Do 2.5 billion people even have an internet connection?
Do 2.5 billion people even have an internet connection?
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Why can't I slap people through the Internet yet
They're not unique views, for one.
Nope, but I remember that image of the dude on Sup Forums listening to "In the end" by linkin park thousands of times and it helps me sleep at night knowing that maybe it's just a group of retards giving views.
Plenty of youtube music channels use bots to inflate views
So does youtube actually count views as unique to each viewer or just how many times people have viewed it(even thought one person has viewed it more than once)
It counts every time the video has been watched for some reasonable amount of time, even from the maker of the video and it isn't for each unique watcher.
should be after 51% of playback time
>thinking the latter
this has never been the case....ever
christ some of you a dumb
Gangnam Style has 2.7 billion views.
How come I've never heard of this song by Wiz Khalifa, despite it having 2.5 billion views?
you probably have, just like most other pop songs out there. They're just so generic that you don't even realize it's supposed to be music.
>t. born in le wrong generation xD
knew this was coming. It's not even that though, pop music is by definition generic. Go to Sup Forums and you can find plenty of new albums that are actually good.
LMAO There aren't even 2.5 billion people on the planet WTF?
So how much money are these faggots making off videos with billions of views?
regular youtuber makes 1-2$ per 1k views.
By this count video is worth 2.5-5mil, but I'm not sure what is his cut with all the labels/recording companies involved
Shut the fuck up. I'm entirely allowed to say I don't like a certain genre of music.
"I don't like much pop"
>hahah u fukken loser think your so much better than everyone else you defener retard, don't dismiss ALL music huh
"I don't like much classical music"
>yeah yeah bro it's ok dude everyone has their own tastes xd just be cool and chill you know you don't gotta like all types of music just each to his own haha
I swear to god the anti-"wrong generation" crowd has totally morphed into a very thinly veiled "stop liking what I don't like", which is of course the very sort of elitism they set out to expose.
yea I have never heard it either. Then again why would I if I never listed to radio..
At least Wiz song is somewhat tolerable compared to Gangam Style..
how about this gem?
1.8bil views fucking lol (still better that gangam thiough)
You've never heard Black and Yellow?
so they aren't unique views and there's retards that play all their music through youtube
>t. shut the fuck up uninstall internet you fucking degenerate retard nobody cares about you
Well at least in the end is not a total piece of monkey dong
You get around $500+ per 1M views. This really depends on the amount of ads viewed. So putting another ad somewhere in the vid will roughly double your earnings. You also have to factor in the fact that Google gets it's 30% (I think, could be more or less) and that at least 20% of views are behind an adblock. With an average ad profit of $1 per 1000 views I'd say my estimation is pretty close.
This video could have earned over 1 million.
/me slaps user around with a large trout