What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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Thank you for posting an anime image.
Why FP is so popular here?
C is the best programming language.
Is it better to learn Java or JavaScript?
Java is a wonderful beginners language while C is a step up.
It's how I learned at UW-M.
Java, certainly, it's not a scripting language unlike JavaScript.
Javascript is good for frontend on that part as well.
What's UW-M?
It's mostly memes. No one actually does shit with FP no matter how much they shill it. Compare the amount of posts referring FP in dpt to the amount of posts with actual FP sources in it.
Does there exist some JVM assembler or C?
It's in the Debian repositories as "jasmin-sable".
>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Managed to read to and write from GPU memory now. It's a bit hacky, because I needed to rush things in order to meet the deadline for a bet I had with a friend.
I want to make easter egg mini game for my website. Should I go with pure JS?
What's the pure JS?
JavaScript if you want a job without a college degree. Java if you're going to go to school for computer science.
Java is a fine language, but unless you have a college degree, you'll have to compete with college grads for jobs (since that's what universities teach.)
JavaScript isn't taught (well or at all) in most universities, but is high in demand, so the competition isn't as bad.
What's the meme around C last days?
I'm hard
Welcome to Sup Forums
Just named my websocket server project "rainbowsocks"
did I do good Sup Forums
Nothing at all
Everytime I open my editor I can't bring myself to do anything. I used to go 12 hours a day at this shit.
Is this burnout?
I am literally good at nothing else in my life, what to do now I don't enjoy programming anymore?
look for what you ACTUALLY enjoy doing
>he doesn't take citalopram
JavaScript. No jQuery, site itself is on Angular.
What's the best PL and why is it OCaml?
dist += board[i][j] == 0;
Java didn't like this, and casting the boolean to an int didn't work either. How do I add 1 to dist if board[i][j] == 0 without using an if-statement?
man stdlib.h
Switch to C you fucking plebrainlet.
ternary operator
If you really want to write shit code u can do:
dist += (board[i][j] == 0 ? 1 : 0);
Dont know if u need parenthesis.
>shit code
Because of readability?
>no dependent types
>no HKTs even
It's fucking garbage. Wouldn't even call it a language.
t. brainlet
Magic numbers. No one knows what that "1" or "0" really means.
You should write it like:
int One = 1;
int Zero = 0;
dist += (board[i][j] == Zero ? One : Zero);
Because the values for One or Zero might change later to fit your business needs.
I'm not the one using a deficient language.
>Magic numbers. No one knows what that "1" or "0" really means.
Are you trolling or retarded on purpose?
Yeah, good luck to you when you need to assign 40 instead of 1 later; you can just change the value now and it will update your formulas.
You're the one who's mentally deficient though.
Are you sure you aren't mistaken? Only someone mentally deficient would use a deficient """""language""""" such as OCaml.
FP is really good, which is why for the past 10 years most languages have moved towards it
Sure thing my brainlet """"programmer"""" friend.
What does this post have to do with programming, you fucking retarded stupid fucking frogposter who should fucking kill himself?
I'm making a game
Those peaceful people devoted their time to the brewing of ale, the smoking of herbs and the posting of pepe
What kind of stupid question is that?
I used R to plot probability distributions of characters of a German ASCII text and its compressed/encrypted versions.
While ordinary ASCII (UTF-8, blue) has high variance, compressed (BZIP2, red) and encrypted (GPG, green) versions show almost uniform distributions. Apparently, GPG uses zip-compression by default.
Then I tried Huffman-Coding on the probabilities.
Result is not too bad.
Why blues pop up in the 100 region?
hey guys im working though some challenges someone here recommended and one of them asks to implement a program as a GUI
how do i do this with python? do i need to use another program or something?
It is the letter 'e'.
The earlier peak is space ' '.
PyQt, PyTk
Anyone knows a good gcode parser/generator lib for python?
I dont want to write my own.
Switch to OCaml.
Why would anyone switch from garbage to garbage?
Let me guess... Haskell fan?
it seems it is that time of the day when /dpt/ is useless and full of cunts
use a different language
is that a boy or girl?
nice try, rothschild
>Apply yourself Pajeet before arguing on things you don't understand.
Just as shit.
Nope, Haskell is trash too. But it's still better than the garbage mentioned in earlier posts.
Even better!
keep posting anime and frogs
>C tards have to define string types before using them
>C tards have to define chart types before using them
Can't make this shit up
You forgot the worst part: NO SMT DUE TO GLOBAL LOCK IN THE RUNTIME.
It's a toy language.
>uses languages and system written in C
Go write your system in javascript, faggot.
Is Java viable for web development?
>toy language with actual industry usage
>in the meantime Hasklel is only used to compute Fib(16)
What's the best programming language, and why is it Lisp?
It's an insult to human intelligence.
What is a non garbage language for you?
Because you can make it look like OCaml.
Why do I have to make my own system? Did you make yours, autismo?
so it's a pajeet.
That title is preserved for C
Ah, yes. The Pajeet insult. Typical of Haskell fags who ran out of other ad hominem to throw around.
>a non garbage language
Excuse me, what?
Actual Haskellfags like both C and Haskell
There doesn't exist one right now.
I'm not a "Haskell fag". I despise it actually. But that doesn't somehow mean it isn't better than your joke of a """"language"""".
>everything is garbage xD
whoops made a mistake
swap the first two
>It's another weebshit thread
I like C, C++, Haskell, OCaml and Lisp.
OCaml is still the best.
Everything is garbage.
At least C# allows me to get things done.
is this some new plebbit meme? fuck off.
where is forall a. from