What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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pointer to a template
template t;
template* u = &t;
>* u
*template* * *u == &*&*&*&*t&t*t&(T : t)|t;
a = 0;
b = 1;
size_t c = 0;
writeln(a - b + c); //18446744073709551615
Some of you guys are okay. Don't go to Dconf tomorrow. Rust was always right.
obligatory apology for not using an anime image
functional programming thread: stupid questions thread: wdg thread: go here instead temple OS thread: friendly gnu/linux thread:
Next time you see a D fag bitching about how correct D is show him this. Literally not even c.ancer has this problem.
t. D fag myself
rust > everything else
what kind of code is this?
>fixing crippling bugs
what show is this?
Any language that isn't weakly typed trash would allow this.
Best resources for learning about time complexity and creating/moving through heap based data structures on Java?
JS fags wishing they were programming in Haskell
Discussion: are lenses better suited for statically typed or dynamically typed languages?
lenses are better suited for some blind nigger's glasses
do languages typed with a keyboard
i put code directly on the stack
we're working right on the bare metal
implementing new core lang utils 20 times per second per second
instantiating truly massive structs
you don't know my code
you don't know my code
>putting code on the stack
MIT nigger
i do core dumps
i figured out how to read a core dump
nobody in the history of the world was able to read a core dump and understand it
i taught myself how to decipher these core dumps
there is much knowledge to be gained from reading old core dumps
core dumps may yet reveal the secrets of ancient atlantean monad space cyber droids
the first civilization left these core dumps to us in good faith
Can I get a quick rundown of the ancient atlantean monad space cyber droids?
hey doc, what does it mean if my core dump has red in it?
>tfw can't program anything cool and unique because all creative programming ideas are way too difficult to program
feels bad man
functionName :: a -> b
What do I win?
Cool and Unique stuff don't require complex programming. I mean facebook wasn't hard to program. Coming up with the idea is another thing.
>tfw not an idea guy
Well well well I happen to be an idea guy
hear one of your ideas
They aren't for free goyim
>no definition
>can't be meaningfully defined without infinite non-productive recursion
how many shekels?
1000 souls
In Haskell this is just
include Monad;
Have you ever considered actually learning Haskell?
I am the Haskell MASTER
FEAR my Monads and purity.
in Haskell this is just
include Monad.Wikibooks.Monad;
You're just jealous because you don't know how to program Elon Musk's top-secret Martian death laser array in Haskell
PROTIP: In Haskell, you would just include a Monad for it.
Stay braindead and cucked, you pathetic low-IQ low-test C++ cuck.
Why do you hate Haskell so much?
Why would you even imply such a thing?
I love Haskell! It's the best programming language to do anything and everything everywhere and everywhen for everywhy, for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever, and you are a braindead idiot brainlet cuckbrained jew-brainwashed cuck if you think otherwise. Your pathetic jewish cuck C++ is impure, and riddled with toxic side-effects. It doesn't even have a Monad!
How can you possibly hope to ever program anything non-trivial without a Monad?
>Hur dur I'm retarded
Are you a lonely person?
I'm a Monad. I'm pure. I've got no side effects.
Your shitpost actually ended up in that twitter hahahaha
form est un formulaire, titre vaut "La boite à texte", largeur vaut 400, hauteur vaut 260
boite est une boite,x vaut 30, y vaut 30, largeur vaut 200, hauteur vaut 100
b1 est un bouton, texte vaut "Afficher le texte dans le tableau", x vaut 30, y vaut 150
l1 est une étiquette, texte vaut "", x vaut 30, y vaut 200
principale :
ajoute boite & b1 & l1 dans form
Fais réagir b1 à "clic souris" pour afficher valeur
tant que 1 != 2, lis
afficher valeur :
*b est un bouton
affiche texte de boite
and they say programming languages only exist in english
get eternally BTFO, you gay millennial SJW Sup Forums cucks
If I have example.com and example.com/testpage do both of these normally share the same ip or different ip for each page?
Resolve it using the IP Monad (Haskell)
The same.
How do I use the Shitposting Monad?
You're already using it.
>He puts the star next to the name in a declaration
I want to make a login for my website. I know php already, and have made logins in that, but fuck php. What language is the superior one for this purpose?
who is this lass and why are her eyes blue
Python. No memes.
Luluco's eyes are blue because we love her and accept her for who she is, user.
am i stupid or does my pattern matching function not work
i wanna find this
F3 44 0F10 15 03319400
45 84 ED
0F84 D0010000
0F28 4B 70
F3 0F10 25 92309400
F3 0F10 1D 6A309400
shouldn't my mask be
or at least
I'm trying to find 0F84 D0010000 btw way
It works if I leave out the first instruction but then there are false positives for other app versions.
x86_64 btw
New to C++, can someone explain to me the need for virtual functions?
they should be red
red eyes are cuter
fight me
Why does this give me a stack error. I don't get it. Is there some secret to understanding pointers.
void read(int testCases, std::string *lenOfStr, std::string *inStr)
std::ifstream myFile("Magical_Word.txt");
myFile >> testCases;
lenOfStr = new std::string[testCases];
inStr = new std::string[testCases];
int iter = 0;
myFile >> lenOfStr[iter];
myFile >> inStr[iter];
int main()
int testCases;
std::string *lenOfStr;
std::string *inStr;
read(testCases, lenOfStr, inStr);
Virtual functions allow for polymorphism.
It's just a sort of run-time polymorphism. You should avoid them if you can tho, parametric polymorphism via templates is better because of monomorphisation.
Why can't you just polymorph them or overload them before you compile?
I get that but can you explain when would one use such a thing.
I remade Go channels in der Ecmascriptzen.
>tfw you make a prototype so you can make a prototype so you can make a prototype
Has anybody here tried to do something in UWP? The UI looks nice and getting it onto the windows store seems like a must but adapting to the new xaml is not fun at all.
It still seems like every somewhat big c++ project team ends up writing their own stl at some point
Don't be a cuck.
you need to pass the address of a pointer variable to function to alloc memory
int foo( int ** a )
*a = malloc(...);
int *a;
captcha: place mexico
>trying to learn android bound services for an IPC to identify finger prints so I can have an array of apps sharing a finger print pass/user
>My post showed up on /dpt/.txt
Just got my master thesis project the thing is I told them I know C++ pretty much as well as my dick knows the palm of my right hand, while I infact know shit except that it's shit. So /dpt/ I need a /quickrundown/ on the main components of the language so I can bullshit my way through this somehow
mine too! congrats to us
>mfw my POSTS showed up in /dpt/.txt
I've had posts on there before. It was literally years ago, so looking back, I can't remember which ones were mine.
I ended up doing this. But thanks for the input, I tried that as well but it ended up getting messy.
void read(int &testCases, std::string *&lenOfStr, std::string *&inStr)
std::ifstream myFile("Magical_Word.txt");
myFile >> testCases;
lenOfStr = new std::string[testCases + 10];
inStr = new std::string[testCases + 10];
int iter = 0;
std::cout lenOfStr[iter];
myFile >> inStr[iter];
int main()
int testCases;
std::string *lenOfStr = NULL;
std::string *inStr = NULL;
read(testCases, lenOfStr, inStr);
delete [] lenOfStr;
delete [] inStr;
return 0;
Humans are truly the worst programmers to ever live. We should have our code managed by a superior animal, such as a squid, or an octopus.
var variableNamePooInLoo2;
Learn stage Hypnosis, use it to put anyone "under" that you need to convince you know C++
I think that is your only reasonable option.
or this...
You're trying too hard.
No such thing. Fuck off, cuck.
I am confused by this. What are you trying to do? Why allocing memory in the first place?
I call malloc...
I/O is a side effect. It's impure. We need to get rid of it. The only pure programming is programming without I/O.
The Monad knows no I/O.
> *&
You're doing something wrong.
The "no I/O meme" is over.
Shut up.
Fuck off, C++ cuck.
C++ more like STD::infected
I vehemently hate C++.
Nothing in my post implied otherwise, you meme spouter.
Why the fuck aren't Rust strings null terminated?
It makes FFI'ing with C much more painful.
>everyone who disagrees with me is meme spouter, because I said so
Nice argument, Cuck++.
String termination was a mistake in C
>Null-terminated strings
Trying to implement Dijkstra's algorithm for Project Euler
Quick question though, if I have an index Struct, how would I write the "
Just use std::ffi::CString
Because they actually care about performance and safety and have to reason to repeat 50yo hacks.
>He's too stupid to handle something as simple as null terminated strings
I would never trust anything you program, no matter what language.
I know that you aren't supposed to use using namespace in your header files, but what about using them in your cpp files (in a public library)?
>allocating std::strings on the heap with new