Is Sup Forums actually employed in tech? What do you do, how much do you make, and how long have you been doing it?

Is Sup Forums actually employed in tech? What do you do, how much do you make, and how long have you been doing it?

>Sup Forums

I work as a software developer, writing C#, I make pretty good money, and I've been in this field for almost 5 years now.

>tfw weekends are over in a flash


>I write games for mobile phones
>Been at it for 3 years
>$86k now, started at $75k

>He fell for the neetbucks meme.

How do you like C#? Currently stuck in java dev hell, considering jumping ship.

I love it, the best OOP language I've ever had the pleasure to use, and you get amazing tools to work with and a world class debugger

If I were you I would jump ship for sure

>not posting your salary on an anonymous image board

y tho that's the point of the thread

I feel uncomfortable posting my salary

Software Engineer.
C#, Java, and web (ASP.NET MVC).

I was hired as part of their modernization efforts, so basically all of my work is rewriting legacy applications and consolidating their stack.
When I first started, they had COBOL, C, Delphi, Java, classic ASP, plus stored procedures for 2 different database engines and applications that connected to 3 different database engines (MS SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2).

Php Web dev, $50 an hour. Currently rewriting a java application to use php.

Need a safe space?

I'm working for intel.
7700k is shitting all over Ryzen
I hope they will give me cookie
I was born this way.

>What do you do,
PhD student

>how much do you make
450k NOK before taxes

>and how long have you been doing it?
2 years

>I write games for mobile phones
>games for mobile phones

Do you hate yourself?

Working on an information system of a rather large real estate agency as a software developer, been working here for almost a year now.

I put in insane hours (which I hide) because I'm kinda slow but don't want to shit on other people on my team by not delivering, genuinely thinking of killing myself.

My salary is in some slavcurrency (so not real money), posting it'd be meaningless.

Network Security
1.5 years

I stumbled into the position thinking I was going to be doing some kind of back end development but instead I ended up doing analysis and programming. Glad they switched my job to that because it's far more interesting than writing some REST api.


PHP in eastern europe here, 60$ a day.

Only a little. The games are all dumb shit like slot machines, bejeweled ripoffs, fishing games, etc.

Yeah, US, more specificly a Chicago suburb.

>What do you do
Systems Programmer - Write LKM's for IoT start-up

>How much are you paid
42k a year + shares

>How long have you been doing it
1.5 years

After 10 years of struggling with depression I'm into computer science college, jobs here pays kinda good but I will probably take some time to get paid that well, at least 5 years of experience is needed for a senior position. But it is possible to get 80k/year

Network Engineer
22 years

I'm a shitty computer tech at a shitty government agency in the shittiest state in the USA. There's no way out, I hate myself and I want to die.

Security engineer
0.7 years

Just got out of uni. Employed at a IT-Consultant company as a junior consultant. Have a CS degree but I don't want to do programming.

Basically I'm getting certifications alongside helping the senior consultants with their work and other stuff like support for customers. Mostly just simple stuff like office 365, adfs and azure integration for companies, Also knock up and optimize a few powershell scripts here and there.

I make around 55 000$ starting, expect to be up to around 65 000$ next year and keep rising. That's without any overtime and all that other shit.

I'm happy doing it plus I expect to get more responsibility soon.

How did you get your job? Connections? Shit seems impossible. I haven't declared a major because of the saturation.

Well written applications and decent grades, plus I handle myself just fine at interviews.

My bachelors were also specifically targeted at moving a company to the "cloud" so that helped a lot too.

Junior sysadmin, working part time
10k € a year
6 months

Why not move or get a job working remotely?

Data scientist, 280k, 8 or so years, but 15y experience total in STEM fields.

Embedded syystems programming using C and some assembly
70k starying
Very comfy

QA in enterprise cloud storage project. Both hardware and software. I even wanted to talk about it once but nobody cares about QA = I made myself look stupid.
Eh, I guess I am stupid.

So, those games are made by actual human beings and not the spawn of a business executive shitting an Ipad with Clash of Clans loaded up on it? The more you know.

I like servers, networking, computers and shit, but my parents want me to get a university degree so I went into IT instead of a college that specializes in networking. First year was hell, doing basic Java and computer history. It just wasnt interesting at all to me.

Does it get any better with an BA in IT?

You are me.
I failed my IT course terribly since I suck at programming beyond bash scripts.
I still managed to get a good job as QA in Linux environment.

>Currently stuck in java dev hell
I think you spelled India wrong

Honestly the JVM is pretty good though. Jobva sucks but some of the other JVM languages like scala, groovy or gosu are pretty nice. C# is still far superior though

So 35k NOK after taxes?

It is IT, so no. IT is the field for pooloos and college dropouts. Do computer science if you want an actual degree. What did you not like about IT?

Suffice is to say that I make more in a month than you make in a year.

>only making 280k rupees with over 8 years of experience
damn, data science really is a meme.

How is qa stupid? It pays the same as development and you get to tell other people they fucked up and need to fix it.

I did not know being an ass pin cushion for fat gay NEETs paid that well.

I have a degree for long time now but if/when I finally get a job it probably won't be related because job getting is an asshole.

Only if you have no confidence at suck at your work.

>So, if you browse Sup Forums

>Implying it's wrong

No the job market sucks and I don't have much experience , lucky to even find a warehouse job.

I feel you brother

I work in forestry. $60k NZD a year.
I've been in the industry for like 5 years, my current position for about a year.

>Listening to your parents

damn all this time I thought I was being underpaid, but looking at some of the salaries in this thread, idk how y'all are even surviving

Javascript code monkey
180k a year
1 year out of college

Bull shit. Even in the ass crack of the valley they don't pay that.

The ones in the valley pay more. I'm in the Seattle area.

Run me through QA, senpai. I want to get into it as a non-programmer currently.

that is a load of horseshit,
180k a year after 1 year out of uni.....

Software Engineer at a big 4 company
$145k (as of recent)
1.5 years out of college

Bug tester / quality assurance team manager for Android phones and tablets.


I'm a sharepoint developer. It pays well but holy fuck what kind of autist designed sharepoint?
Do yourself a favor and get into a nice CS course. Development-driven operations is the way of the future. Sysadmin-type gigs are going to go the way of the dodo in the small/medium business area as just using vendor services like Office365 become way cheaper and more reliable than hiring an actual Exchange administrator.

I'll give my salary in real terms, because none of you niggers do that.

-It takes me 4 minutes of work time to buy milk
-my savings rate is about $4000/month
-Median house price is $600k
If I were to start today it would take me 150 months or 11 years to buy a house in today's dollars

That's my salary.

C# dev working for a startup that's transitioned to enterprisey industry. Work in IoT UWP and EF

I have a network of affiliate sites and dropshipping sites. I work from home and most of it is on autopilot now (~5-10 hrs a week maintenance).
Made 300k last year, on target to reach 500k this year.

>tfw not a wageslave

Dropping out of college was the best thing Ive ever done.

Took a 2 year computer technology and networking course college, took a year off and now I'm going back to a university rather than a college.

Accepted for both BA in IT and CompSci, not sure what I want to do. CompSci is just math and programming both things I don't like.

It probably will, they will eventually start start focusing more on networking. Every job around me wants a 3 year diploma, the local community college I went to is too cheap to do another year focusing on security.

I'm a software developer, I make $82k. I'm coming up on two years now.

I was hired by Google in 2016. Salary is above $150,000 annually as I'm involved with the research department. My excuse for visiting is for periodic leisure, something of which I have very little.

Where do you live? I've been out of college for ~5 years now, work for a big company in a really high cost of living area and make around 170-180k if I include stock to my total annual comp in my devopsy/systems position.

I'd like to move to a smaller area that's cheaper and do lower level stuff like this, working closer to the OS/kernel more rather than scaling services on top of it. I'm working on C and Rust as well as just familiarizing myself with how to write kernel modules before I try to make a transition. If you have any pro tips, books, or thoughts on where to move to do this sort of thing I would be grateful.

Team lead od small bsckend team, also lead dev. I code like 30% of the time at work now :/

Ayyy west burbs represent

Webdev, frontend + backend + sysadmin
All python server side

Picked up coding almost 3 years ago
180k/year senior react dev

$120,000 front end, mostly javascript.

You get paid to be a PhD student? What?

Care to give more info?

Software engineer. I work for a chinkphone manufacturer and I work on the bootloaders. It's the most boring and depressing job I've ever had and it's hardly worth the 90k. Seriously, without health coverage and the generous amounts of vacation time I'd probably off myself or find a new job. I also get free food. I've been doing this for 6 years and it's eating my soul.

You're wasting your time. Every pajeet going is trying the same thing. Knock a zero off their claimed earnings and it's probably closer to reality ie. 30k to 50k.

IT Helpdesk, tier 1, $44K a year, entry level.

>Lying on an anonymous imageboard about your earnings.

why is it depressing?

>if he makes more than me he must be lying!

Tech intern @ school, 8$ an hour, flexible hours, working with pretty high end equipment (Cisco & hp shit, fiber, 10gbe). Bretty sweet for 18yo senior, can come back during summer with a raise, get out of half of school, WiFi password

Oh, and got the job a few months ago

>fucking cabbage!

hardware guy
1.5 years out of school

I don't particularly envy people making much more so early out of school, as it is absolutely guaranteed theyre working over 40 hours a week
i can see a few 50 hour weeks when shit really hits the fan but any more than that you can kiss my ass I don't need that shit

And you somehow started off making 75k doing that?


kek I work 9:30 to 5 and get breakfast and lunch

Sup moot.


I thought this thread would be interesting, but then I realized 90% are just bullshitting. You are not all making fucking 80k+ a year.

GIS data specialist, 50K, been out of college for two years (probably going to go back for my PhD considering things.)

DBA/sysadmin in the development/deployment of secure ID systems; $74k CAD; 4 years as of yesterday.

It really isn't that difficult to make well into 6 figures within a few years of graduation.

Step 1: Know some things that are desirable, and be passionate
Step 2: Move to a high cost of living area, where you will be house-poor despite making a better salary than anyone else in your family
Step 3: Work for a huge software company (google, amazon, facebook, microsoft)

For in-demand skills, 80k is hardly unreasonable. If you think that number is unreasonable, you probably live in an area with a lot cost of living or not much employer competition to steal you away. That's fine, maybe you don't want to move and you like your life as is, and you can afford a house way more easily than any of these guys pulling crazy numbers probably, but take a step outside of your bubble and you'll see that numbers are pretty inflated right now and salary is not the end of the story- total comp is bonuses + stock.

Biotech informatics, $75k base/$90k gross, 4 years

php backend dev / js front end dev
varies from 2000$ to 5000$ mo
i live in turkey where everything is super cheap tho so its ok


Flyover country. It helped to be born here

Tech Operations Manager
20% annual bonus

I sell computers to corporations for HP.
75-90k a year including usual commission

i hate this fucking mentality, move overseas or something faggot, it's really not that hard

Sup Forums has been the same for basically all of its existence. The only threads I can think of that are new are /csg/ and /fglt/

I was thinking about teaching myself how to make mobile games. It just seems like such an ez lyfe if you can make some semi fun games. How many games do you have out right now? And what would you reccomend I teach myself to do something like this?