Why is the XPS 15 so sexy?
Why is the XPS 15 so sexy?
>that keyboard
It's not
x220 still best laptop made to date
There's been so many shills on Sup Forums lately it's bullshit.
Some mod needs to clean this crap up.
Dell has the best industrial design desu.
Dell is the king of design.
Dell is so fucking cheeky by having a fucking incredible screen and almost absent bezel, while still having a bezel; the hand rest and keyboard padding. it looks retarded as tenkeyless
Why isn't there a full keyboard when it's 15 inches?
shit tier keyboard
just get a chinkpad x1
That's true. Best design
>useless resolution
>useless trackpad
>having the nub get in your way while typing
>not getting the x1 chinkpad that can turn 360 degrees and walk away
I look forward to buying it used for $300 in 4 years. Tbh thats what Dells are best for in my opinion.
Hmm, I vander who behind dis posts?
I have never had that happen. Most often it's the trackpad that gets in the way.
older design, heavier, larger, more expensive, only comes with a reflective screen and touchscreens are a gimmick
only good thing about those are iris graphics and oled panel option, which chinknovo didn't put in x1 for no reason
>I have tiny feminine fingers
something something super fish
>Dope Phone of 2016
God damn it Marques, corrupting the pajeets.
>not being alpha enough to use the clitmouse
I have one and it's pretty nice. I just wish the screen wasn't so fucking reflective. The XPS 13 had a much better screen in that regard.
I almost bought one of these like a retard and got a x260 instead im extremely happy with my purchase
>Sup Forumsentitles
>ever getting laid
25 y/o kissless virgin here.
things that didn't happen
>touchscreens are a gimmick
Guessing you've never had a touchscreen laptop before
top kek, I have a surface
>buying a surface and not a surface pro
This is why you think it's a gimmick.
I have SP2 and I use the touchscreen all of the time. I use it, shockingly, alongside a mouse. It's almost like some things better with touch and some things better with a mouse and you can use both at once! Amazing that this concept is lost on so many people.
>one square foot trackpad
why is this allowed?