Pajeets vs Women

Alright, let's settle this once and for all. Who's worse at programming: Pajeets or women?

Other urls found in this thread:

Women can't do anything
Ranjeeps can at least bang out unreadable garbage


half of the cs majors in india are women

>rlly maks u ponder

look me in the eye and tell me Indian women aren't goddesses

poo on my chest

I'd lick the poo out her butthole

My desr sir,
Cd code
cd code
cd code
cd code
Best regarding

Women invented programming actually

shut up nigger


>She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and created the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first to recognise the full potential of a "computing machine" and the first computer programmer.[

She's a fraud.

triggered by a vagina ... are you gay?

FAKE NEWS. Shut up and be a good slave, nigger.

God damn, I'm tired of these threads. What's your obsession with pajeets and women user?
Are you so incompetent that they are taking away your jobs?ffs, go back to Sup Forums.

Licking virtual vaginas won't get you a woman, faggot.

Nice low res photo pajeet

What is "revisionism"

I wouldn't mind pajeets if I didn't have to try to decipher their horrible English.

COBOL creator is way better example.
Ada don't create language,develop software or her work begin used on research.

are the replies satire? No one can be this retarded, right?

>You're so amazing. Is there anything you can't do?

Well, coding for starters.

>multi line comments on single lines
My autismo rage is showing


even if women can't code they still have value, they can cook clean and suck your dick.

pajeets can only shit on the streets and smell like curry

>tfw no beautiful hairy armpit desert gf

Westernized indian girls are truly top tier aesthetics

You're gonna offend the pansy cuck mods.

>they can cook clean and suck your dick
Good luck to find this on 2017

Why are you posting subhuman trash? Truly disgusting.

>talks about subhuman trash
>posts anime
Really makes you think...

I am not gonna make assumptions on whether if you are a newfag or not but are you that blind to miss the anime character on the front page? Also I would cut my dick off if I was forced to touch those niggers so there is that.