What's your favorite Android ROM? What ROM would you suggest to a beginner?
What's your favorite Android ROM? What ROM would you suggest to a beginner?
Modded stock or Lineage OS
[6.0] Hardcore Gaming ROM by Rajesh
LineageOS and LineageOS
TouchWiz. It's very comfy and having buttons outside the screen is much better imho.
Moded stock, LineageOS or Mokee.
Dirty Unicorns. Lineage OS or Resurrection Remix.
What ROM would you recommend someone with a two year old galaxy S5, memes aside ?
TouchWiz is pissing me off more and more every day. I can't fucking stand that shit anymore.
iOS 10.2.1
I must be out of the loop, what the hell is lineage OS? is it just an offshoot of CyanogenMod?
Resurrection remix
BlissPop (saved my post recall Shield Tablet).
Resurrection Remix.
CyanogenMod parent company went out of business, so a few of the devs forked it into Lineage
Cyanogen the company is dead, so LineageOS is just a renamed and disassociated Cyanogen basically. Same team.
Pure Nexus tbqmfh famalamy
Also don't use gasps if you can live without it. You can still download play store apps using the Yalp Store which you can get off of f-droid.
i basically only need the chromecast stuff foir YT and netflix on my TV.
Can i still do that ?
I might try it on my Galaxy S5 is bluetooth is fixed its the only reason I'm still sticking to stock.
Bluetooth on non-touchwiz roms for me has been hell, move near any 2.4ghz wifi or connect to 2.4ghz wifi and it just shits the bed. On Touchwiz ROMs this is never an issue it works just perfectly doesn't give a shit about what wifi is in the area
I don't think you can without gapps.
Pure Android
fuck off u normal Sup Forums faggot you dont even know any fucking thing about android let along technology. If you did touchwiz would be the last thing you would say
Found the bandwagoning ranjeet
I used a TW ROM and prefer Lineage.
What's an ultra minimalist ROM for calling, texting, a browser, fdroid, and maybe a navigation or GPS app?
the last two from
Very secure, minimalist in features, no GAPPS support, F-Droid as primary platform, stable, security updates within 12~16 hours of the official Google release
Free as in freedom, minimalist in features, no GAPPS support, F-Droid as primary platform, not stable, slow development
literally the only two Sup Forums compliant choices
A meme OS that has all the same fucking issues as Cyanogen