The year 2017

>The year 2017
>Still storing all your shitposting images and console ports on spinning rust

When will you go full SSD?

when SSD has the same cost/capacity as HDD

>>When will you go full SSD?
when I can buy SSDs for $30/TB

The only benefit to SSDs is speed. They fail after approximately the same amount of times as mechanical drives.

this is factually wrong. please stop regurgitating bullshit memes.

Truly the best way to go is SSHD


well all drives can fail. So you need to have at least two copies of any data you care about losing, whether you store it on an SSD or an HDD.

He's right though that SSDs are pretty pointless if you aren't constrained by the performance of an HDD.

Kill yourself

>balance of performance and price


I have two SSDs for Windows, programs and muh gaymes and a HDD for general storage.

>just an HDD with 8gb of cache
literally why would you get one of those pieces of shit. they dont speed anything up except for that 8gb of stuff.

>no moving parts
>lower failure rate
the only downside is re-write limit and unconnected data retention

Doesn't that just increase the chance of failure of the drive? If either portion fails, your drive becomes unusable.


SSHD is a meme and a bad one at that

>re-write limit
A normal consumer won't ever hit the write limit of a modern SSD, it will fail or be replaced for other reasons way before that day arrives

It's posts like these that remind me Sup Forums is full of kids who have no fucking clue what's going on beyond their basement

yes but it still has a relatively low limit compared to magnetic drives

only tech illiterate Sup Forumsirgins buy SSHD cus everyone else knows they're a meme

Christ almighty what has happened to Sup Forums?


>if you aren't constrained by the performance of an HDD
it's pretty silly to pay for a faster drive if it doesn't need to be any faster than it already is.
>no moving parts
HDDs aren't loud, unless you're retarded and buy old enterprise drives for some reason. Your case fans are usually louder.
>lower failure rate
It still isn't zero, so you still need backups and redundancy, just like with HDDs.

>it's pretty silly to pay for a faster drive if it doesn't need to be any faster than it already is.
subjective and not an argument, you dont decide this.

quieter, less shit to fail, longer life

>HDDs aren't loud
they can cause vibration in your case that's more audible than fans

>It still isn't zero
>muh backups
not an argument

>Your case fans are usually louder.
Not in my case they aren't

t. owner of a WD Black

The fact that hard drives still have a bigger re write limit means that large corporations that keep hard drives for a long time will still be using hard drives for a long time.

>seagate 3tb $100
>200mb/s read speeds
thats why

What's the physical speed limit of a hard drive? Assuming it doesn't get bottlenecked by the motherboard interface

about what posted

If you case isn't complete shit, it should have some rubber mounts for your hard drives.
Had an old 160gb 7200rpm sata drive in my corsair C70 and the only time I ever noticed the noise of the drive is when it was moved out of the C70 and mounted into a rigid steel hard drive cage in another case.
Just have a decent case and you will not notice any noise.

>storing 20tb of memes on ssd's
>not using a NAS

HDDs have absolute dogshit random I/O performance compared to SSDs. This matters a lot in some datacenter workloads, but almost everything a desktop user does is pretty sequential.

>HDD lists 35869 hours of power on count
>Still works
I'm always amazed how these things filled with moving mechanical parts are so durable

and i have a 600T which has the exact same drive bay mounts from what i can see on the pictures of your case and my 500GB Samsung hard drive creates vibrations that can make audible noise.

get it into your thick skull, a HDD has moving parts and can never be as quiet as an SSD.


The previous drive I had in the same case was virtually inaudible. It's not the case, it's the WD drive which is just very loud.

When will 2TB SSDs for $300CAD appear?

could get 7.5tb for the same price as half a tb of an ssd
fuck that overpriced shit.

I guess it does help If I wear headphones exclusively, but still the cheapness of mech drives compared to SSDs out weights any noise that your only going to notice unless your hearing for it.
Now on laptops fuck mech drives

In my life I've had 0 HDDs fail and one SSD fail on me

>but still the cheapness of mech drives compared to SSD
this is true but wasnt part of our little discussion.

and i've had three hard drive fail and my SSD still just werks

take your anecdotal bullshit and shove it up your fat ass

>still using spinning disk storage in computers that are otherwise designed to be moved while in use.

>moving a desktop/server/nas

At least it can be replaced unlike eMMC. :^>

Just neck yourself.
The worst of the worst.

Same here. I have a like 60gb Raptor that's survived a decade on my media PC.


clearly you've never used an sshd
It's a shitty 8gb cache usually with an 5400rpm slow as hell hdd
They are painful to use

>Cobalt(II) Oxide
Hey nigger, hate you tell you this, but you cant just go around spouting off shit. Rust specifically refers to iron oxides.

Nigga Its a joke made by Linus Torvalds about how shitty hard drives are.
Lurk more.

Oh thanks my dude!
I was taking the post seriously, I had no idea it was just a joke! It wasn't obvious at all!

neck your self

Do I count as full SSD if I only use my HDD for backups?

When SSD isn't a timebomb of corruption and slowness

>not paying a power bill

enjoy it while it lasts

This is true unless you're a gaymur. Playing Battlefield 1 on an HDD is truly suffering. You can't even view your soldier from the main menu to edit your load-out without waiting, and then you have to wait again to go back to the main menu.

Never. I value being able to actually wipe my drives if necessary

You save at most five watts from an SSD over an HDD. If your machine is on eight hours a day, that's 40 watt-hours a day extra, or 14.6 kilowatt-hours a year. At a typical US rate of ten cents per kw-hr, that's $1.46 extra in electricity costs per year for the HDD over an SSD. Lets say the thing has a useful life of ten years, that's a whopping $14.6 extra in running costs for the HDD.

You pay a whole lot more than $14 extra to get an SSD of the same size as an HDD. The running costs are completely trivial compared to the purchase price.

Energy efficiency is not a reason to put an SSD in a desktop.


>You save at most five watts

This is amazing to me. Thank you for schooling me bro.

Where are you that your power bill is a deciding factor in HDDs vs SSDs? How fucking much is a kWh where you are?

reminds me of playing battlefield 2 on my machine with 512M ram

Definitely the next time I upgrade my desktop, though that's probably a year or two out

>current year

not an argument faggot

I used one for about 2.5 years. It was pretty good balance between capacity and speed. only dropped it because of form factor

>haters gunna hate

MacBook Pro doesn't have this problem

my desktop has 6 hdd's in it and electricity costs me 38c/kWh

yours is closer to a "best case" than an average

i'm not a retard who plays new aaa titles.


You must be underage then. 3(all) maxtors broke. 4 Seagate/Samsung and 1 wd

This is still only $5.54 annually per drive right?

> When will you go full SSD?
When prices are low enough.

I would use an SSD for storage when they have at least 10x write endurance than today.

Both , HDD's and SSD's have their advantages, but for me the only meaningful advantage of SSD's is when your priority is speed over anything else.

Well, replacing an HDD for an SSD to provide speed and some responsiveness to an old machine is cool, but you'll have to worry for programs that like to write a lot on them, like some browsers do

Don't forget about the time it takes to for the initial investment of the drive to pay itself off.

>Which is never since the SSD way earlier then you can save up to it on the electricity bill.