Sup Forums I need urgent care

Sup Forums.. Which do I use..

Win 3.1, Win 98, Win 2000, or Windows XP?

What do I do? What do I pick?! I'm not picking anything that isn't Windows but I don't want to be ruled by the CIA niggers.

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My friend, do the needful and install windows 10, the best windows!

Windows XP master race here

Use it, unless you're a faggot.


98 is the greatest operating system in the history of the world

fight fight fight

Windows 7 embedded:

server 2003

Windows XP, but a version before SP3. SP3 is almost entirely pajeetified.

Get Windows XP and install the unofficial Service Pack 4; you'll be able to recieve updates until Windows POSReady 2009 reaches its EOL. Or just get Windows POSReady 2009 since it's basically XP.

Win 2000, without question. It was the Windows 7 of it's day.

windows 2000 > xp

>Win 3.1, Win 98, Win 2000, or Windows XP
>don't want to be ruled by the CIA niggers.

What makes you think they're secure?

agreed. 2000 is the ultimate windows comfyness

windows 2000, XP or NT4

9x and 3.1 are absolute garbage when you take the nostalgia goggles off

and with any of these they'll just pop you with 0 days anyway if they're actually interested in you just like they do with modern versions of windows

I said it many times over and I'm too tired to care that this is a shitpost, but there's legitimately no way you can be an average computer and escape the long arm

This has some truth to it
XP is just comfymode though

You just have to do this one thing. First download Windows 10. Second purchase a license key. Third do the install and use the license key. Please revert with any question.


2000 is the earliest usable version of Windows. It just happens to also be the best one, as there's no activation or Windows Update or anything like that.

Failing that, ReactOS. It's Windows, kind of.

Out of those only 3.1 is possibly pre-botnet:

Install Gentoo