TFW my i7-4790k from 2014 is still a solid cpu and won't need to upgrade in a couple of years

>TFW my i7-4790k from 2014 is still a solid cpu and won't need to upgrade in a couple of years

Who /futureproof/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

dumb frog poster

How old are you?

dumb frog poster

>my 2 and a bit year old CPU still runs ok

What the fuck were you expecting you mentally retarded cunt? Do retards like you usually buy a new CPU every year?

>pic related
Just turned 18 yesterday

Then why do graphic cards get obsolete in 6 months?? it makes no sense.

probably longer than that. Anyone who bought a new computer would be retarded to not buy something newer than a 4th gen, though.
as for video cards, with a 970/380x, you're probably pretty future-proof for a while at 1080p. with a 1070/390x or above, you're probably good for 1440p, meme refresh rates aside.


Heh, I'm still playing anything at 1440p, full settings with my 8350.

No need to upgrade.

Tfw my 2500k OC'd to 4.4ghz is still a solid cpu and won't need to be upgraded for a few years

We're not even talking about GPUs, are you retarded? Stick to the subject. God I fucking hate this site, really is one of the dumbest places on the internet.

I used my 560ti for 4 years no problem.

he changed the subject to the future-proof aspect of the OP and away from the CPU aspect, because OP said nothing inflammatory. Would you prefer 100 "Yes, i agree"?

>Yes, i agree
Those are the most satisfying responses on this board desu

Yes, I agree

I think I can get 3+ years out of this?

I've gotten 6-7 years out of my 1100T; almost time to upgrade to Ryzen (kind of want to wait for Vega and build all at once rather than transplanting my RX 480).

You get better deals on Haswell or even older cpu's though. You can for example pick up something sandy bridge or ivy bridge era that's better than anything new for the same money. Haswell is the best deal or sweetspot because it has VT-d support. This feature matters if you want to run Linux (install manjaro) and play games via win7 or win10 w/ gpu passthrough. I bought a couple extra machines with 4790k's for around $300 16GB ram and GT630/760 and more. There's no way you're getting near a full kit OOTB that scores 10k+ passmark for example from any memelake or baby lake housefire chips.


Ryzen 1700 is pretty good for the money. I still think the R5 series chips need to be released like right now because that's where Ryzen will dominate Intel's offerings. A 1600 or lesser cpu will arguably be the best price performance builds on the market.


You can easily get another 3 years out of that. I bought my parents a W541 Lenovo with a 4810MQ actual quad i7 instead of the dual core memes. It's essentially a workstation replacement. Gaming should be fine too. Most of the newer triple A games are dogshit anyways. If you don't game at all I can see you stretching it another five years.

My i5 2500k is still a solid CPU

550ti user here, this shit still rocks in medium / low graphics for recent games, I only play Gmod anyway

i have a 6700k, gtx1080, 16gb of RAM, and a motherboard that can be flashed without a CPU. i'm set for a long time

>tfw bought 5820k in 2014
i think i did all right

I have children that play Garry's Mod. Fuck I'm old now.

3rd for the i5 2500k bandwagon. Best cpu purchase ever

Let me guess, they only play DarkRP

I have the i5 6600. Could upgrade to the i7 but I really see no need. Everything seems so gpu dependent anymore.

Most of my desktop's workload is "workstation" oriented, and I've been using a 1440p display since I bought that 1100T as well, so I'm not overly concerned about the (honestly minor) gaming performance deficit to (maddeningly OC'd) Intel quad cores.

>A 1600 or lesser cpu will arguably be the best price performance builds on the market.
I'm not worried with the cost of a new build, but I am finding it hard to justify a 1800x over a 1700x as I don't venture far into overclocking.

Really, I'm just waiting for compatibility issues and other environmental weirdness to be ironed out as well as more parts to become available. If I wait long enough, that caution may even see me through to their next GPU launch.

3570k @ 4.5

ive been trying to talk myself into upgrading but i cant

probably will snag a zen+

Nah. They play those racer types among others. L4D and TF2 are still a thing with them. Minecraft and Roblox (what cancer is this?) are popular too. They all have their own Steam accounts. Cool thing about having 2+ kids though is they have their own lan parties.

Yea wait for the R5 or get the 1700. My plan is to build the lesser R5 series and perhaps get something like a 1700 for my home server at some point once all the kinks are worked out (if ever).

>Cool thing about having 2+ kids though is they have their own lan parties

Not cool at all. Sounds like a surefire way towards loneliness.

Thanks for the parenting advice. My goal is the ultimate lonely autistic ub3rmensch.


I have a 9 year old CPU and a 4 year old GPU
and two 10 year old laptops
They all work perfectly fine >/futureproof/

I am rockin the 2600k i7. Still solid as fuck


You know they're still good when used a mobo + ram + 2500/2600 still go for $200 or more.

This happens when you write a program with C. The fucking language is built around 80's computing philosophy of single core 800MHz processor.

C is a fucking cancer.

Oh shit motherfucker.

Welcome to CS101, noob

Thanks, I already aced that years ago.

Lately I've been hoping for a WW3 unironically
It would fix most of my problems, expecially if I die in it