Name a single advantage of linux over macos other than being 'free'.
Name a single advantage of linux over macos other than being 'free'
ive been told u can hotswap the kernel, i guess nerds think thats better than using a good os or having access to good software
it's open source
Different window managers and customization.
It can be headless
>open to interpretation
>wider market for applications == more options
>more text based applications
>lighter software
>not as much spyware
>learn more about how operating systems work
One thing that linux offers over mac is that it is a software operating system designed for hacking and cracking, so if you are looking to do those things, and aware of the SIGNIFICANT risks, you should look no further than Linux and its derivative: BSD unix.
If you are looking for a full computer made for musical professionals as well as young people and students, Apple's Macintosh iOS is the best option for you. You will be immune to viruses and it ill integrate nicely with your AppleTV and Apple Watch.
It is important to remeber that both Operation systems are Free, and can be obtained for no cost on the internet, but for the Aplle you may have to buy a computer if yours is obsolete. Also contrary to popular belief, bot are OPEN source, Apple through the Darwin initiative, and Linux through the GNU project, so feel free to tinker within the terms of your end user agreement.
I hope this helps user.
with the exception of pedo desktop posters, none.
It has systemd and by extension systemctl
Supports more hardware than OS X
gimme that wallpaper f4mpai
>Both are open source
You can operate Linux without any proprietary software.
Just because Darwin is open source doesn't mean macOS should be considered open source, the overwhelming majority of it is closed.
fucking degenerate scum
anime website
thanks you too
ayy thanks
I will download it too, so beautiful!!
about the post
> light
> customizable
> respect my rights
All software is PROPRIETARY. If you right software you OWN the INTELLECUAL property of that program. That means you have to pay for it. Anyone offering something different is a SCAM
Don't listen to theives and pirates OP. LEGALLY PURCHASE whatever software you want and enjoy it.
>BSD is a Linux derivative
You're a fucking dumbass.
came here to post this
The file picker can actually expose the root of the filesystem. Checkmate.
Always has the most bleeding edge features. Any RFC will be implemented on linux first
No built-in telemetry and tracking, don't kid yourself thinking Apple doesn't do this too. They are part of PRISM as well
Total control over every feature of my system if I really wanted to.
No need for Apple's shitty UI, I can use a tiling WM instead
Everything can be done on the terminal meaning I can script any action and automate it
Popular open source software is less prone to serious security vulnerabilities due to many eyes looking at it
More/better libraries to develop with.
More/better tools for software development
More/better tools for "hacking" and reverse engineering related fields
Best networking support of any OS. Almost all protocols used for internet communication are present
More games than mac
Better support for Wine
macos is also free on torrent websites
'free as in beer' is a very different type of free than 'free as in freedom'