Screenfetch/Neofetch thread

Screenfetch/Neofetch thread.
>What are you up to edition
I'm doing some coursework and contemplating what guitar I should buy.

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Is your volume slider functional or just for looks? Teach me senpai

>tfw desktop will never look this good

Oh hello!

>desktop shitters are actually full time redditors
just fuck my board up

That default looking i3status bar :/


>redshift gtk
shit's a massive hog mate

I'm sure you can cook up something sweet with i3 menus
default lcd temp is 6500


Just switched from Gnome to KDE. I'm liking it so far.


>>redshift gtk
It works.
That's clearly not the same thing.
>I'm sure you can cook up something sweet with i3 menus
>default lcd temp is 6500
I don't lose time coding what is already coded.

>Using bash instead of zsh
>Ugly shell theme
>Using i3 as a stacking WM

>Dark consistency
>Nice material effect



Look! The pedo is back!


wallpaper please

she's not a pedo

i have a mexican fender strat i got when i was 12, it plays amazing, and i wouldnt dought that you could pick one up for like 500 USD unless you have higher budget, note: if you are into hard rock, punk, etc. The pickups are quite twangy, so if your interested and capable, a pickup upgrade would make it legendary.

Yeah. I'm just kidding. 16 year old girls are hardly pedos. Was she molested as a child?

>pretending to use gentoo

Is she pretending? I'm using Slackware ftr.
Young minds. So hard to understand.


pls r8.

>Outdated Debian
>Intel Core2


I like gnome. Stallman says to use the intel core 2.

>Stallman says to use the intel core 2.
Pardon me.

Stallman also recommends toe-cheese.

Its the only intel processor with the ME.

>Kodak Black
Are you fucking serious

setting up openmediavault on my homeserver ^^

>not running headless
