is literally any CAD application
>what is software development

Feel free to kill yourself at any time desu.

>no GPU passthrough
I can't believe they can fuck up this bad.

Same, I actually bought the 7700k after seeing the poo pajeets had released.

Reddit gold has been assigned to your account for your recent offsite actions. Keep on keeping on! ;)

But rayzen is just as terrible in situations other than gameing too

>he thinks the difference between 480 and 300 fps mattes


oh my god

>he's to retarded to understand the imlpications of the graph

there's support for it in theory, but mobo has to have proper support and so far none of them do, and there's some weird issue where on at least some of the motherboards out now the iommu groups lump the pcie slots in with the sata ports among other things, making it impossible to pass the gpu through on its own...

>not good in selected cases
See, I can cherrypick too!

I like how the benchmark doesn't even include the 6900k or 6950x, did pajeet run out of money?

Enjoy your slow render times jew

>frenchfag that runs Phoronix
>a pajeet

Nice, you might literally be a dunning-krugerrand.

>tfw still 1360x768

>what is literally any CAD application
>what is software development
Programs you don't use and an activity you don't do.
>B-but I compiled gentoo once

>Programs you don't use and an activity you don't do.
Nice projection, faggot. Some of us didn't drop out of college after their first year.

>Sup Forums hates Sup Forums
>AMD gets advertised as a gaming processor but is everything but
>suddenly all the intelfags are gaymers
You know what guys? I fucking hate all of you

interesting. Personally I was on a CRT for the longest time and just moved to 1080 when it got cheap. never had an actual monitor at that res.

Some of us also don't work on shitty open source software that takes hours to compile. A minute is a long compile time for me.

If you have a job doing either of those things then why are you buying your own hardware for it?

When did I say I was buying? I was just giving examples of workloads that benefit from more threads.

Are there any workstation prebuilds that even use Ryzen? I doubt any serious company is going to have IT building whiteboxes for their employees.

You probably aren't aware how big the enterprise market is compared to the 'enthusiast gaming' market. Ryzen is literally giving X99 the biggest knockout punch ever.

Yeah all those dell workstations with Ryzen are just flooding out on to the market.

>Be big corporation
>Tempted by Indian knockoff company's new "fastest" enterprise processor
>Buy Intel anyway because it's more advanced, trustworthy, reliable, and they were rich enough to give it to you for super cheap.

It's not just bad at gaming, it's bad at everything.

>8 core Intel has same performance as 4 core Intel
Sounds like a shitty benchmark desu senpai

It's pretty damn good for gaming.
Just not as good as the 7700k or other intel offerings.

What, like 5-10% worse in gaming compared to the 7700k, while being better than a thousand dollar workstation chip

PC Client Group = notebook, netbook, and desktop market
Data Center Group = 1/3 enterprise 1/3 workstation / various business shiz 1/3 cloud

That plus AMD stock falling after all the PC gamer reviewers and the fact that AMD chink lady had to go on MSNBC to shill about the issue shows they are fooked.

Well intel bribed Dell already

>6900 beating the 7700

That's a good one nigga.

So who is actually going to make these workstations that give x99 ones a run for their money?

Here have some more, I can post these all day

AMD is finished

>Matches a 6900k

You mean like AMD intended?

because muh productivity. i need a 16 thread CPU for cropping pepe memes in photoshop

One cent has been deposited into your home fire insurance

I had a 1920x1200 monitor in 2006
1080 is garbage

>buying an i7 for gaming
what a retard

>its only good for actually important things
yes it is

it's still the standard retard

desu it is a low resolution for the dual titans and such that these reviewers were testing with


it's still low res cancer faggot

if your doing important things then you have a real workstation not babby's first work box

nigga in 2006 AMD CPU's were still relevant and I just got DSL. Sorry we aren't all born with silver spoon in our mouths.

no shit. i got my i7 for Adobe CC performance.

fucking blazes dawg

its not even low then. you need dual titans if you want to maintain proper framerate and stream an esports title in 1080.

and in 2 years people will be saying the same about 4k. no one gives a shit about edge-case autists

I'm high as shit and love browsing Sup Forums.
This made me laugh.

in two years we will have proper framerates at 1440 with good settings if we are lucky with top of the line parts.

That 43% on a 1080p monitor are also using i3s from 6 years ago

>implying that 43% isn't laptops

nah I am using an i3 from 3 years ago.

>spend $3-500 on a processor
>play at 1080p

Enjoy your shitty frame times.
I'll be over here to on buttery smooth Ryzen.

When is logicalincrements and pcpartpicker going to have excellent tier build lists for Ryzen? Also how much longer for the motherboards to come out?

>a game from 2012

my tv is that rez :(

what kind of fucking software you got that requires that much hardware?

What you just posted shows smoother frames on the Intel side. Hello?

Wait for the R5 series if you want gaming, fewer cores and higher clock speeds. Or at least wait until SMT is fixed and other patches are made for the new architecture.

based intel knows how to make a 4 core like a motherfucker

aint nothing wrong with that

its like say your really good at giving yourself masturbation with one hand. your fucking great at it

but when you stim your prostate your only a little better than the hand job

does this mean you are a shit masturbator.


it just memes you are very good with the left twist n pull

to work/try new things at home you colossal faggot.

cant wait to run all these VM's on my Ryzen

They don't use anything that requires that much hardware. These goons are acting like they need 8 cores to run Vim.

But the 1770 kept up with the 7700K at 1080P on a patched bios. Its also cheaper. Did you not see Joker's benchmarks?

where does this higher clock speed meme come from?

has that ever been discussed by AMD or is it more wish/g/ul thinking?

not even use. they are talking software development now.

what software are you deving that you need such shit done by your personal computer?

It means they have higher single threaded performance, less cores means more room for higher clock speeds.

wtf is a 1770

lol intel

H-hey, that was my house, d-did you manage to save my cat before you took the picture?

Lets see a link of anyone from AMD saying R5 will have higher clock speeds.

lmao he keeps posting those two since like 2 days ago, typical shill

How much does Intel pay yo--- wait, 6900K, a 1000$ CPU beat by a 7700K? Hold on...

The only chart that matters.

only prime 95 has given me hot nums like that

otherwise its been great on the heat and power

i think i was the first crop on those tom benchies desu not that user faggot

>intel will continue to repackage Skylake for another 5 years
>meanwhile AMD will get 20% performance increase with every Zen update
The first i7s weren't godlike compared to core2quads, they were a starting point.


Keep it coming. Now turn on some stress test and give us a photo of your cooler.

Yeah, and the file names are a complete accident. Damage control hard?

That's me senpai, using my TV as a monitor. Kinda bugs out and gets blurry once in a while, but toggling virtual super resolution seems to fix it.