Are there any good Android music players out there that let you select music by genre...

Are there any good Android music players out there that let you select music by genre? (apart from pic related and poweramp)

Also general mobile music app discussion

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Of course. (Google) play music. Beautiful player.

Why not just put music in folders?

I use Black Player. I even got the pro version with some Google survey credits I did.

I like Phonograph. Looks good and just works. It's also gratis.

Poweramp is pretty good. The stock Samsung player is also pretty good.

not beautiful to use when you're just using it for local music

because i don't want to sort every album by genre and browse folders manually if an app can do it

right, no genres though

PlayerPro, motherfucker!



It's open source now

install black player
thank me later

>Black Player shills
>No fucking Opus, ALAC or CUE support
It's fucking crap. Like extremely fucking shit.


Why isn't there a good android music player that supports ReplayGain? Not too fond of how goneMAD looks

Neutron is the only answer, everything else lacks some option or feature.

>but muh ui
go eat a dick

>material trash

Just get blackplayer if you don't wanna pay for Poweramp.

>shits on some player
>recommends a literal meme player with a premium price

+1 Neutron

Can't speak for everyone, but I myself am not autistic and listen to 320 lame, since (a) it's a phone and most likely doesn't have a good dac, (b) I don't have $1000 headphones, and (c) don't mind the indistinguishable difference.

But like I said, no autism.

And you like having multiple of gigabytes less storage for no reason whatsoever.

Vanilla music

The best player
sony walkman