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Technology #594
Does Silicon Valley really run on Macs?
What does Sup Forums think of this genius teenager?
Stallman Philosophy?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
CS field rejection
ITT: things that you learned with GNU/Linux
Sup Forums runs on Macs
Deathmatch time
Post aesthetic technology
Post your first smartphone
Screenfetch thread?
To many fucking distros
Discord is too gaymer and unstable for me. Is there any software that is like it, Sup Forums?
/fpg/ Functional Programming General
What is it about retro computing that looks so comfy?
Are Russians really that good at hacking?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Still waiting for the S8 edition
100% Free Communication
Redpill me on Ryzen, is it good for gayming
Even women (teenager) in anime can code
Tfw another day passed without terry davis live stream
Ryzen 7>i7 7700k now?
I've just been released from the hospital a few days ago and I realized something...
There's no such thing as a perfect ph-
Should I buy Ryzen 1700? It's very appealing to me. Any reasons why I should avoid it?
C Programming
/wt/ watch thread
My 13 year old son is watching inappropriate Youtube videos. What should I do?
Based Intel
Cmus themes?
How much expandability do you personally need in a computer today?
Windows Phone 10
Name one good replacement for Photoshop
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Current state of Android
/oopt/ - Object-Oriented Programming Thread
Check out "hacker news" for some news
Windows 10 update on 16 Mar have partially solved scheduler issue
Sup Forums here
Now that the dust has settled
Sup Forums humor bread
Would you date someone who is part of the apple ecosystem?
Edward Snowden Has Some Advice for Donald Trump About Surveillance
What's the most Sup Forums way to commit suicide?
Mfw voted for drumpf to keep immigrants out and India and China are not on his list
Install Solus
/bst/ - battlestation thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
My friend is super paranoid about being suicided for viewing pedogate threads on Sup Forums
Bathing is technology
Why aren't you using THE BEST browser there is?
Open source
New to linux
What went right?
/infographics/ thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What's the Sup Forums's opinion on xiaomi mi laptops?
Awesome 4.1
Anyone know a good chink shit mp3 player for around 20 bucks I can get on ebay?
Is thermal paste a MEME?
DaerhT xuniL/UNG yldneirF - /tlgf/
Which one is OBJECTIVELY the best?
Nintendo Switch on track to outsell all current gen consoles
Why are all PC cases dogshit with fucking side windows?
Dealing with tech illiterates
Schway Edition
Tech stupidity
Holy shit why didn't you tell me ubuntu was so comfy
Nootropics are technology right?
Why aren't you using Slackware yet Sup Forums? It is so fucking comfy
What the fuck Sup Forums ?
Dont mind me, just pirating some wine!
/pcbg/ - PC Build General - Can't Decide on a Monitor edition
Cpuz bench thread
Just ejac'd hard enough to realize I need to delete this for my own mental health. Convince me Sup Forums
Using F-Droid
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why doesn't Sup Forums use Riot?
Best computer ever made
People are browsing this board without Core2Duos right now
I've got $400 to spend on a CPU, GPU, and mobo, currently I have an Athlon II X4 645, a Radeon 6870...
We were born before CDs were popular, and now there's this
$200 Tablet
There is talk of prosthetic limbs abound...
He delidded his 6700k or 7700k
Hi Sup Forums
GPL and FOSS licenses don't work in the EU
Rate my build, guys
What do you think about coding classes being in elementary school?
Has Sup Forums ever rented to own a computer?
Find a flaw
What is Sup Forums expecting from Vega?
Would speakers like this actually work?
Building a new Rig
Are you a data hoarder Sup Forums?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
/tosg/ - Temple OS General: CIA Mindtrick Edition
Is it Linux GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux
Can Apple be trusted with our privacy?
Sup Forums claim people are being replaced by machines "is good"...
Modern Youtube
The Linux kernel dudes refused to add AMD's HAL to the kernel because muh beautiful code
/cyb/ - Cyberpunk General
Find a flaw
Become an expert in an IT technology. Obsolete in 5 years
Considering the Apple "lifestyle"
Clipper/Trimmer General
Music for programming:
He doesn't mount /home on a separate drive
ITT: we laugh at how rediculous of a concept this idea for a laptop really is
Does encryption kill performance? I have 4 devices I am planning on encrypting...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Now that Ryzen is exposed and already dead we can continue to use superb Intel CPUs
Post only comfy desktops
Which is better out of Go or Rust?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
I got a server mostly for seedbox purposes but I was thinking about using it for plex + a tablet to watch stuff on bed...
Artificial Intelligence. Doomsday scenario thread
Speccy Thread
Is there a better web stack then this?
Ditching Arch for Fedora
I'm ready to ascend to the highest form of existence. What should I expect?
Download 320kbps album from Pirate Bay
Do you ever get paranoid about bluetooth headphones blowing up next to your face or in your ears?
Tfw no new Ubuntu updates for days
Can someone explain how this happens? This thing is making me want to kill myself
Go to the interview
Best IDE for Python and why
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Your average AMD user
/csg/ Chink Shit General
There hasn't been a solid smartphone in nearly half a decade
Name 1 (one) reason to use this broken piece of shit. Whenever they fix a bug, a new one is introduced
Using anything besides GIMP in a non-professional context
What programming language is the absolute BEST to learn first? I only want the BEST one...
Wait... people actually use this shit? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Does anyone else hate "modern" tech?
Written diarrhea, the language
Hi Sup Forums, what's your favourite image browser? I would normally just stick to Windows' default...
T H I C C phones
Whats the point
XPS 15
How to divide correctly
Galaxy S8
Bootup Password
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
When I was a kid and had just started programming, I was fascinated by the fact that some programs would never finish...
/wt/ - GOAT Rolex edition
Is Sup Forums actually employed in tech? What do you do, how much do you make, and how long have you been doing it?
I've had this Chromium extension for a while that added a lot of functionality to Youtube like auto replay video...
/pcbg/ - PC Build General - 2000 Qubits edition
Since Wine failed me (for 100000th time) I'm using windows 10 LSTB to play sum cantonese porn games and its bretty...
What went so right?
Just a tip for Ryzen owners...
Why is WebM for Retards so fucking shit?
Why aren't you using red star OS?
If operating systems were human
Is pic related worth €160 with wraith cooler?
Oh look, its literally fucking nothing
ITT: Embarassing things about your setup you dont want others to know about
Linux is stagnant
Switch confirmed as a re-branded nvidia tablet
Most popular programming languages
It is 2017 and the GNOME developers still haven't added one
/Mars/ General
Have all the tech I need
What's the best way to store my digital data?
What's your favorite Android ROM? What ROM would you suggest to a beginner?
What is the closest thing to a ThinkPad you can get in a smartphone?
Is anybody else ready for the chipped credit/debit card meme to die
Monitor General
I pay 5 bucks for this
MPCfags will defend this
The patrician's choice in OS and DE is gnome3 with freeBSD
What makes Android a better os than iOS?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
UNIX pro
How long until we just call it "SystemD"?
/vs2017/ - Is Visual Studio still the best IDE?
Are writing tools technology Sup Forums?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Moving away from Firefox - what's the best alternative?
Has Asus gone too far?
What's Python is used for? It's an interpreted language, so how can it be so widely used?
Edge, VMWare, Safari, And Ubuntu Linux Hacked at Pwn2Own 2017
Winblows 7/8 on Kabylake ?
Maintainers delete the beginner guide just so they can feel better about their worthless secret club
Trying to wrap my head around this:
Security & Privacy are impossible to reach
Tfw fell for the $650 i3+750ti "console killer" meme
Dropbox is kill
What was the most aesthetic CRT Television?
Why the fuck does anyone spend hundreds of dollars on cellphones every year...
8 core / 16 thread monster
/dpt/ - Daily Progtamming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Take screenshot of email
Browser Memory Bloat
6 months ago headphones and phone's headphone jack die after a grain of sand gets inside
Fx price drops?
Nostalgia thread
When is the coming back Sup Forums its been down for 4 hours now
He doesn't overclock his ssd
University forcing me to learn Java
E-Readers, E-ink
Even the islamic state doesn't use VLC
Is iPhone the official poorfag phone? Most people get them free on a low cost 24 month contract...
Windows 10 is definitetly, the most fucking extremly terrirbly annoying software which ever existed in the world
What do you think of my build?
Why was this memed to oblivion?
Why haven't you switched to Ubuntu Budgie?
Xperia Play Thread
What is the comfiest OS?
Is M.2 a meme?
Underage fag here
What's your default Photo Viewer...
Professional grade metal machine
What is your opinion on the nintendo switch?
26 leechers
How much longer will the FX series be "relevant", now that Ryzen is coming out?
Are there any legitimate modern-day viruses that can affect a user even if they don't actively install anything?
What's the best email provider and why is it Yahoo?
/pcbg/ - PC Build General - Green Versus Red edition
GTX 980 or RX480? both versions are ASUS strix, i can get one of em for free
Feds are your door in regards to inspecting your devices, computers, phones, laptops and tablets...
Were the cubicle farm IT departments of the 80s and 90s good or bad?
Mozillians are at it again
Can we have math general?
>tfw fell for the 8gb of ram meme
Who is the Danielle Bregoli of the tech industry?
Thoughts on AMD in general
What does Sup Forums think of chess?
/SPG/ -SmartPhone General Discussion Thread
XPS 15
Legit question:
Why can't we get just one landscape keyboard slider?
Why is it a meme that arch is shitty and breaks all the time?
Guts thread: upgrade edition
/cyb/ - Cyberpunk General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows redstone
Winblows General
You want to develop a large desktop application
Is this the best laptop you can buy in 2017?
Best distro to install after leaving Win10 botnet?
What's the purpose of 4k on a 13" laptop?
GPU Advice
Can anyone recommend e-cig liquids?
How do Intelfags deal with constant stutter?
/bootbg/ - Break Out Of The Botnet General
Find a flaw, Wincunts
This board should be blocked to non-Palemoon users
How do I have fun with my homemade 1w laser
Is learning java a meme?
I want to start a pirate radio/numbers station in Boston but there aren't any vacant frequencies open
13" or 15" laptop? I can't decide!!!
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
When is one too old to learn how to program?
/BST/: Battlestation
Debian disabled chromium extensions for "security" reasons
What's your opinion on this lad?
Your IDE/general comfy development setups
After waiting almost a year after the release of the Spectre 13...
Winblows 10
GNU icecat
Why do dual cores still exist?
What shitty programming language were you taught in highschool/uni and how shit was it?
Screenfetch thread
Omg ryzen may perform worse in gayms but is has way better fps per $ than intelshit!!!!!
Can someone tell me what kind of connection this is? Love if you could help
Thoughts on IBM?
So, this is the only usable browsers for smart Sup Forums people?
These are the three individual wires inside this 3.5mm audio cable. Why do they look like this...
Linus absolutely destroyed Stallman
/pyg/ - Python general
Yfw you realized apple is the least evil tech company
If you don't have an iPhone your life is shitty
Why haven't you bought Ryzen yet Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Browser thread
When are cartridges gonna replace disc media?
"I wish I had spent more of my life on Sup Forums arguing about the latest proprietary GPU benchmarks with teenagers...
He doesn't use a Core2Duo
Linux is "the future of PC Gaming"
AMD are rumoured to be creating a consumer-oriented 16-core Ryzen CPU
Hey Sup Forums I'm upgrading from a 2500k. I'm getting either a 7700k or a 1800x. Give me your solid advice
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why aren't you filling the name field with Maleanon yet? That's looks a very solid argument for me
About to install windows 10
Do you use a laptop, phone, desktop or a combination of the 3?
Underrated as fuck. prove me wrong
ITT: post DOA technology
Uptime thread
Daily reminder
Is light color themes for cucks ?
Are you a nerd?
The suicide rate in rural America has increased more than 40% in 16 years
/wt/ Watch Thread - U-67 Edition
It has begun
Qubes OS - "A reasonably secure operating system"
You really aren't an Archfag if you had to use this to install it
Current State of Windows
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Screenfetch/Neofetch thread
ANOTHER day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning programming or at least web development
/wdg/ - Web Development General
I'm going full meme. How the fuck do I install Arch?
Firefox 52.0.1 just rolled out. And they decided not to fix the Linux+ALSA bug they injected last week:
Alright, here's my honest opinion on Gnu Meme Linux
Best open source apps on Android?
Favourite /tech/ devices: everything goes edition
Is gedit just a glorified notepad++ with plugins? also what's your favourite editor Sup Forums?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Audiophile snake oil bread go
Sup Forums X and Oneechan
He unironically thinks a hobby OS made by people who work for free on their spare time is better than an OS made by a...
What's the point of using server operating systems in home use?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
GNU/Linux has only 2% desktop market share but on Sup Forums it seems more like 90%
Tor Browser
Update on CIA #Vault7 "zero day" software vulnerabilities Ref:
Will single board computers ever be good?
Homepage thread
Get cs degree
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that Windows XP is STILL getting updates...
Find a flaw
Which one Sup Forumsentelmen?
/u3g/ - Unity3D General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why the FUCK can't I find this thing for sale anywhere? I can't even find pages that say "out of stock"...
Current state of Firecock
Still waiting for that torrent "Windows 10 - botnet cleaned version"
What does Sup Forums think of the Fractal Design Node 202?
Daily reminder
So I'm a dev on this new mmo
Hey Sup Forums
'Windows 10 Scheduler is not the issue'
Tfw to intelligent to include studio.h
Uptime thread
Hi, I'm FreeBSD, it's nice to meet you!
Firefox drops support for 32-bit Mac OS X
Which debian-based distro is the best if you exclude ubuntu, debian, and mint?
Alternative smartphone OS
Get Linux
Microsoft moves to block Windows 7/8.1 security updates for users with new processors
Only autistic weeb retard manchildren and edgy haxor wanabee faggot teens use lincuck, its a fact
C considered harmful
Windows programmed in c, not c#
Computer issues
Post legitimately good reasons why you still use Microsoft Windows...
You can't make this shit up
Shouldn't "realistic" spaceships be just a cube?
Arch Anywhere is just so comfy. Why don't you use it, user?
Does he really expect people to watch 2 minutes of ads after the main video has ended?
Fell for the dual monitor meme
Daily Reminder
Anything but this
I'm a cop who has seen child molesters walk free because of encryption...
Friendly reminder that the 2017 Sup Forums thinks "Linus" is a youtube tech reviewer
Why does Sup Forums hate desktop threads so much?
Raspberry Pi sold over 12.5 million boards in five years
Are iPhones a good indicator of quality of life? Am I missing something because I don't have an iPhone?
Wake me up from my Windows 10 nightmare
144 Hz TN or 60 Hz IPS?
Is there any alternative to Android and IOS?
Show me your desktop environments, Sup Forums
Not trolling. Is Terry a Genius?
Why do all modern high end PCs all look like this now?
/fpt/ - Functional Programming Thread
Heh you guys seem jealous
Sup Forums btfo
Coffee Lake
Well i got fucked over and bought an XFX R9 390, i bought it a few months ago and now one of the fans stopped...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
12.1 inches is the absolute optimal size for a laptop
Why aren't you buying/mining altcoin user?
/Mars/ General
/lht/ Linux Hate Thread
Can we all agree that C is the AIDS of software?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Sex robots with fully functioning genitalia
Why aren't you using this bad boy?
Your CPU
Music Programs
2017: The year MacOS becomes usable?
/mkg/ mechanical keyboard general
Be a windows user for 20 years
What does Sup Forums think of going by some goodwill etc and picking up stuff like vintage bookshelf speakers...
Just installed arch for the first time. What
Buying prebuilts is more exp
RAM prices last year
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/spg/ smartphone general discussion thread
Post legitimately good reasons why you don't dual-boot or run Manjaro as your primary distribution and why you haven't...
"Modern programmers are fucking dipshits. C++ is for dipshits."
What did he mean by this?
What went wrong?
7700 vs 1700
Let's say i had the theoretical capability of spamming a board for over 24 hours with threads that appear all all the...
Is there any hope for using Windows 7 for more than 3 years? How fucked am I If I keep using it past its eol?
Anyone still on sandybridge and see no point in upgrading it yet?
How do you guys fine tune your genetic algorithms? I think my mutation rate and fitness calculations are pretty good...
Last Waterfox Update
Name a single advantage of linux over macos other than being 'free'
Sudo apt-get remove dolphin-emu
What about Zen+?
Did they fucking disable hitting "Enter" within the address bar?
Is g-sync worth the money?
/pcbg/ - PC Build General - Cooler than an Iceland Ice Cave edition
Why is this allowed?
Android Vs iOS
What's your excuse for not using the best web browser available?
Ryzen is Truly Horrible
/ghg/ GIT Hate General
I7-7700 or i7-7700k?
Usenet, BBS, Gopher, etc
Are there any good Android music players out there that let you select music by genre...
Download shitnux
Pebble time is 72€ instead of 249€ on Amazon. Should i get it?
What does it take in order to code financial simulations for jews on Wall St?
First PC Build
Well, Sup Forums?
I have a project due in 6.5 hours which requires me to do something with one of these?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
A solid laptop
Linux word processors
When did this become totally unusable and virus ridden?
New JPEG compression
How do I learn to like math?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
ITT: Tech women will NEVER understand
Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than in an easing of the burden of work for all
Best program to improve WPM?
What in the fuck
Is installing arch worth it over Ubuntu? How does it run/compatibility?
/wt/ watch thread
Better Firefox Alternatives
If amd's flapship loses to an i3 in games what is going to happen to r5 and 3 especially with their 2 CCX
You ARE using dmcypt+LUKS r-right user...
/tosg/ - Temple OS General: Highlight Reel Edition
How come when I plug my headphones into my Windows work computer I can enjoy music at 20% volume but with the same...
/csg/ - chink shit general
Finally white reference cards
Is this a bad thing?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ReCAPTCHA is shit
Is it possible to get a good vacuum cleaner in the EU anymore? i know they banned the whole "high wattage" consumption
Would you have enjoyed building your computer in the 90s?
Usenet better then torrents
Is there any point buying point and shoots now that smart phone cameras are so good?
How are intels non K cpus core locked...
Sup Forums humor bread
I share my PC girlfriend and her kids
Laptop rage
Why don't you own the best laptop on the market?
Redpill me on Rice cookers
Is it possible to install OSX on a computer that isn't a mac, without an already existing mac?
Firefox on Linux is a browser with no sound
Mother found the you-know-what folder
Python is a joke
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How the FUCK does non-ionizing radiation emitted in the milliwatt range cause DNA damage?
Toppest of keks
What is the most aesthetic computer operating system?
Why aren't you using Elementary, Sup Forums?
How the fuck are they tracking me, Sup Forums?
/pen thread/
Unpopular tech opinions
Tfw im actually downloading windows 10 and will be deleting linux mint due to no RX 480 drivers
Why is my GTX 950 so fucking bad at mining Sup Forums?
Web browsers
GIMP or Krita?
When will this be available again and why don't they make enough to supply demand?
So everyone knows that gif is pronounced "Jif" but few know how to actually pronounce GIMP
What is the best browser for mac?
The older I get...
Not recognizing dual CPU
Sup guys :^)
Should I learn Emacs or Vim? I have time for only one
How does Sup Forums browse Sup Forums? do you guys take any special precautions to browse privately?
/r/ing more stories like pic related. I want to feel superior to tech illiterates
Guts thread?
Name 1 (one) web browser other than Firefox that values its users and doesn't just datamine them so they can serve them...
Linux users think they're tech-literate
Black Mirror Tech
How old were you when you started hating technology?
Ryzen freeze bug found and fixed
Is this true, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How is this allowed?
What does Sup Forums think about snowden???
At a monthly 1 on 1 with boss
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Apple suck because they changed their iPod cable once in 16 years
/tpg/ - Thinkpad general
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Phones now banned at work
Redpill me on the m50x
/edc/ - Every Day Carry thread
Have you bought WinRAR ?
Ads have invaded Google Home
Which operating system and desktop environments do the keions use?
How do I destroy a hardrive so the NSA can't see it?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is $24million enough to buy all the latest gadgets you want for the rest of your life?
So what are some Sup Forums approved terminals?
How do I know if my ISP monitors torrents?
Windows vs Linux security?
So I bought an actual slot machine. I've been learning a bunch since about the technical aspects of them...
Is CS a high IQ degree?
Omg ew my bronon actually came to college with a green bubble android phone
Try to make folder called AUX
Post yfw you learned FP
Which webmail program do you use?
Noobuntu aka Babbies first Ganoo/Loonux
What does Sup Forums think about Solus?
The current state of Youtube
What kind of computer would Reimu build?
Sup Forums minecraft
All Ryzen R5 CPUs Will be 2 CCX
My RazerDeathadder 2013 is finally fucking up. What's the latest sensor tier list?
Name a single programmer that generates art with coding
He has a 1080p monitor
Microsoft will block ALL updates for Win7 and 8.1 on Kaby Lake and Bristol Ridge/RYZEN:
Is she /our girl/?
Why is this not more popular?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
I've seen a few of these threads on here and I'm not sure where else to put it but is razor technology a load of...
The machine is acting up, just hold your card in place
I'm setting up a new home server. I usually use Parabola or Debian on my machines...
What hardware was more practical Sup Forums?
So recently, gelbooru updated their site to where if you used any adblocker, whether ABP or ublock...
Member the good old days?
Post legitimately good reasons why you still use this horrid outdated sack of shit
Gtx 1070
Is rust a meme? why should I use it over Go
What's your OS history?
Post legitimately good reasons why you're not on Facebook if you have nothing's to hide
Have you ever invented/created something new thats revolutionary Sup Forums?
Macbook vs. Thinkpad
What can I add to Atom to make it suited for C/C++ development?
You have 7 (seven) seconds to justify using Windows 7 in 2017
PC scrub here, need to know the wattage of this power supply, only serious answers please
Now with added tracking and botnet in every jpg
Nobody else made a thread edition
Firefox now only supports pulseaudio on linux
He paid $100 more for an i7
How do we save Sup Forums from the consumerism crap?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - 20 Trillion Operations per Second edition
Sitting in public space, Uni for instance
I dun goofed Sup Forums
He still buys asus products
Why such shit poorfag hardware?
Mr Robot
Why does anyone use .rar when .7z exists?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Intel = Obsolete Technology
Why aren't you using windows 10 enterprise ltsb user?
/bootbg/ - Break Out Of The Botnet General
Windows Vista RIP Thread
Why does Sup Forums hate this man so much?
Broke 1080ti
World of warcraft is written in C
Tech nostalgia/feels general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I'm thinking of saving money to move from this shit state, to the San Francisco Bay Area...
Anyone else hyped for coffee?
Why are Indians so obsessed with shit?
You can no longer use Windows Update on Windows 7 or 8/8.1 if you have a Ryzen or Kaby Lake CPU
Whats the point of 4k on a 5.5" smartphone?
Where did it go wrong?
ITT: Browser plugins everybody should use
What's a bleeding edge / up to date minimalist linux distribution like arch, gentoo, slackware, debian or ubuntu server...
Why do you use free software, Sup Forums?
/spg/ - smartphone general
Why are thinkpads so ugly?
Calculate the voltage across R2
Screenfetch, or neofetch?
His laptop is bigger than 13.3"
/wt/ watch thread
Bought a GTX 1080
RMS birthday mail
What is the best browser on Android?
Intel hyberbreading
Why should people care about their privacy ?
What jobs will be automated
Trips decide what OS I should install
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Does "freedom" really matter if you have nobody to talk to?
Cheap upgradable laptops
Stop using Facebook
Are HP Elitebooks a meme?
What's wrong with systemd?
Fully compatible with Linux
So i have this text file that i have had on my computer for years...
The irony about critizing wireless mice
Today is Richard Stallman's 64th birthday
Remember the Phenom?
PC parts
Battlestation - /bst/
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I got a virus in a torrent, while cleaning it out google chrome was removed
Anyone else a weed-smoking degenerate programmer...
C++ filename extensions are named .cpp
Hash table appreciation thread
Against whom? aplel...
I am the supreme hacker known as Sup Forums
Anyone else here think Zen will be an amazing long term investment?
250 usd
Bugged BIOS on launch
He still hasn't bought ethereum
Whats the point of 4k on a 13" laptop?
Surface Book
What's the best console color scheme, and why is it green on black?
Dubs decide my new wallpaper
Anyone know a good VPN to use
Ryzen 5 Preview
I have a coding interview with one of the top 5 tomorrow. what should i expect?
Why is the XPS 15 so sexy?
Raspberry Pi 3 Thread
Sup Forums I need urgent care
How do draw a circle in GIMP
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does anybody get suicidal thoughts when you can't complete a task?
Just a reminder to everybody laughing about American education: we are smarter than you...
Anyone here willing to sell me a 144hz monitor for cheap? Here in Chiley these monitors are 350$+ at the cheapest point...
The year 2017
Why do people put so much effort into making their rigs look pretty? Like, who else is gonna see it?
Why are 15" 4k laptops so fucking goat? The mix of screen real estate and portability is redonk
Flashlights are technology
Let us put an end to this
What music does Sup Forums listen to when programming (or scripting)?
Will there ever be a company that can compete with Intel?
Dell XPS 13 9350 Coil Whine/Overheating
Is VC safe enough to upload backups to the "cloud" aka google servers?
Alright Sup Forums, build a better mousetrap
Is it true that Apple will release a new macPro this year?!
Ryzen Memebuild Thread
Is it good? If not, what do you use? I use GPG sometimes...
Good books for coding
NSFW thread
Wikipedia only accepts articles with a minimum of importance
Just received this as a gift
If you know so much more about tech than him, how come you're not a youtube star?
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
/neon-ptg/ edition
Do 2.5 billion people even have an internet connection?
Can someone explain GPU cores, they seem misleading, are they real "cores"?
What does this symbol mean?
Screenfetch thread
Sup Forums, my computer crashes if I don't leave Minecraft running. I'm not joking...
Is Stallman A Communist Sympathizer?
Give me one good reason you aren't using OS X?
Install windows
Anybody else here likes programming but is apparently shit at it?
Help On Pirating Windows 7
Terabytes of Windows updates
Tfw my Raspberry Pi has more cores than my laptop
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Confiest system of all time?
Hello Sup Forumsentleman
How do I stop it from spying on me? Is it even worth trying?
I am a trashman. Found this stuffed in someone's trash can
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
$30 cheaper than the Haswel and Skylake i3's
Let spies from enemy country download your entire company
Chrome 57 will throttle background tabs to save energy
Facebook Internship!
Is he actually a hacker or just a insider who knows shit and revealed it to the public?
Tfw just paid the GSync tax
Data provided by the Department of Homeland Security shows that searches of cellphones by border agents has exploded...
W10 gamer linux user here
Pajeets vs Women
/lhg/ - Linux Hate General
Press minus key for -
At least it didn't crash the plane with no survivors this time. That's an improvement
Cringe thread
Tell us about your Dad Sup Forums
Stop using firefox
Hey, boy. Show the battery usage and uptime of your smartphone
Apple found guilty of Russian price-fixing
I'm interested in dual booting OS X on my machine, wanted to know what's the easiest way (or hard way) to go about it?
Programmers only
What went wrong
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Redpill me on Free Software
Terry Davis got his account suspended on youtube because a bunch of faggots sent him explicit links to open on stream...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
CPU general
C# apperication thread
Redpill me on PC speakers, Sup Forums. Are subwoofers still cool...
Android vs. iOS?
He doesn't know what the SysRq key does
I'm trying to get into bitcoin mining, but i've struggled to find a trustworthy miner
Old AMD HD Cards
Will it succeed?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What would you do if all your hardware was taken one day?
What the fuck is this bullshit?
Its that time!
Malware preinstalled on Android phones
Trackball thread
Not a single white country in the top 20 Java ranking besides Australia and Germany
Try-hard Tech slang
Name a single better mouse than this god-tier piece of machinery. The G400 will never be outclassed period...
I-i-is this r-r-eally enough t-t-thermal p-p-p-p-a-s-s-te /g-g-g/?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
ITT: Shit that pisses you off
Why did you fall for arch linux?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Interview tales
Can we replace this stinky rotten faggot with something else?
Ryzen 5 lineup IS HERE
Is DuckDuckGo still considered a bad idea?
SSD for OS
Please explain why/how this works
Where do i compare vacuums?
Is it really the best Android browser? Seems like it's just Google chrome-lite
Small, slow-changing, alive programming languages
Cyber Security General
Emma Watson, Hacker
You can get a BSD for free
Redpill me on Windows 10 LTSB over Windows 7, Sup Forums
/sbcg/ single board computer general
Is this worth buying if you're tight on your budget?
Why is Microsoft allowed to have a monopoly on office suite software?
Why aren't squatting toilets the norm?
I wnat to learn a programming language to make games. Python seems to be the most simple, would it be suitable?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Delivering AI at the Edge edition
Ryzen 5 Releases April 11th
Richard Stallman Interviewed by David Pakman
Used to work for Google Fiber. Ask me anything
tried installing Arch
It's out
Dm-crypt/LUKS (Ubuntu and Debian default) vs. VeraCrypt: Which is better?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...