W10 gamer linux user here

W10 gamer linux user here.

How can windowsfags even defend this

It doesn't run if you don't let it run
Nobody's gonna defend telemetry unless they're a shill or trying to send you on a ruse cruise

Your fault for even remotely touching winblows 10. If you want games, use 7.

windows7 doesn't have directx 12

It helps me fix bugs if I actually get the error and performance reports of my applications

and no decent games use dx12
get better taste

you're not missing anything right now and vulkan will have you covered in the future.

neither do games
any game that ships only with DX12 is gonna suffer shit sales, considering ~60% of platforms according to steam doesn't support it

>vulkan will have you covered in the future.

>directx 12
Useless garbage.

>spend days customizing distro to your taste
>can't spend 10 minutes to disable telemetry
rely maks you think

>If you want games, use 7.
Windows 10 is remarkably better in performance for gaming on newer hardware than 7.

Not to mention driver support.

Also, DirectX 12 is a thing and will be. No matter what you say.


>A value of 0 will send minimal data to Microsoft.

They could at least make lightweight botnet

>unironically not using LTSB

>Windows 10 is remarkably better in performance for gaming on newer hardware than 7.
Not here. It's actually getting lower framerates, always reproducible, when conpared to 7. Not by much, but there'salways 5-8 less fps on W10.

>Not to mention driver support.
Al drivers are interchangeable from Vista to 10.

>DirectX 12

Are you retarded or illiterate?

>Not here. It's actually getting lower framerates, always reproducible, when conpared to 7. Not by much, but there'salways 5-8 less fps on W10.

For old hardware, sure.

>All* drivers are interchangeable from Vista to 10.
Nope, major differences in kernel between 8 and 10, most drivers do just work, but Windows 10 optimizations don't apply.

Directx12 works like shit with amd cpus intel cpus nvidia gpus and amd gpus get a slight boost.
It also supports 3-4 not that good games
Meanwhile vulkan has improvements to everything with each release(unless you are using windows 10 because Microsoft decided to gimp its performance)

3770k @4.4 GHz, 32GB G.Skill Trident DDR3-2000, Intel 530 Series 240GB, GTX Titan X (Pascal)

As I said, old hardware.

>Al drivers are interchangeable from Vista to 10.
sadly not, I can't even install 7 because lack of chipset drivers

Uh hum.. okay. Same thing on a XPS15 with a 6700HQ btw. 7 is faster.

Meanwhile sitting here with a core 2 duo t6660

I managed to install 7 on a couple of laptops with KabyLake CPUs and on my own XPS15 which has a Skylake. Working fine, even scaling at 200%.

All the benchmarks I can find on the topic, Windows 10 does 3-4 frames better instead of worse.

So yeah, who are you going to believe, random user or several trusted reviews benchmarks.

Oh no, here comes that retard again. Literally hundreds of programs to completely block telemetry and auto-updates.

What games actually do use DX12?
Do they exclusively run on DX12 or do they have a DX11 fallback mode?
What's the advantage over DX11 for those games?

lmao you linuxbabbys are retarded

>open regedit
>go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DiagTrack
>set "Start" to 4
wow, was that so hard?

you may occasionally need to do this again if windows resets it. you can schedule a custom task to reset it automatically every once in a while if you want

Believe whatever you want for all I care. Better yet, believe no one and do your own becnhmarks.

>Literally hundreds of programs to completely block telemetry and auto-updates.
And I'm the retard.. sigh

by the way this only disables Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry, other telemetry uses different registry keys

If you think that's the only telemetry in winblows 10 then you're a gullible goy.

Where did you get your LTSB iso?

That's easy but
> you may occasionally need to do this again if windows resets it. you can schedule a custom task to reset it automatically every once in a while if you want

No good os acts on it's own

It likes to re-enable itself on patch days. Glad I'm on 7 still.





>lmao you linuxbabbys are retarded
>you need to do THIS and it doesn't protect you entirely AND you need to do this every now and then

I hate that word, I just play videogames, I'm part of some cult.

so? directx is garbage


I'd rather have W7 support DX12 than W10 getting a makeover
Something that is thought out and designed as it did will never get out of the hole they dug it in

It will flop, just like DX10.

You do realize all telemetry shit was added to windows 7 if you do auto updates right?

No, it wasn't
These can be avoided:

Runs much better on DX11

Same thing happens with amd cards

Please stop calling the GNU system Linux. Thanks.

Why do any of you give a shit about Windows 10? You talk about how obsessed you are with ganoo loonix, but then just spend all of your time shitposting about wangblows.

What the fuck? Do you really not care about it, or are you just putting up a front? If its so shitty, why even discuss it all?

Don't you retards have better things to do while sitting in your basement, in your office, in your classroom, etc?

>3rd party programs have to be installed just to stop the os itself from phoning home
>this is acceptable

fucking really you moron?

>If its so shitty, why even discuss it all?
because people use it
if something is bad and nobody uses it, then there's literally to drive to discuss how bad it is if not to deride its creators/maintainers/developers or for your own hilarity
if something is bad and a lot of people use it, then there's a big drive to tell people how fucking bad it is, in hope that they will not use it, and enable the bad thing from getting worse out of its own user's push

I thought Sup Forums wasn't as retarded as /sci/ at social reasoning

I would expect that it is shit on so much to convince people not to use it.

If the impossible happened and the majority of people stopped using windows, cross platform support for things like Office and Solidworks/Adobe/etc. would actually happen.

In that case, people wouldn't ever have to use an operating system that they didn't want to use just to do one aspect of their job/play one or two specific games. Since this is a very desirable outcome, it makes sense why people would try and encourage it.

I've seen christians saying the same thing

We do not care that you use the OS you want

What is pissing us off is that by doing that you are supporting the side of botnet+ have a worse user experience(we made this shit it would be a damn shame if we didn't advertise it)

where in the post does it says it's acceptable? fuck off, retard

This is true, but if you care about security or privacy you don't allow auto updates anyway

>fuck off, retard
not an argument winbabby.

Also, the post doesn't explicitly state that it's acceptable, but it is clearly implied.

Are you a fucking moron? Of course it's not acceptable, my point is that there's easy solutions out there but apparently linucucks are too busy ricing their systems to google one program and be done with it. Also you didn't present any argument in the first place, faggot.

>Sup Forums influences more than, at most, 100 basement dwellers about what technologies they should be using
>Sup Forums has an impact on how multi-national companies do business and create products
>Sup Forums matters at all outside of meme-creation and time-wasting

You faggots wish you had the "real world effect" that Sup Forums does. Unfortunately, way more people care about politics, social issues, popular culture, fads, etc. than what desktop OS flavor they should use on their macbook. You have never and will never influence other people in the way that you think you do. All you're really good for is sitting around, circle jerking, making snide comments with image macros, and generally propping up your own misguided sense of self-worth.

Of course, this is all irrelevant. It doesn't matter what I do, think, or say on here because I can easily be dismissed as a shill, a fanboy, a retard, etc. Whether it is true or not has little bearing on what you "think". You refuse to believe truths that conflict with your predetermined worldviews because the dissonance that is created is too much to handle. So you convince yourself that "I was right all along" and continue to seek approval from nameless, faceless anonymous posters on the internet.

Time to face it, my unknown friends: As much damage as you think you with vapid and baseless comments on the internet, it inevitably amounts to that of drug addiction. You "think" you're doing something great, or achieving something, or changing someone. In reality, the only person who's emotions are in play are your own. You prop yourselves up, prove to yourself how much better you are, and how soundly you win internet arguments. But at the end of the day, all you have to show is a hunger for more and more of it, with little in the way of tangible benefits.

My 15 minutes of slacking off on Sup Forums are over, so I need to get back to developing. Enjoy your lives, friends.

games don't have it too

It doesn't really matter, if the last 2 years of Sup Forums had to teach your anything, is that if you repeat something for long enough, it becomes true
and, as far as Sup Forums's track record goes, it seems to work just as well in here


The telemetry taking up 100% disk space made me revert to windows 7 and install linux.

Easy, by turning off unnecessary shit in services.msc and then pic related helps too.

I don't have this problem on Win Server 2016.

Just works!