Find a flaw, Wincunts.
Find a flaw, Wincunts
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>inb4 Steam is on Linux
nothing works
Android did it right, you idiots are still bickering about which package manager is superior. Thus you have failed forever at making a desktop operating system because a decent operating system doesn't need them in the first place. Even if someone codes a solution like apk files, they will never have the political power in Linux land to get all the distros to use it as their primary software manager.
>open source
it just doesn't werk
no drivers
The kernel or userspace applications? The later had some serious issues. The former is great
Android makes linux look bad.
It's for smart people, so not Sup Forums
What? Broadcom? Don't blame Linux for that.Those dumbfucks seem to be worried they might lose a dime by opensourcing their drivers. Their loss, I guess.
Neither do you, but mom still let's you stay in the basement.
I have to keep a windows partition to play my gaymes
t. a guy on his windows partition waiting for a torrent to finish who would rather just be able to do this on Linux
I just realized that I can torrent from my linux partition and save it to my windows partition. Will def start doing that.
Less closed source software, I guess.
May as well use up that wasted space.
Android also did it right as 99.999% of their users never need to use a command line.
wincucks is just pretending to be richfag while their os is pirated
By that logic Solus did it right too.
Mint is shit though.
It's not necessary on linux anymore either. Hasn't been for quite awhile. Ffs even pacman has two good gui options.
That's not even your own opinion retarded parrot.
Can you name an issue that you think requires the use of a terminal
Clunky hodgepodge OS that feels like it's held together by Chinese-made counterfeit Sellotape
>thats not even your own opinion
Is this a new shilling tactic? CIA niggers are weak.
Terry, get the car.
>no iTunes
Every google search for Linux help provides plenty. Possibly enough for you too look at until the end of time.
Mounting an NTFS usb flash drive on Linux mint 17.2 was my issue.
Too few people use it so it's targeted by less jewish software (Adobe, Microsoft, Blizzard...). This isn't that bad but not being popular can kill products. Since we live in a time when humans have an attention span of a fly and are both lazy and busy, unless GNU/Linux goes even further in holding the user's hand and having all the "professional" software and the shitty windows/mac only games it could be abandoned even by the devs.
Also, it won't last that long. Just wait for Linus to die, I bet the community will fall apart in disagreement. It needs a leader. Hopefully Linus appoints one otherwise the community will break apart even further.
It works better than any other OS out of the box. Includes all basic software and drivers. You don't need to install anything additionally or even connect to the internet, activate the installation, or do anything else. So how does it "not work"? By this definition windows works even less.
The currently most used windows (7) doesn't come with any drivers for modern hardware at all. You have to download them through another device (or use or use USB WiFi) and install manually.
MacOS only supports a handful of hardware.
Linux works with majority of hardware out of the box and runs on the largest variety of devices (computers, servers, supercomputers, smartphones, singleboard computers, etc)
So your argument is very, very wrong.
Seriously? Ubuntu, Zorin, and a couple of other distributions don't require you to use the terminal for anything other than "special" shit only someone who knows what they're doing would do. And by that logic they should be familiar with the terminal or at least know how to google and copy paste things into it. A child or a grandparent can easily use one of the more beginner-friendly distros.
>"Nobody cares about PC gaming"
graphics card drivers? printer drivers? linux comes with only the most basic drivers so you need to use internet to download them
I can't. FreeBSD=Linux > MacOS >> Wankbloz
sick burn, rated 9/10. made me giggle like sheep in West Virginia, United states
It's funny because I can't think of an OS worse than FreeBSD.
>Also, it won't last that long. Just wait for Linus to die, I bet the community will fall apart in disagreement. It needs a leader. Hopefully Linus appoints one otherwise the community will break apart even further.
Since when does the Linux community have a leader? What does Linus even do for us, you act like he makes important decisions or some shit.
Windows doesn't even come with those "most basic" ones while all Linux distros I've tried immediately supported my AMD GPU and I never had to install a single driver on it. I don't use printers so I wouldn't know, but my friend can't use his printer on w10 even after installing drivers.
Isn't he the one who calls the shots about what code gets into the kernel? At least that's what I heard. Sounds like a leader to me. And any community needs a leader, it's in the human nature to want leadership.
ive seen posts where people had to move to w10 because linux didnt have rx 480 drivers or something
Linux gaming is getting better by the day, more and more devs are designing games with cross-platform support due to Android not using Microshit proprietary garbage graphics APIs.
Can't play GTAV and a lot of other games faggot.
>Can't play GTAV
How did you retards even find this board?
Shit hardware support
Home brew hacked together software
No standard GUI Library
Outdated repo software
Still a conventional OS instead of a hard, self-modifying AI.
>That's not even your own opinion retarded parrot.
>i don't actually know enough about what i'm doing to remove systemd, and my favorite distro uses it, so i'm stuck with it
>better start defending that shit like i'm paid to do it
Every time.