>he doesn't mount /home on a separate drive
>he doesn't mount /tmp to ram
He doesn't mount /home on a separate drive
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums - Satania
>he properly backs up his data, and laughs are retard faggots like OP.
Both are equally retarded.
>his /home doesn't reside on OneDrive
> He doesn't use XFS for the home partition
>tmp on ram
that never occurred to me, is that possible?
>he doesnt use reiserfs on his porn partition
>he doesnt just install his whole OS onto ram
It's literally the default in systemd distros
>he doesn't use a single megapartition
>his Linix install isn't a filesystem-as-a-file on his Windows partition, allowing him to multi-boot on a single megapartition
>mounts /swap to ram
>sends computer to hibernate
for what purpose?
what would happen if you´d do that besides hybernation not working as intended?
>He doesn't mount / in RAM
enjoy slow
Would that just be equivalent to powering off your machine?
I feel like trying this out of curiosity now.
>buy Quadro P6000 for solely purpose of using those beefy 24 GiB of VRAM as system swap space
>buy multiple Quadros for faster access times
pls no bully!!!
>is that possible?
neo-Sup Forums, everyone.
Compiling in tmpfs on muh Gentoo
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs size=12G,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs size=9G,noatime 0 0
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.
wowzers, you seem upset :^)
>meme girl