Galaxy S8

Do you like the design?

The back isn't pictured.
If the fingerprint scanner is on the back off centered like the leaks I'll be livid

Shouldn't this guy get sued for leaking this shit?

Doesn't that only bother people with OCD like you?

> (You)
>Doesn't that only bother people with OCD like you?
No it bothers me because it seems uncomfortable and stupid
Its literally the worst place to put it. Put it centered on the back because my finger rests there, I have an s6 and my finger is constantly resting on the camera
Or put it in the power button which my finger will need to touch anyways
OR keep with your trademark look and have the button configuration you've kept for the past 8 goddamn years
Earlier there were rumors of the s8 having the fingerprint reader in the screen, that would have been brilliant

>Galaxy S8 Plus

I guess they bombed the Note brand.

Lets be honest, as annoying as the curved edges are, they simply look sexy.

And from a marketing perspective, the only thing you can properly show in an advertisment is how good the phone looks by showing it from all perspectives in a smooth tracking shot with some nice music, not how comfortable it is to actually hold the device. They only find that out after buying it, and at this point the company advertising the phone already has your money.

that no bezel thing is gonna suck unless they have palm rejection

my phone got extra thinne bezels and i accidentally tap by just holding it. so annoying IMO

>Shouldn't this guy get sued for leaking this shit?
Leaks are meme. you can even order an S8 phone case from china because designs are sent to china and china is china.

>palm rejection
Previous edges did

As a LG v20 user I can say anywhere else would be retarded. Its the natural resting point where my index goes when picking up the phone. But when holding the phone, it rests off to the side of the sensor. Having to reach up the camera is aids

And here I'm still using S5 and seeing no point in upgrading.

I have an s7edge. Palm rejection doesn't always work. Everyone holds their phones in different ways. I ended up getting a case instead of a skin so I can hold my phone properly.

I already thought the S7 put Apple to the ground but this shit is the final blow. It looks gorgeous and we already know it'll beat the iPhone 8 in every possible way.

>onscreen buttons
>2:1 AR


>what is s7 and s7 edge?


They had that with the s6edge+ and the note comes around fall.
you nigger retard you got a you outta me
mehh I think I could live with it
>onscreen buttons
loved that about samsung phones. also retarded fingerprint position now
trash indeed

Why does every Samsung phone I try in the store take a few seconds to start? Seriously, this is why I don't trust tech reviewers. Every single time I play with a Samsung phone there's initial lag. I want the new not if there's nothing wrong with the battery but whats with the god damn lag

How's this thing going to be for VR? I mean, I'm not expecting much from mobile VR at this point, but I'm looking to pick up something that'd be good for toying around with VR development since Google seems to be pushing it.

Probably because they are popular phones and people have fucked around with them more than other phones, i.e. opening every app possible and leaving them running.


>6inches the smaller model


Still rocking an s3. It's fine for me although admittedly I'd love an s7 for no particular reason other than better picture and faster processing

Can confirm, palm rejection on my 7 edge can be a real cunt

Yes, it only took them 8 generations to realize that the fucking "SAMSUNG" tag on the top of every phone was gaudy as fuck.

No it's trash compared to iPhone 7 Plus.

I think it looks cool, the entire thing is just screen.
Since when did evleaks start using his real name?

Me too, but I'm thinking of jumping to the 7 or 8

Nice meme there kid. Wake me when the iPhone gets a real OS and isn't locked down

Sup Forums thinks they're tech literate but all they know is memes. Sad!

Same. It would be nice to have an even more edgeless device but it's not currently practical, unless they made significant improvements over the s7

>iPhone gets a real OS and isn't locked down
I don't get it.

Come back when you can charge your phone and use the headphone jack at the same time.
>Introducing the iPhone 7S! Now with a headphone jack! It's revolutionary! This changes everything!

Both of you, stop being retarded. iOS is a REAL OS, it's end-user ready, has major communication and general utilities applications, amazing 3rd party support and great performance.
Meanwhile, Samsung flagship phones are BETTER than anything Apple has pulled off within the recent years except for, of course, the Note 7 fiasco.

The only thing that kept the Note 7 from being the best phone of all time was the whole exploding battery deal. If they could have just used a battery that didn't catch fire more easily than a Ford Pinto, the only people with any valid complaint about it would be limp-wristed manlets.

>rounded screen
why is this a thing now?

My guess is that tech companies only cares when it's more sensitive data such as blueprints or code, press images usually helps to create hype, so they might see as free advertising

Because they ran out of better things to add to the phones, like bigger/replaceable batteries or sd card slots.

>Come back when you can charge your phone and use the headphone jack at the same time.
Not sure if this retard has even heard about Airpods.

Sony did it correctly. Fingerprint reader with the power button on the side of the phone. Id get that if I need to upgrade my G4

>yes buy our proprietary airpod and beats technology goy!

I had a s4 now I'm on the s7 edge. Should hopefully last me a few years providing I don't fuck it up. Might go with something other than Samsung after this one for some variety though.

>I'm on the s7 edge
Can you tell me how is that edge gimmick? What's the point of it? What use does it have? Does it hinder the user experience when watching a video or using an app full screen?

There is really no positives or negitives to it for me other than it looking quite nice so it's mostly pointless. It doesn't make videos or apps look any worse.

The few "Edge Apps" that exist are mostly pointless and I don't use very often other than occasionally using it to get into certain apps slightly faster.

I've never had the issue with hitting the screen with my palm like some people claim though.

So unless you try it out and really like it or really like the small bezels thing it might not be worth it.

>or really like the small bezels
I love them. Knowing the edge isn't a deal breaker (I was afraid that the curvature of the screen would make the pixels on the edges of the screen deformed at sight) I'll probably replace my S4 with the S8, hoping it will be a good product, and that I'll be able to get it with an half decent plan.

>I guess they bombed the Note brand.
underrated post

How exactly do you hold this without touching the screen?

Apple iPhone doesn't have this problem

Balance it on the tip of your penis

I have a Note 5 and am just waiting for the 2 years to end so I can get something else. Why is it so hard to ask for a phone with decent screen, comfortable to hold (Fuck the thin shit honestly), removable battery, and expandable storage? Battery life is pretty meh on this phone. LG V series seems to be pretty good but LG phones seem to have issues, and I don't trust them after my terrible experiance with the G3.


Me too user. My friend and his wife just upgraded so I'm gonna have a spare one.

First they came for our replaceable batteries, then they came for our sd card slots.
Now they're coming for our screen edges.


My shitty s2 from 2011 is due for an upgrade. Not sure if I'll get this or something else coming out this year. I hate being so picky.