I wnat to learn a programming language to make games. Python seems to be the most simple, would it be suitable?
I wnat to learn a programming language to make games. Python seems to be the most simple, would it be suitable?
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Learn c# and unity. Python isn't really equipped for games.
It's good, but it really depends on what kind of game you want to mske
I want to make a kind of 2D farming simulator type game. Think harvest moon, but my own take on it.
I make 2d games for the iPad useing Python and SpriteKit, it's very adequate and also fairly easy
What type of games?
RPG Maker
>Simple platforms
C# + unity
There's a decently simply library called pygame. pygame.org
If you wanna learn simple python syntax and learn how library works, it's a good learning experience and you can make some decent games with it.
But, python is a slow language. If you want to learn how to make games that have more depth, learn c# / jscript and Unity.
>Python seems to be the most simple,
it's mot
>would it be suitable?
Only for visual novels and likewise adventures.
If there is just something as particle effects in your game I suggest you use something else.
>would it be suitable?
No, it's too high-level. You need a language that is not interpreted but compiled to object code, like D.
C99 + GLFW + gl3w + OpenGL + portaudio + softfloat = my upcoming game
Also, sndfile.
Of these I REALLY hate portaudio, otherwise all are good. Unfortunately, there seems to be no other good cross-platform popular C audio library. There is libsoundio, but it seems to be in its infancy.
Learn Assembly as your first language
Learn Ada as your second language (may be substituted with C if you are a nu-male)
Learn whatever you want after
A 2D mmo game in Python.
Why do these retards always want to make an MMO
A Hardcore PvP open world dungeon crawler on top of that.
Use haskell with gloss
Funny, I want to do that too. Literally remake Harvest Moon SNES but with more stuff to do and without the time limit.
Lua + Love 2D is pretty popular with amateurs. Lua is easy to pick up and Love has good documentation. Atom also has a love-ide package that makes it well-suited to make games for the engine.
There's Superpowers, a TypeScript-based game engine but I don't know if you'll want to fall into the JavaScript libraries and transpilers memeworld
/adg/ at /vg/ has a helpful list you might want to check out. Good luck, user!
>i wanna make games
i'd honestly dump this idea in the trash for a while. even using something like love2d you're gonna be confused. learn the language you want to use first, then you can try games.
Python is only really good for visual novels
You probably want to learn C# and use unity for most games