Avast went to shit recently. what do I use now?
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sorry did not read rules. fuck.
nobody follows the rules here. Dont ya worry about it. use malwarebytes.
cia leaks showed comodo was actually really secure..
i still wouldnt use it bc its bloat tho
Common sense + ublock origin
Antivirus software is placebo malware with backdoors anyway
Read this to learn something joxeankoret.com
Malwarebytes and windows defender
how to remove the profile button?
Malwarebytes, Adwcleaner, Common sense.
Stop being a little bitch. Keep using avast.
MSE/WinDefend, Malwarebytes, Common Sense 2017 Enthusiast Edition
Nod32 is fine
Look in the task manager
using antivirus is for plebs
Only niggers and FAGGOTS use antivirus. Fucking idiots. I haven`t used antivirus or a firewall for years and there`s nothing wrong with my computer. God damn I fucking hate retards
That pdf was nice.
It reassured me to keep going about with no AV.
Do you think it's still possible to get infected under Common Sense?
I'd say it's rare, and if you do and you were browsing secure sites then you can expect it to be some 0 day shit that won't be noticed by AVs.
I had been using my PC for 5 years without any kind of antimalware when i decided to try out Malwarebytes.
It found absolutely nothing.
Leads me to think that either i didn't have anything weird or the thing was just blind to them; regardless, it proves pointless to waste pc resources in this scenario (which could likely be generalised)
don't click this, it's a pdf that automatically infects your system to prove a point to people who don't use av's
Again that shill's PDF, which doesn't want to show even simple proof (like even screening) that he can break any AV. Don't read it as it just lie mostly debunked many times.
SOPHOS Home, completely free, light weight and you can manage your devices from a web panel.
MS CommonSense™ 2017
A UTM is the ultimate solution. Filter that at the packet level before it even arrives. After that, Common Sense 2017 is more than enough.
If you really need something, really really - use BitDefender.
It's easy enough to say use commonsense 20xx, but sometimes it's nice to have an on-demand scanner just to double check some things, in bulk - of course you can upload shit to virustotal.
>windows defender
Good one buddy
>Common Sense 2017
Nope, Install Don't be Stupid 2018 pre-Alpha edition
Optional: replace regular Malwarebytes with Malwarebytes Techbench