Buying prebuilts is more exp

>buying prebuilts is more exp...

Build a pc with equal or better specs for $400 on the dot.

inb4 muh gaymen

Other urls found in this thread:

You forget the the proprietary bullshit that some OEMs like to use, non standard PSU non standard motherboard etc

>Intel HD graphics

>sale ends in 11 hours

You could find a PC with better specs ta the local garbage dumb.

but muh gaymen would be right in this case
for 400 this is garbage

>bottom of the barrel shit mainboard, probably unobtainable as regular consumer
>bottom of the barrel shit PSU, probably unobtainable as regular consumer
>bottom of the barrel shit case, probably unobtainable as regular consumer
>bottom of the barrel shit RAM, probably unobtainable as regular consumer
>bottom of the barrel shit HDD, probably unobtainable as regular consumer

>Shitty OEM PSU
>Acer is guaranteed shit

Seems OP doesn't have an have an argument

Pentium g4560
8gb DDR4 2133mhz
450watt power supply
H110 mobo
Your choice of a 1050ti or the RX 470
Fuck outta here with your prebuilt user

OEM PSUs aren't bottom of the barrel. Most self-built computers have the same level of quality when it comes to PSU. You see tons of people use Corsair Builder series or EVGA 500W or 500B which are OEM quality outside of their fancy black finish.

The only """good""" things in that are the CPU and RAM

>Citation needed

I forgot the 1tb HDD and the case which has a side window and a LED fan
Still under $400

Well alright then.
And this is only if you want the CPU, otherwise is a better option.

Oops forgot the ram, just change the R7 250 for it, it's probably not much better than integrated anyway

except "muh gaymin" is the entire point. you might as well get a C2D laptop with that logic? then it's portable and comes with a screen

>comparison sites
>660 Ti vs HD 630


Manufacturer refurbished pre builts + upgrading the GPU are the best value.

citation needed

>Build my computer plox

>citation needed
Nigga getting an old Dell i5 PC and putting like a 950 is a pretty good deal at $200

Go look at any manufacturers outlet.

You can get a Dell pre built with an i7 6700 for less than $600. A GTX 1070 costs ~$400. So that's a pretty powerful rig for ~$1,000.

Nice bait op, now go back to

say that to my burnt power connectors m8

then again it wasnt a prebuilt it was a 30$ chink psu+case combo

Where the fuck is the CPU retard, and that's DDR3 memory.

>have a 400 $ budget for a PC
>no one would care if I asked it nicely
>Make a bait and wait for people to come of the wood and literally give their 100% to creative builds

I swear to god you guys are so easy to manipulate...

you're paranoid and not that smart.