

Other urls found in this thread:

DAZ Loader

Kill yourself back to /s4s/.


delet this

ya, gievh thrustworthy link. I lost my copy once and don't thrust all these websites.

fast exhale of breath/10




remove wat

wat remove

wat remove? Wat.


Those things are for those who hate their privacy.

link plox

You fucking bufoons, i love you


it removes wat?

What is being removed?


what wat?

wait wat

Windows Activation Technologies

RemoveWAT is deprecated and KMS activation (Microsoft Toolkit) is the preferred way to permacrack Windows these days.

What about kys activation?


remove watt

in the butt

remov this

remov wat

I accidentally installed Windows 7 N and had to use RemoveWAT to activate it. Is it worth it to reinstall just so I can use daz/kms?
>how did you accidentally installed an os
I didn't realize what I had downloaded until I was installing and just said "fuck it". I, of course, had no idea you can't activate it by conventional means.

>kill myself activation

delet this

Format and use Daz. Make sure it's the Daz program from the MDL forums.

May I ask why? It's literally a machine I use as a console. I even have Steam set up so it starts with the system in big picture. I really don't want to reinstall, drivers are a pain in the ass on Windows 7.


REMOVE WAT remove wat
you are worst wat. you are the wat idiot you are the wat smell. return to CIA. to our freedumb cousins you may come our computer. you may live in the VM….ahahahaha ,NSA we will never forgeve you. botnet rascal FUck but fuck asshole wat stink CIA sqhipere shqipare..wat genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead wat..ahahahahahNSA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget fappening .FBI we kill the king , FBI return to your precious microsoft….hahahahaha idiot wat and CIA smell so i can smell it. REMOVE WAT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. gnu+linux+kevin=kill CIA…you will anonymous/ tupac alive in TOR, tupac making album of TOR . fast rap tupac TOR. we are rich and have bitcoin now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink wat… you live in a Dell hahahaha, you live in an HP
tupac alive numbr one #1 in phoronix ….fuck the CIA ,..FUCKk ashol wat no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur botnet and exploits. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the wat farm aminal with rap magic now we the CIA rule .ape of the botnet presidant bill gate fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and NSA wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. GNU greattst OS



Literature has just reached a new milestone

remov this

saved this thread/10

Get something instead of Daz loader. Get Microsoft Toolkit, because daz loader only supports systems up to windows 7.

this nigga




WES7 doesn't have this problem :^)

>not [s4s]




Thanks OP, I kinda needed this right now. Brings me back to a better time desu

