Friendly reminder that the 2017 Sup Forums thinks "Linus" is a youtube tech reviewer

Friendly reminder that the 2017 Sup Forums thinks "Linus" is a youtube tech reviewer.

Other urls found in this thread:

He is, idiot, he's the best tech reviewer because he created Linux and therefore knows a lot about computers

I yearn for the day when Youtube is out of business. And preferably all of Google along with it.

>He is, idiot, he's the best tech reviewer because he created Linux and therefore knows a lot about computers

This is the kind of knowledgeable post that keeps me coming to Sup Forums every day.

all the normies would flood to Sup Forums then because they have so much free time. You want that?
he sure gained some weight

>implying they are not already here

He finished Linux and has been posting on YouTube longer than you've been on this site child. If he didn't create Linux, then why is it named after him? Check mate idiot

I know! Stupid retards don't know who Linus the Linux penguin is!

That was actually nice.

Can't we just collectively start to ignore all the normies here? Some kind of normie filter that automatically filters out threads about the latest CPU or macOS or windows?

Don't forget the GPU fags and phone posters.


I know you're trolling but I still cringed.

Daily reminder that Linus Torvalds is /ourguy/ and should be pinned at the top of Sup Forums instead of Stallman.


Seeing his stupid videos made me convert to BSD.

What does this flag represent?

cuck license pride.

Wow, Linus really let himself go.

lol who is in that pic

Estonian flag.


The same autism as Finland but without being Nordic.

I only come for that and the sexbots threads (as well as the shills in /dpt/).

Didn't know Puppey used to be a BSDfag.