Does anyone else hate "modern" tech?

Does anyone else hate "modern" tech?
>no bezels, not even minimally
>top cover is a different material than the palmrest
>top cover is a different color than the bottom
>keys are flat
>battery isn't removable
>hard drive is buried into the center of the machine
>BIOS disables alternative OSes by default

If PC makers were still selling the IBM ThinkPad line and Apple were still selling Titanium PowerBook line just think of what we could have by now

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There's nothing I hate more than the no bezel meme

honestly yeah. i spent way too goddamn much on a flagship samsung phone and i can't use the thing one-handed because i hamfist the corners with the palm of my hand

yeah I saw some dell with the really thin bezels and webcam on bottom. it just looks strange and off putting, the screen quality itself was nice but theres something wrong with having tiny bezels.

but maybe you get used to it..

Touch screen keyboards were a terrible idea and they will never be good.

The designs look neat, don't care. Except the battery and BIOS crap, i care about that... Kinda funny how features like that are easily found in budget phones while all the expensive flagship products are glued and sealed everywhere.

>and webcam on bottom
What retard thought this would be a good idea??!?

Monitors should have no bezels though. Phones should have some bezel though so you can hold it properly.

>BIOS disables alternative OSes by default
if you can turn it back on, who fucking cares?

Not catering to clumsy fatbodies isn't bad design. Stop being a shitter.

It puts a larger screen on a smaller laptop. That's a good thing for portable devices.

"Glued and sealed" means water resistant. Stop being retarded.


Bunch of asspies who need stupid shit to birch about, move along.

I hate bezels. My laptop has huge bezels and it frustrates me every time I look at it. All that wasted space.

There is another way user. A better way

might as well put a bezel on it since the resolution is so shitty

>15" 1650x1050 IPS is shitty

Nutech is fucking retarded. Everything has to be "thin" because dumbshits think their computer/tablet/phone needs to be a fashion accessory instead of a tool. Thin devices mean

> Shit battery life because the battery has to be so small
> Fragile as hell because there is no internal reinforcement
> Runs hot as shit because there's no way to vent heat
> Runs slow as shit thanks to t-throttling due to above
> Literally nothing is user repairable/replaceable so if it breaks you're either fucked or you have to ship it to some repair center and get assfucked on a repair bill

Numales, women, and faggots caused this. Good old fashioned red blooded American males don't give a shit how well their laptop matches with their outfit, they just want something that works.

yes, that is shitty

get better glasses you fucking nerd

IPS doesn't mean good. See: X220 IPS displays
1680x1050 was good 10 years ago, but it's 2017 now. A good laptop would have 3200x1800.

Laptops are made to be portable. If you want performance there are still workstation laptops.

Lol look at the alt-righter.

The galaxy S5 has removable battery and sd and it is waterproof.
Waterproofing is just a cheap excuse to seal the fucker shut and stop you from servicing the device easily

lol look at the doublenigger

You have failed to make an argument on why thin devices are good

the no bezels thing is pretty sweet, and on laptops I do think flat keys are the best. The rest of what you listed I agree is bullshit. Non removable batteries wouldn't be an issue if they were actually good, but shitty non-removable batteries is terrible

>an argument on why thin devices are good


>> Shit battery life because the battery has to be so small
wrong (besides apple)
>> Fragile as hell because there is no internal reinforcement
wrong (besides apple)
>> Runs hot as shit because there's no way to vent heat
wrong (besides apple)
>> Runs slow as shit thanks to t-throttling due to above
wrong (besides apple)
>> Literally nothing is user repairable/replaceable so if it breaks you're either fucked or you have to ship it to some repair center and get assfucked on a repair bill
wrong (besides apple)


So sacrificing battery life and longevity (performance doesn't really matter to much these days) is worth it as long the new device is a few millimeters thinner?

this too shall pass

No bezel unfortunately is a half an inch of bezel that looks ugly as fuck.

I love chiclet keyboards with easy activation and double scroll trackpads tho

The battery life is often good enough.

>no bezels, not even minimally
on a touchscreen? fucking no!
just holding it will tap like crazy plus your fingers block the viewport
>top cover is a different material than the palmrest
>top cover is a different color than the bottom
i fucking hate the low quality palmrest paint/material. my palm will discolor the paint/surface in a few months
>keys are flat
keys have battery isn't removable
botnets to track you 24/7 with fakeshutdown vault7(tm)
>hard drive is buried into the center of the machine
they might as well just embed the fucker into the embedded chipshits
>BIOS disables alternative OSes by default
windows OS threatened by growing mintfag userbase so UEFI/windows solved the problem by cancering tech even more and making the setup cancerous to a typical consumer

Thin as fuck bezels on touch devices such as tablets or phones is retarded. Even if you're not a fatty, you have to hold the phone like a retard to make sure you don't accidentally hit something. This is only exasperated by the new curved edge screen trend. I totally get the reasoning behind it, but in practice, it's a Flop imo.

For laptops, desktop monitors, and TV's, it's fine. Because you're only looking at those and not required to handle them to operate them.

If the battery is still replaceable and decent It's fine, thankfully most laptop makers make it somewhat easy to replace the battery. Smartphone OEMs are the shitty ones that make it damn near impossible to service the battery and use glue or have shitty connectors to the battery just to make the phone just that much thinner making the device pretty much throwaway.
In all cases thinner devices still leave durability much to be desired unless its engineered right which in most cases it isn't



How do you hold your phone? I hold it by the frame. So reducing bezels is not a problem. The bigger problem is the curved screen meme.

In that case why don't you get a superior 1400x900 screen. I mean it's "16:10" so it's superior right?
How about having independent thoughts of your own some time, instead of blindly listening to everything the retards on Sup Forums tell you?

well you need equipment worth 70$ in order to service all kinds of devices.

but this should suit you for almost a lifetime if the tools don't break

I have large hands. I usually swipe text 1 handed on my LG V10/ Moto X Pure. I hold it with my right hand. Pinky on bottom of phone near charging port to rest it on while the phone leans on my other 3 fingers. It's holding a phone 2 handed is what irks me with thin bezels. Trying to watch a video or stream.

I mostly hate this whole "form over functionality" bullshit that is going on.

Yes, blindly buying what i'm told is the newest and greatest monitor is certainly much better and thoroughly independent thought worthy of socrates


>no bezels, not even minimally
Hate this, have to hold the phone awkwardly to avoid random inputs along the edges, new big screen TVs don't have sufficient bezel to pick up without worrying about damaging the screen.

>battery isn't removable
Meh, they're rated for 2000 charges, which gives me a 2-3 years.

>BIOS disabled alternative OSes by default
Hey if you alternative OS guys had made a decent OS that became popular, this wouldn't have happened.

>1680x1050 was good 10 years ago, but it's 2017 now.
[CURRENT YEAR] is not an argument.

>A good laptop would have 3200x1800.

>no bezels, not even minimally
that's a good thing you filthy fucking mongoloid.

>which gives me a 2-3 years.
So you have to buy a whole new laptop because of a perishable resource.

Congratulations, you just got Jew'd.

> you alternative OS guys had made a decent OS that became popular,

Those two are not related. BeOS was far better than Windows 95, and it didn't help it.

I fell for the xps meme
constant fucking smudges on the edge of the screen because my fingers touch it every time i open the lid
keyboard is shit to

>lithium battery rated 2000 charges
Let me guess you have maybe 10% left of its rated capacity on the 2000th charge before the laptop just says fuck it and refuses to use the battery

>they make it thin and suffer all these problems so its PORTABLE
>yes, I wrap it up in case because it's delicate, thereby being as big as a solid laptop

I love it because all the 'oooh shiny' crowd are buying it and advancing the state of the art. Meanwhile I buy a $100 smartphone with 540p resolution and 4.5" screen and get 90% of the benefits without the stupid phablet form factor.

>If PC makers were still selling the IBM ThinkPad line and Apple were still selling Titanium PowerBook line just think of what we could have by now
You could have left this line out and I would have agreed with you since except for the bezel thing (Bezels are a shit waste of space) your design points are great, but now you've just shown you're a virtue signalling hipster trying to appeal to groupthink so you can get jerked off.

It's likely you upgrade your system once every 2-3 years anyway, which is something vendors have observed as well and adjusted their systems accordingly to. The only reason it irks you is because you're a cheap kike and only buy old, used things for which replaceable parts are a necessity because that's what you have to do to get them up to spec.

And what do you even mean "what we could have by now"? The same shit we have now in high-end business laptops that Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about because they can't afford it anyway?

Every time any product comes out with any bezels at all, Sup Forums is all like
>them bezels
>get rid of those ugly ass bezels
and the entire thread is a circle jerk about how bezels need to be 100% eliminated.

Do you guys like bezels again?

>muh Sup Forums only has one opinions
We have at least two at minimum

That's silly. No bezel = best bezel;.

If Apple or Lenovo built machines this size today they'd easily get three days of mixed use.

It irks me because brand new Apple and Lenovo computers get the same or worse battery life as their 10 year old siblings did, and in the case of Lenovo; the displays are much worse.

Yeah and it would be banned on all flights for it's explosive potential.

That smartphone in the OP is an edit and not something seriously being sold, right?

>too poor for multiple monitors
Bezels are cancer

No it wouldn't. People fly with older laptops all the time.

>not wanting a giant bar between your multiple monitors
big bezel monitors = poorfag no matter how many monitors you have

Hardware in general being designed for the average idiot and companies cutting costs where ever those people won't notice, instead of having hardware designed for people interested in more serious use. Everything is built to be harder to service, some devices are getting less ergonomic, and physical controls are being replaced with touch screens.

By the way, is anyone else annoyed that split keyboards aren't standard? They're so much more comfortable to use when sitting at a computer for an extended amount of time and it's not like they use that much extra material over standard keyboards.

nope, xiaomi's Mi Max

Bigger packaging

The Mi Max has a bit of bezel on top still. That phone is the Mi Mix:

That's fucking bullshit but I can see companies being that cheap . Come to think of it, what's with all the /mkg/ faggots who claim to care a lot about keyboards but don't use a split keyboard?

>If Apple or Lenovo built machines this size today they'd easily get three days of mixed use.
And they'd be expensive as hell. Batteries aren't free you know. Also, I seriously don't miss the days when laptops would weigh more than 2 kg. Seriously nigga, that's a tenth of my baggage allowance, are you kidding me?
>brand new Apple and Lenovo computers get the same or worse battery life as their 10 year old siblings did
No they don't, stop lying.
>and in the case of Lenovo; the displays are much worse.
Define worse and please back it up with actual sources. The lenovo screens are worse now relative to the rest of the market but relative to the old IBM machines they're a huge step forward.

>>too poor for multiple monitors
>too dumb to use virtual desktops

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.


You can't easily bring a battery >100Wh on a plane.

>Sup Forums - consumer tech hipsterism

>If Apple or Lenovo built machines this size today they'd easily get three days of mixed use

There's basically no market for it though, which is why they don't.


Okay, what about monitors choose one set of bezels to keep.

Either they keep the top and bottom bezels, or keep the left and right bezels. That way you pick which monitors you want. No extra stacking.

I was born in the wrong generation.

Do you know where you are?

>yfw the "superior design" of old tech is actually just your baby duck syndrome for the technological limitations of the time.

>Sup Forums circle jerks over CR48 and Pixel design
>Apple perfects it and everyone hates it because APPLEL

Literally not a better looking laptop exists.

No bezels is fine but everything else is cancer. Hardware isn't even the main problem though, Windows 10 is super cancer

It's not though.

Modern proprietary software that tries to fuck you and spy on you in every way possible is the problem, Windows 10 and Microsoft's more recent actions with Windows 7 and 8.1 (from shoving their Windows 10 update down everyones throat to blocking computers with Ryzen and Kaby Lake processors from receiving updates) are just some example. There's also all the shit around smartphones that would probably take multiple posts to list. The only new proprietary software I still generally trust is drivers/firmware, and I'll still avoid that if possible.

I get legitimately upset when I think about how badly Lenovo fucked up the entire Thinkpad line, and how it will likely never be fixed.

Like, I'm not even joking, it makes me angry to think about.

Bezels are wasted space, everyone wants smaller phones but no compromise and I would rather have no waste than halving the battery or removing my audio input jack

and using that monitor in multiscreen must look awful

Same. It all started with the x30 series and never recovered. I'm just going to hope I can keep my X220 for as long as possible and replace it with the same model.

I'd buy your spare now, they won't be getting any cheaper.

The design of the the old thinkpads is perfection to me. I would be happy using nothing else for the rest of my life. It makes me sad to think that they are never coming back and now its just thin, glossy, bezelless, chiclet fagtops.

That's not how baby duck syndrome works, fucktard. Go back to word learning school.


Who the fuck even wanted the no bezel meme?

>no buffer space
>can't hold phone while hands are filthy
>no padding in case of drops or exposure to any kind of force

Are consumers retarded for wanting this or did companies with no ideas push this meme?

I'd normally agree with you but you're sperging out like the autistic poltard you are

Go take your medicine and eat your tendies

I understand the engineering reasoning behind the chiclet keyboards. They do collect less cruft under the keys.

I got the new Thinkpad USB keyboard to use on my gaming rig. It's not quite as nice feeling, but it is serviceable.

I really think that the future we need is going to be tablets with external keyboards. I'm interested to see what happens with the flexible OLED displays. I wouldn't mind unrolling a rolled up tube that was a flexible screen with a computer in it and hooking up a USB keyboard as needed.

We're in an awakard stage when it comes to computer setups. People haven't really gotten past the whole phone-tablet/laptop-desktop software ecosystem divide, when there is absolutely no reason that we can't hook keyboards up to tablets.

Why were bloggers so quick to jump on the "headphone jacks are useless" meme months ago? Phones that are getting released now will have these people saying "and it still has a headphone jack" as one of the "features." Blutooth isn't quite the standard as of now and it's undeniable that connecting a plug is more convenient.

I get Apple apologists swallowing this bullshit but what about everyone else? I can't comprehend how anyone could defend the removal of a basic feature without replacing it with another feature that is at least as good. I usually hesitate to use the term "shilling" but that's what this comes across, I do not see how or why a rational person would defend companies screwing over the consumer.

Theoretically, replacing the headphone jack with USB C would allow high quality headphones to use their own DACs that are higher quality than what most smartphones have. And cheap headphones can still use the analog output of the USB C standard, are at least last I heard they were working on an analog audio out over USB standard.

Personally, I'd only be for getting rid of the 3.5mm jack if phones started coming with two USB C ports.

I also don't get why any company hasn't stepped up to fill the void.

The demand is obviously there. And don't give me the bullshit that the only reason demand exists is because you can pick up X220s and T420s for cheap.

My current daily driver is a refurbed X230t that I paid $350 for. I honestly would have paid double for it. I know that a lot of the people that frequent /tpg/ would agree with that sentiment. The value we get from our older Thinkpads far outweighs the cost.

That's what I don't get about why Lenovo refuses to release the Retro. The rumors going around is that it would have been too costly to build because it's so specialized and would require a radically different manufacturing process than what they use for the rest of their systems, but they could release that fucker at just about any MSRP and it would still move units.

Even all of the smaller, boutique companies like Sager and Digital Storm refuse to even explore the niche. Everything is either a Macbook ripoff or some obnoxious overpriced piece of shit targeted toward the gaming market. It would be nice if there was some Goddamn middle ground in between.

Best purchase this century I have made was a Unicomp.

How does the T60 hold up in 2017? I imagine 1080p YouTube and unnecessary animations on all websites made things chug. Also I would be shocked if the battery life is over 4 hours on a new battery. Damn shame

>If Apple or Lenovo built machines this size today they'd easily get three days of mixed use.
You wouldn't want to stomach the costs of those huge batteries, there's a reason slices are a thing anyway.

>It irks me because brand new Apple and Lenovo computers get the same or worse battery life as their 10 year old siblings did
Presumably because it's pointless to pay out the ass for a giant battery you're never going to use. Buy a slice or learn to charge your shit.