I pay 5 bucks for this
I pay 5 bucks for this
That's because you're living in fucking Romania and probably don't even have a toilet in your house.
I pay 25€ for this and probably earn more money each month than your gypsy scum family earns throughout their lifetime
I pay 20$ for this. Upload is under 1..
>estonian ISP
I guess it's better than romanian
>I guess it's better than ISP of an even shittier post-commie state
You better believe it
I pay 5 bucks for this.
I pay $30 for this, but I'd rather pay $5 for what Romania has.
>tfw Australian ADSL is $60
>10/0.08 Mbps is the norm
I pay 40 euros for this.
120 down
6 up (top kek welcome to germania)
pay 35 eurobux
elisa = dna >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sonera
Has Telia/Sonera started offering 1Gbit/1Gbit in Finland aswell? Last week they started offering those speeds in certain locations in Estonia for 99€/month
I pay 30€ for this
some user told me sonera has far better peering than dna
I have exactly one local provider, Sonera.
No idea. I only get offered 1000/100.
I pay 5 bucks for THIS
Lmao that's actually true
>Faster than 98% of RU
Does everyone else pay 2 bucks?
5 bucks for a university tuition?
Sign me the fuck up!
No, I just live in a big city not far from Moscow so aggressive pricing competition is a thing here.
But the majority of the Russian population lives in big cities in the European part of the Russia. Is everyone else just stupid?
well, come to czechia then, the uni is free as long as you are not retaking whole year worth of courses two years in a row
I'm an EU citizen, will I still be able to study for free, despite not being a Czech?
>when bundled
>live in kind of literally who location in an 60s apartment
>have availability for gigabit at 70 europoors
>sister lives in middle of helsinki, apartment built in 2013
>only available up to 100mbps at 20 europoors
you probably won't get those speeds for 5 bucks a month unless you have the infrastructure in place which most commie blocks in russia definitely don't, cables and shieet need to be installed
You could offer my symmetrical gbit/s for 5 bucks and I wouldn't want to live in Brno. What a shit hole.
>live in """shithole""" where they shoved refugees (they have relocated all of them somewhere else now)
>get 350/20 for 20 eurobucks
I get this for free with my rent.
Yes, if you learn czech. If you take all your courses in english or german there is a yearly fee, some 70 euros if I remember correctly.
You can very easily work around this though, just take some easy class such as sport in czech and you are set.
no it's part of the monthly maintenance charge, you're forced to pay for it through those charges
it's ''''''''''''''''''free''''''''''''''''
I also got the same but 10mbps
Who 4G on laptop/desktop here?
Can only get shit quality ADSL in the office.
So instead I'm using this Huawei 4G hotspot with an unlimited data subscription.
What's the best way to do 4G to Ethernet and WiFi?
My ASUS router is very buggy when connecting through USB, and the range of the Huawei is meh.
I pay 5 bucks for your mother and she gives me 100mbps (mother blows per second)
>faster than 90% of finland
I thought finland was supposed to have world class infrastructure
Drive to Prague, pay Markéta Štroblová to shit in your mouth, then die.
The fact that the infrastructure exists, doesn't mean everyone uses it. If you can get Gigabit to your apartment, you probably get 10 Mb/s down without any extra on top of the maintenance charge, which is enough for most people.
Also, 3G/4G plans.
makes sense and I bet half the population who live in bumfuck nowhere don't have access to cheap good internet
£30 for this shit.
British infrastructure everyone, thanks for the monopoly provider Openreach.
>tfw used to get better results ten years ago
I guess they haven't improved on the infrastructure much, and the number of connections has increased by a significat amount. Either way, 10€.
around 60-65$ for this.
Would get fiber but not available where I live.
American here
Why don't britbongs have symmetric upload/download speeds?
for most people download is more important
16€ for this, plus a landline. Without the landline it would be 15€.
I could bump it up to gigabit for 20€, but it's useless since upload stays the same, and download is limited by my drive speeds (can't really torrent faster than 40MByte).
Wifi bridge to a switch, plug in an access point
I use something similar to pic related, it works fine
4G Bridge Switch AP Client
I pay 5 bucks for this
We have to pay extra for that kind of service which is so obviously much harder to achieve because it's definitely easier to pour water into a cup than it is to pour water out of it.
okay so there's plenty of regular routers that have sim slots which seems to be the best solution
>which is so obviously much harder
Are you sure you're English?
pic says it all
>probably earn more money
m8, theres so many things wrong in that.
Starman is shit just saying.
Your Gigabit doesn't seem to be working.
Romania... the gypsy shithole of Europe. I wish we could ban all you fuckers from Sup Forums.
It is Gigabit capable, but I don't need that plan.
This is from my neighbours
t. anime faggot
That's nice. Retard.
>comes on an anime site
>posts on an anime site
>complains about anime
>argues with anime fans
you smelly retarded poor fuckers really do have a very, very low IQ. do not reproduce. kill yourself immediately. you are a worthless sack of shit.
>living in Romania
>not having gigabit internet for 9€
nigga what are you doing?
he can't put his entire salary on paying for internet
the only thing that will not reproduce is your autistic ass, you fucking lame ass pedofile
>the only thing that will not reproduce is your autistic ass, you fucking lame ass pedofile
go take some remedial english classes you retard.
is your life so shit that you have to go on an anime site and insult anime fans to feel better about yourself? god damn... you're a fucking loser. kys.
Why is internet so cheap in Romania?
stop projecting, you imbecile
just kill me now
That's not cheap. That's half their monthly income.
>slower than 97% of DE
Why so?
I pay $50 for this
$100/Month. Kms
I'm in a village in one of the poorer states of germany
the fun part about this connection is that analog telephony has been abandoned by our biggest telecommunications provider, so the only option is VoIP
try using VoIP with this bandwidth :^)
11/2 Mbit/s in rural Germany for 35€
at least it's stable and pings are decent.
Who Virgin Media UK fibre optic here? Any better service in the uk? I obviously dont care about throttling during the day. Smart people use schedulers anyway
omg, that sucks, user. Have you considered to build some long range wireless links?
they do, Finland has 4g coverage over the entire country. mifi and 4g dongles are what a lot of people use.
might as well an hero
no datacap?
Usually not. My phone plan has a 4G plan that is only speedcapped (21 Mb/s).
I pay $61/mo in east coast US for 400 Mbps down 30 Mbps up (lol)
These threads are irrelevant. Ya I pay 10x as much for comparable internet, but I also make about 10x as much for someone with a comparable job in other countries.
If you pay $5/month for that internet in say, London, or New York, or whatever, then I'll be impressed. Where I am right now, I'm pretty much dead on average making roughly $60k/year, I'd probably be in the top 1% in romania with that wage.
That's not bad at all then. 21Mbps is a good speed
Yeah, I figured it was enough for my needs with a phone. That 4G plan is 15 euros per month and 50 Mb/s speedcap would've been 20 euros per month.
I pay $99.95 for this.
The only thing Telia offers me is 12/1, so I can only have Starman. STV is shit.
>implying I use Starmans TV service, Telias offering is better.
Also, do you even IT?
>Why is internet so cheap in Romania?
they make equivalent of $1000 per year. they're all chock-full of smelly gypsies who steal all the shit.
It's stolen
EU Structural and Cohesion funds. Post-commie state where they dont give a fuck when they dig holes in private property and put fibre there.
Pick one then stop fucking with Ukraine.
this though i pay even more for such bandwidth
living in a shitnet country is pure suffering
I pay $80 for this
And I pay (the equivalent in UAH of) less than 10 EUR for this (:
Yeah but Ukraine is gonna get rekt by Russia
Y'all niggas are wrong, you need to pay $∞,∞∞ to own that.
You need Google Fiber when you want to own an internet access.
What am I supposed to do when my ISP blocks openVPN?
There are no alternatives by the way.