How is this allowed?

How is this allowed?

no competition

Nations other than the US have proper tax systems

fucking big government muh nhs faggots in the uk cause the fucking 20 percent sales tax.
fucking triggers me knowing that my pc would of been 75percent cheaper if i lived in the US

What do chavs need with a 1080ti? Get a job

Gee I dunno really making me ponder, did any major events happen recently which were expected to have shit effects on your economy?

LMAOing at your life bongcuck

We have sales tax in the USA too. The sales tax in my city is 7.95% (5.6% is the state sales tax, the county sales tax is .7%, and the city sales tax is 1.65%).

8percent compared to 20percent and they are thinking to upping it to 25percent.

sales tax are included in the price in Europe, not in north america.

>they fell for the brexit meme