If there is ONE and only ONE language that you would have to master in order to do everything, which one would it be ?

If there is ONE and only ONE language that you would have to master in order to do everything, which one would it be ?



nice meme

go fuck yourself, I won't be giving any reasoning for memers

javascript. Nodejs masterrace





Was thinking about leaning C, but all the Sup Forums meme about security flaw about C kept me away from it

I'm actually learning python, not sure if it is that polyvalent

isn't javascript shit ? Everybody tell me how bad js is.. yet everything is made of JS, I don't understand


the only bad thing about js is that it has only 1 thread. But since it's async you wont notice.



>he thinks it's a joke

it's not?

C++ it allows you to work as high level or low level you want


>yet everything is made of JS

Benefits of Java and Lisp.

What do y'all think about Kotlin?

C++. Don't even bother debating this.

>trust Sup Forums about serious tech arguments.

Not one that exist, because non is up to the task by ecosystem and implementation.

That being said comes closest, because a subset could be used for scripting.

>security flaw about C kept me away from it
There aren't actually security flaws in C. It just isn't a babby language, so you have to write gud code. There isn't a runtime environment to coddle u and wipe your ass.

But if you're only allowed to learn one language, it has to be C, because there are some things that you can't do in higher level languages, but there is nothing that you can't do in C.


where is rust?



You know, it's people like you that make this world a better place. Keep up the positive attitude, user.

golang, it's truly a pleasure to write in.

Shit the fuck up bitch boy


Java. Write once, run anywhere.

P.S. I'm white, I swear

Kotlin's up there with the other hipster languages. The jobs that pop up here for them also have other hippy frameworks in their requirements

>React, Node, Angular, Mongo, blahblahblah: 10+ years experience required

>10+ years experience required
node exists for 7, mongodb and angular for 8 years

Racket. Nanopass is an amazing idea.

T'was a kind joke, milady

JavaScript. Not even memeing it will be the overlord language in the future


JS. It's also quite good as a language itself.
Ask me 5 years ago and i'd say C.

Are there any langs except JS and C/C++ that can into ternary conditional?

JavaScript cos I'm not a bent bastard like you lot.

Js VS C+ ? hm


It's obvious that no one here has ever built something besides a hello world project in JS otherwise they would not have said JS.

Seeing this thread makes me think Sup Forums is now overrun with fad-following faggots

Knowing everything about C++ would make you a savant. Anything else I'd within the realm of normal human possibility.

why do you dislike js? are attracted to the male gender?


