Firefox now only supports pulseaudio on linux

For people who like alsa, palemoon and chromium(or Iridium for your safety) exist.

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Use ERS 45 till June.

Firefox 52 has been pretty buggy for me desu

i just wanted to report the news, I've been using palemoon for the past year and see no reason to go back.

ASIO masterrace

So they don't want to fix their stupid video cache system and opt to remove support for drivers that don't like being spammed with 20+ CubeUtils streams it seems. I use pulse and have to constantly restart firefox because I can't see my fucking volume controls any more just because they can't into memory management. Stupid fucks.

has it gotten any better? last i tried it crashed more often than ff.

At least it shows up as Firefox Audio Stream now.

ASIO is for windows only. This article applies to Linux only.

But does it still require gstreamer, too?
Ironic how it's not installed on some distros and audio just wont werk in firefox

No, it uses ffmpeg now and it's been like that for a long time (at least a couple of versions back).

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I haven't had any problems with crashing in the latest version ,I've only had problems with 26 and that was not anything serious

The only problem with it is that because it is a fork of an old version of firefox it does not support some of the new add-ons

I only use ublock so i don't care

Installed SeaMonkey cause I needed Java still. It's pretty comfy.

>he's not using GNU IceCat

Yeah I think it was using gstreamer as an abstraction layer so it wouldn't have to directly interact with ffmpeg but gstreamer was a buggy piece of shit so they removed it and just use ffmpeg directly now

are they trying to make people leave until they can just shut down the project without getting shit for it?

because palemoon is more lightweight

pale moon doesn't have the e10s optimizations does it?
I tried using it a few months ago but it was much slower than ff nightly.

Use surf.

JFC, things like this are why I stopped using Linux. I do NOT miss it. Based macOS.

firefox by itself is really bloated

i use palemoon on my dell latitude D500(which has 376MB ram) and it runs perfectly. Meanwhile firefox just freezes the entire pc just by opening it

>he thinks it's PA *or* ALSA when most systems actually use both without issues

a suckless app based on webkit

holy shit the irony

Sadly it's unmaintained.

PulseAudio is meant to bridge together the different audio layers on *nix so applications do not have to worry about kernel level audio stuff. I don't see the problem with it personally.

>not hypocrisy

suckless by itself is already hypocrisy, didn't need that app for that.

I honestly think they just went insane somewhere along the way. Or replaced too many people with idiots.

I just don't think there is some intelligent maliciousness going on.

This is not really true. You just need to compile Firefox with the ALSA backend. Like they do on Alpine Linux. The ALSA code will not be removed anytime soon.

No, it is meant to imitate dmix and append network transparency and bluetooth into with the drawback of high latency. You can't do audio production with it and never will. Alsa/dmix worked just fine for people with a pci-e/onboard/hdmi/usb soundcard. people blow the problems out of proportion because they use shitty distros that didn't enable dmix as default and programmers were to lazy to write a gui like pavucontrol for alsa, simple as that.

It's just another thing that's *very* often just not needed. It's fine if you want to use it, but this is more about the fact that your typical linux distro is getting less and less modular.
Same thing with systemd, which I do not have any problems with as a user, but it's a huge fucking monolith of different functions in one block.

Given that Linux only has a 2% market share, you should be happy your shitty browser is even available at all for your special snowflake OS.

A new way to ID users.

Yes sure, just as easy as the jack backend that never got updated to deal with more than six open streams and stops giving audio at all. Have fun trying to use alsa when the next big fancy html update makes mozilla choose to open 20 audio streams for one video at once because of muh sorround sound.

>You can't do audio production with it and never will.
They state that themselves, you idiot. They explicitly suggest using things like JACK for it.
Kill yourself.

They know

I don't envy people who have to work with JACK on a professional basis. Really solid if you look at performance, but building your stack on top of JACK can be a fucking nightmare of weird edge cases.

The real problem is: when is Firefox getting OSS4 support?

This, I don't know why ALSA was even ever created.


>They explicitly suggest using things like JACK for it.
Jack is already not usable for firefox users and do you seriously expect artists to go full on autism and setup i3/xfeces on their shitty chrome books? Pulseaudio going mainstream was a mistake.

>Kill yourself.
I'm probably dead long before you get laid for the first time, don't worry.

guess who just got a bonus check from the cia

Don't worry guys, Firefox audio is fucked on Windows too. Ever since the e10s thing, I end up with literally 100s of "Mozilla Firefox"s open in the volume mixer. so so many

Up until now I wasn't even aware of its existence.
They seem to do a really shitty job when it comes to marketing. Means there is no hope of this ever being supported.

they are on suicide mode, the natural state of a SJW

Because i'm not a nigger




What a punchable face holy shit.

Sod off, my system has *very* little GNU bloat. It's not a GNU system. It's a Linux system.

GNU is the system, user. Linux, the kernel, is a secondary contribution to it. It's like you're saying "my system has *very* little Android bloat. It's not a Android system. It's a Linux system."

Linux is a bloated kernel with an outdated design and poor quality code.

Go back to bed, Richard. And stop eating stuff you picked from your toes.


I was going to do this anyway, but know i'm not going to update to the next ESR. Alsa works perfect for me. And just when they started to use ffmpeg liberating me from gstreamer. Fucking mozilla

Unless you're here since before this board became Sup Forums - technology I'm probably the older fag.
I really wasn't aware, that happens, people have gaps in their knowledge.

Wasnt 52 ESR supposed to still have Alsa or did they fuck that up?

newfag as in you just started using Linux and probably hasn't even tried any BSD yet.

OSS used to be the default on Linux and has been the default on the BSDs for ages.

>linux a shit

>Gentoo still only has 51.0.1
meme distro

Only had a cursory glance at BSD land, true.
But I'm using Debian since around 2005/6. Never really came in contact with anything but alsa.
Learned something I guess.

RIP ;_;&

I crie evrytiem :ยด(

And? Meme means popular, well known and cult-following. I think some developers just make another fork firefox+alsa. Just look what they done: gnome3 without systemd and eudev instead of faggy udev.

Linux have JACK instead of your faggy Asio.
Typical Germ-Jewish anti-human technology
What is more you don't even make music.

>append network transparency
Have you actually ever tried to use that? I got far better results just by piping sound to a local sink and writing a shell script wrapper in 5 mins to stream that to a regular media player on the receiving end than what the "network transparent"-abomination of pulse could do