>tfw finally repaired my rmbp 15" after 8 months with the memepad..
Feels pretty good guys.
>tfw finally repaired my rmbp 15" after 8 months with the memepad..
Feels pretty good guys.
god the chinkpad looks so sh*tty in comparison..
why does Sup Forums meme them so hard..
how did you break your MBP
ikr.. the screen is literally cancer to look at now..
because business buy the by the thousand and retire them by the thousand so referbs are always around and cheap
so you get cheap crap for cheap? uhh congrats i guess..
could have just bought something good to begin with..
>an argument about looks
Thanks user, you redpilled me on Macs
Dropped it from my bed while sleeping so the LCD got rekt.. Had to replace the whole display assembly
if you cant look at those screens side by side and see how vastly superior the macbook's is then you're blind
Macbook looks better sure. But
>no mute mic button
>no built-in-flashlight for emergencies
>no red nipple mouse
>no fingerprint sensor(LUL)
all meme """features""" that no one except chinkpad shills would ever care about
They are OK laptops and they are built to be carried around a lot and used hard, the thing is acer does not sell 5000 of their normie best buy laptops to a corporation at once, so referbs only come by piecemeal. But Thinkpads are sold by the thousand and retired by the thousand so someone can buy them as they are being retired and referb a whole batch and with economies of scale resell them very cheaply (they have to because the market is flooded with them) and do a good job on the referb.
They are sturdy computers and built to be maintained and upgraded, not just thrown away when they get a few years old.
But comparing a used several year old referb thinkpad to a newish $1000+ macbook pro is retarded
>taking that obvious bait
yikes how much did that cost
I probably would have sold it for parts and replaced it on ebay, macbook parts bring good money
>>no red nipple mouse
i hate those things and don't see how anyone uses one
If thinkpads are so great, why does their value drop like a lead balloon as soon as you take them out of the box and why are there so many people trying to get rid of them on eBay?
>macshit can't even survive a drop from less than 1m
I paid around 300$ for the replacement screen and a few bucks for screwdrivers etc.
>If thinkpads are so great, why does their value drop like a lead balloon as soon as you take them out of the box and why are there so many people trying to get rid of them on eBay?
because:the market is flooded with used thinkpads in a way it is not by other laptops
>drop chinkpad on screen
>it breaks
all your meme rollcages aren't going to stop the screen from breaking, idiot
that's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, I thought you were going to say $500+
But there are more Macbooks on eBay and their hold their value way better.
Yeah no, it would have been 6-700$ if I went to an apple certified repair shop, so I decided to YOLO it and repair it myself..
Was surprisingly easy.
>But there are more Macbooks on eBay and their hold their value way better.
they hold their value better because the market is not flooded with them, thinkpad referbs are for sale on newegg and amazon and nearly everywhere else that sells computers
How the fuck can you drop it ON screen if screen is recessed and not a piece of glossy fucking glass? Do you drop it screen-down on a spike or what?
>thinkpad shills are actually this dumb
he probably dropped it open and it landed sideways on the screen bezel user
Ease of repair and durability. Also better software compatibility by default.
>better software compatibility
so being able to run a bunch of broken linux distros is somehow better than 100% compatibility with the world's most advanced OS?
Because ThinkPads aren't meme computers they are some of the highest quality laptops now and IBM days.
APPLE's sole purpose is cosmetic appeal so yea dumbfuck
Untill Apple copies them and all you fagots will start screaming how much of a breakthrough they made with their """"""Original"""""" Ideas
>APPLE's sole purpose is cosmetic appeal so yea dumbfuck
m.2 ssds, fast ram, UNIX OS, purely cosmetic
Yes, and? Oh right, solid piece of glass on plastic hinges. I've dropped my T42p and X61t more than once, open and closed, flat and sideways, and worse that happened is plastic battery body cracked.
>I've dropped my T42p and X61t more than once, open and closed, flat and sideways, and worse that happened is plastic battery body cracked.
I have never dropped my laptop and have never dented or cracked it
cool story though about cracking your thinkpad user
Whoah easy there pal
Why dont you try doing something other then shitpost on Sup Forums on your cuckbook
aaannnddd here come the shills...
been using macs since 06
never spilled water on one
Because Sup Forums is destitute poor.
>j-j-just dont spill water on it then!111 max r gud!!11
You can't spill water on most high end electronics user
>dat redundant pleonasm
1366x768 """"high quality"""" displays
Fuck you, nigger scum!
>m.2 ssds
Thinkpads can have that too
>fast ram
lel, are you retarded
Thinkpads can have that too
>have to buy the new """thinkpads""" for m.2 ssds
no thanks
Next you learn how to repair them and charge for it, and become the new Louis Rossman
I was thinking, about half a year ago, of buying a macbook pro. In the last month I decided to grab an X220 for shitty things while keeping my desktop. But I find that hackintosh works pretty fine on it.
I wonder, is there any current thinkpad with good hackintosh compatibility and a screen resolution that's not feces?
>muh laptop can submerge underwater
>you know because I keep dropping it everytime I go to the beach and shit, I'm retarded, how bout you
you need to go back
>swearing on a christian website
>splitting window horizontally, not vertically
What the fuck is wrong with you
Just a get a vaio z flip